60 Worst Countries In The World


Jul 29, 2008

Let's do a breakdown:

1. 7 of the top 10 are African countries
2. Overall, 30 of the 60 are African countries (including Haiti)
3. 26 of the 60 are Middle Eastern and Asian countries
4. 2 (Colombia & Bolivia) are South Americann countries
5. 2 (Moldova and Bosnia) are European countries

Note: The African count should actually be higher here, as I'm surprised some others like Libya, Tunisia, Tanzania, South Africa, etc, have not been included.

In summary, wherever White people are not present in the world, it's a hellhole. And on the opposite side, wherever Whites live, that's where everyone wants to go because those are the best places in the world.

At some point, all these people need to stop blaming whitey for keeping them down, and realize they are their own worst enemies.
Foobar, blacks still find a way to blame whites for their shortcomings in life, even in their own countries. Don't you know it was whites who stole their magic powers away from them?
Yes, there should be even more countries from Africa on that list, not Libya, however. Compared to the sub-Saharan countries, Libya is a paradise...universal health care, massive potable water projects that provide plenty of water for the people, and a money system that's not under the control of the International Bank$ters...that last one, unfortunately, probably won't last much longer once Gaddafi is deposed by the Zi0nist-backed West.

Pretty much all of them below the northern tier of African countries and to the north of South Africa should be on that list. Also, it's laughable that they have Laos "tied" with Zimbabwe and have both Zambia and Angola even lower on the list than Laos. What a joke. A friend of mine is in Laos now and says they are some of the friendliest and respectful people that he's met. Good food, a "booming" economy, relatively decent infrastructure, and the ability to travel alone with little concern of being eaten alive by the natives.

They also have the insular Buddhist country, Bhutan, on the list and scoff at their striving for "Gross National Happiness" instead of "Gross Domestic Product". There's a reason they became an "insular" country (read: non-Global) and decided to measure their country this way. I watched a very good documentary on Bhutan a couple of years ago and why they decided to go this way. When they became more "open" and global (satellite TV, etc.), they noticed a change in behavior and attitude of the people...more materialism, more depression, loosening morals ("Sex in the City", "Desperate Housewives", "CSI", etc. horsecrap) and so their Harvard-educated leader decided to restrict this and put in programs to insulate the country from this degeneracy and promote the culture that they've had for centuries instead. He then implemented a society based on how happy people were instead using various criteria. Crime is very rare there and violent crime almost non-existent.

How great would it be if a country like Ireland decided to do the same thing as Bhutan did instead of striving for ever higher and higher GDP by bringing in hundreds of thousands of cheap foreign labor? I think I'd move there in a minute. There's more to a country than just what you can buy.

So, as far as Asian countries go, neither Laos nor Bhutan should be on that list of 60 countries. That leaves the Philippines (which makes Mexico look like Spain) and Cambodia (grinding poverty with an almost endless history of war) as the only Asian countries that should be on that list, and the Philippines, culturally, is more like Bolivia, than it is like other Asian countries.

I'm surprised that Mexico is not on that list considering there's been 30,000 people killed since 2006 in the drug war. It illustrates how bad things are in much of the rest of the world.

Edited by: Highlander
No surprise here. There are lands filled with inferior, sub-races which lack the many wonderful characteristics & intelligence of the White race.
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