2023 World Outdoor Season

a story about what happens here in Australia all the time - find the faster guys and tempt them away from track.
Joshua has a (very honest) PB of 10.25 (-0.2m/s) from this season with more to come. He ran a very good lead off leg for us in the Commonwealth Games last year before Browning tripped on his spikes.
It's good to see him and other team members now in Europe getting ready for Paris - as with all smaller nations, we can't really afford to have even one of them injured or below parr.
yet he is so skinny -it proves muscles don't have to be huge, just fit for purpose

Yes even Tortu was actually faster like Lemaitre until he put on too much bulk. This goes back to coaching alot of the time.
Either bad coaching, a sprinter not listening or a combonation ot the two of them. I think medium muscle is the best. Some
guys are just natural big guys like Emile Erasmus of Henrik Larsson. They are fine but too many little and average height sprinters
try to look like a body builder and many times it slows them down. Thanks for the article.
Checking the entries for US and US under 20 Championships, and came across I didn't know - Tyler Azcano.
He is a freshman in college, and has a run a legal 10.22 and a windy 10.07 (2.6w).
He will be running in U20 Championships next week.
Maybe he (Cole Beck) will run at the US Trials. Just to say that he did, and to see if he can improve his time.
Unfortunately, Beck is not listed as an entrant for the upcoming US Trials/Championships.
Checking the entries for US and US under 20 Championships, and came across I didn't know - Tyler Azcano.
He is a freshman in college, and has a run a legal 10.22 and a windy 10.07 (2.6w).
He will be running in U20 Championships next week.

You just made my night. Thanks brother. I always get excited for new young sprinters with next level potential. I checked
out his instagram. He also has 200 p.b. of 20.91 so far!
I was just glancing at the Mens starting lists for next weekends USATF Championships/Trials.

In the 100 we have both Sam Blaskowski and Austin Kressley both entered.

In the 200 and 400 we have Matthew Boling attempting a double. I think he should have just went all out for the 200 but I guess
why not just try. Would have preferred the 100 & 200 meters but honestly he has little chance with his form at the 100,200 or 400
meters unless he finds that lost gear he hasn't had most of the year. Hope he shocks us!
There are some bigger meets tommorow on Sunday July 2nd, 2023. We have the DIamondleague Race in Europe, The Pre World Meet
in Canada and many other smaller meets all through Europe. One meet to watch is at the La Chaux De Fonds in Switzerland. It is for
the most part a high quality track meet and most years we see some really nice performances. We have so many guys racing there
but I will list a few of them and there are many more.

Resisprint International (WRC)
La Chaux-de-fonds, Stade de la Charrière, 02.07.2023 INSCRIPTIONSParticipations
1 juil. 2023 17:39
Dataservice by Internet-Service: www.swiss-athletics.ch
Imprimé le 01.07.2023 17:39:46 avec Track and Field licence de SEP Olympic La Chaux-de-Fonds Page 1 de 10
100m, Hommes 02.07.2023 / 11:00
Athlètes: 83
Doss Nom Année Pays Club Perf Info
397 Cissé Arthur 1996 CIV Côte d'Ivoire 9.96
242 Eseme Emmanuel 1993 CAM Cambodge 10.01
220 Browning Rohan 1997 AUS Australie 10.02
385 Patta Lorenzo 2000 ITA Italie 10.08
363 Wagner Julian 1998 GER Allemagne 10.11
222 Burnet Taymir 1992 NED Pays-Bas 10.11
323 Samuelsson Samuli 1995 FIN Finlande 10.12
367 Whelpton Tiaan 2000 NZL Nouvelle-Zélande 10.14
341 Taftian Hassan 1993 IRI Iran 10.14
368 Wolf Yannick 2000 GER Allemagne 10.16
270 Kranz Kevin 1998 GER Allemagne 10.18
262 Johnson Cheswill 1997 RSA Afrique du Sud 10.18
295 Mena Reynier 1996 CUB Cuba 10.19
203 Afrifah Blessing Akwasi 2003 ISR Israël 10.20
372 Zeze Ryan 1998 FRA France 10.22
263 Kamanga-Dyrbak Tazana 2002 DEN Danemark 10.23
223 Camara Ebrahima 1996 GAM Gambie 10.23
170 Wicki Silvan 1995 SUI BTV Aarau Athletics 10.27
328 Schulte Marvin 1999 GER Allemagne 10.30
107 Mancini Pascal 1989 SUI FSG Estavayer 10.30
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I was just glancing at the Mens starting lists for next weekends USATF Championships/Trials.

In the 100 we have both Sam Blaskowski and Austin Kressley both entered.

In the 200 and 400 we have Matthew Boling attempting a double. I think he should have just went all out for the 200 but I guess
why not just try. Would have preferred the 100 & 200 meters but honestly he has little chance with his form at the 100,200 or 400
meters unless he finds that lost gear he hasn't had most of the year. Hope he shocks us!
I don't think Boling has the strength to do the rounds of the 400m. He certainly doesn't have the strength to do both the 200m and 400m. I think he should just do the 200m.
Hoping for a 10.05 or better from either Rohan Browning of Julian Wagner tommorow. Why not be positve? Wagner
alone has run a 10.11 or 10.12 like four times in two years mostly with no wind. He is so overdue. We also know that
Rohan Browning is more than capable with so many sub 10.10's in his career. It's bound to happen. Hoping for them
both to smash a 10.05 at minimum and hopefully even better! Many other guys that could possibly set new personal
best times for themselves too. See what happens tommorow!
Another Italian Sprinter we haven't talked much about is the 23 year old Lorenzo Patta. He ran a 10.08 and a 10.09 windy in May. His
wind legal p.b. in the 100 is 10.13 from 2021. Patta has a 20.91 p.b. over the 200 meters. He mainly runs the 100 and the 4 x 100 Relay.
Not sure if he has been hurt or what the deal is but his only 100 meters races this years were listed above way back in May. Not sure
what type of shape he is in but he is racing tommrow in Switzerland so maybe he can pick up the slack for Tortu is he can get a little
faster and show some consistancy. I don't understand why our guys don't race more?
I was just glancing at the Mens starting lists for next weekends USATF Championships/Trials.

In the 100 we have both Sam Blaskowski and Austin Kressley both entered.
Coby Hilton is also entered in the 100m.

On the women's side we have Marybeth Sant Price, Jenna Pradini, and Mia Brahe-Pedersen! in the 100m
In the 200m it's Abby Steiner, Jenna Prandini, Halle Bieber, and Mia Brahe-Pedersen.
Another Italian Sprinter we haven't talked much about is the 23 year old Lorenzo Patta. He ran a 10.08 and a 10.09 windy in May. His
wind legal p.b. in the 100 is 10.13 from 2021. Patta has a 20.91 p.b. over the 200 meters. He mainly runs the 100 and the 4 x 100 Relay.
Not sure if he has been hurt or what the deal is but his only 100 meters races this years were listed above way back in May. Not sure
what type of shape he is in but he is racing tommrow in Switzerland so maybe he can pick up the slack for Tortu is he can get a little
faster and show some consistancy. I don't understand why our guys don't race more?
unfortunately a lot of guys break down - I always think of our Joshua Clark, a 100m NSW (my state) high school record holder who injures himself every single time he starts to run fast. I have seen him start a season with 10.15 and that was the end of his season
Coby Hilton is also entered in the 100m.

On the women's side we have Marybeth Sant Price, Jenna Pradini, and Mia Brahe-Pedersen! in the 100m
In the 200m it's Abby Steiner, Jenna Prandini, Halle Bieber, and Mia Brahe-Pedersen.

Coby Hilton must have declared recently. Very exciting. Even better is the high schooler Mia Brahe-Pedersen
entered for the experience of a life time. Her family is smart to know she needs the experience for the future!
7 Germans were in the 100m heats at La Chaux-de-Fonds - and only Yannick Wolf progresses to the A final, it looks at this time. It must be something in their water!

The magnificent Zoe Hobbs wins the big heat in 10.96 PB
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7 Germans were in the 100m heats at La Chaux-de-Fonds - and only Yannick Wolf progresses. It must be something in their water!

It's still a positive as he is in his early 20's. I believe he is 22 years old.

I will admit I'm shocked at the time by Julian Wagner. He is way too good for this. Then again so many
other sprinters with alot of talent did the exact same thing. Very strange heats. even with a negative or lack of wind.
In the A final at La Chaux-de-Fonds:
Rohan Browning 10.10, Tiaan Whelpton 10.14, Yannick Wolff 10.20. Wind -0.1

In the B final, Sami Samuelsson 10.17, Kevin Kranz 10.20. Wind 1.6.

But these times are at altitude.
I'm just in shock over what happened to Wagner and Larsson. It just doesn't make any sense. Shortly before all of the countries national
championships what a let down. I"m sure no one is as sad as they both are. Hope they can bounce back but it just makes no sense.
In the A final at La Chaux-de-Fonds:
Rohan Browning 10.10, Tiaan Whelpton 10.14, Yannick Wolff 10.20. Wind -0.1

In the B final, Sami Samuelsson 10.17, Kevin Kranz 10.20. Wind 1.6.

But these times are at altitude.

I know the track is higher but are you sure it's considered at altitude? I'm not seeing the A after the sprint times and I don't recall
seeing that the last few years. In addition to Browning looking alot better in the final we also had Zoe Hobbs win the womens
100 meters finals in a time of 11.13. Glad to see Whelpton and Wolff continue being solid. Just staying around the same times is
not always a bad thing. It shows these times are alot more than just a one off lucky race. They both have been consistant all year.


I Was Right About Jakob Ingebrigtsen​

many of the finals times were slower than 5 hours earlier - it may well be colder there as it gets towards late afternoon, denser air etc. It has views of Mont Blanc and the Alps etc.
Zoe Hobbs ran her great 10.96 time in the heats - not to worry, it still counts. Then she beat them all again later, regardless of times.

All Browning had to do to duck under 10 was hang on to the coat sleeves of the man from Cameroon who PB'ed in the final. He ran well enough a windless 10.10 - at this stage he just isn't a sub10 man unless he has some wind at his back.
I was pleased to see in his IAAF profile all his best 10 times are now 10.10 or better for a 10.07 average. Most had little to no wind.
He still needs to find that last metre of speed, that's a 1% improvement... but can they find it in him somehow?

These times aren't considered "at altitude" as the track is officially at 992m. Altitude is deemed 1000m and above. Ahaa! That answered our questions over the years about fast times there> EG Richard Kilty ran his 10.01 PB there
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