Brutal's comments on the weekend got me thinking about areas of athleticswhere whites were once prominent.One event that was dominated by whites that isn't mentioned much is the 400m hurdles.Not that there weren't any blacks participating and doing well,but this event was clearly white friendly.As late as 1972,when you look at the OT trials,it was mostly white led by the great Ralph Mann.But just 4 years later the OT became more of an even mix.It was like Edwin Moses came on the scene and that changed how a 400m hurldler should be like.By the 1980 OT it had totally changed and it was now just about all black and that is how it has been ever since.The 400m hurdles were the last bastion of white supremacy in track before the caste system took over there just like in all other of the sprints.With such a rich history of white hurdlers in the 400 we are know supposed to believe that whites can no longer compete.I'm sure guys like brutal will give you some excuse that blacks lacked technique in the hurdles and thats why whites dominated for so long and once they received the proper training they took over,I disagree.I just find it amazing how quickly that event went from mostly white to all black.