2022 Wimbledon

Good news. Novaxx wins and a Russian Lady for the Women.
Amen to the max. You gotta love how this turned out! Lefties hatin' life with these results!
It’s hard to believe this is even something that needs to be thought about. Even all of the most ardent vaxxers I know have has covid. (I got the dumb jab for work purposes but would have preferred not to). Remarkable really
Reality Can Not Be Canceled

by Good Citizen

Russian tennis ace Elena Rybakina short circuits Ukrainian Borg.

Reality always has a way of catching up to Western intelligence-media-complex propaganda and its programming diktats. Those who allow themselves to be assimilated to these borgs will inevitably face a brutal reckoning of truth and the consequences that come from its dedicated subversion.

The end result is mass mental short-circuiting, a collective fog of confusion and discomfort that forces disciples to begin the long exhaustive process of rewiring what they allowed to malfunction by outsourcing their thinking to the crowd and the social engineers entrusted with its formation. By the time they glimpse any success in attempting to reconnect to reality, chances are they’ve already outsourced their brains to a new borg created by behavioral managers to ensure the truth is continuously out of reach.

The truth is that no matter how hard the West attempts the cowardly and shameful process of trying to erase a nation of 145 million people, reality asserts that Russia can not be canceled.

The politicization of everything in the hypocritical west required Russian tennis players to be banned from playing this year on Wimbledon’s perfectly manicured lawn tennis courts by a committee of stuffy tennis mid-wits in pressed khakis and polos.

Ian Hewitt, Chairman of the All England Club, commented at the time after a meeting with (former) Prime Minister Boris Johnson: “We recognize that this is hard on the individuals affected, and it is with sadness that they will suffer for the actions of the leaders of the Russian regime.”


The players must suffer. Bring the pain everywhere and to everyone who has ever been associated with the Russian red, white, and blue, especially if it will have absolutely no impact whatsoever on the conflict in Ukraine.

As I wrote at the time of this announcement:

This is all completely normal, isn’t it? We all remember how Arthur Ashe, Pancho Gonzales, and Stan Smith were banned from Wimbledon in the late 1960s and early 1970s because of U.S. carpet bombing operations in Cambodia and Vietnam that killed half a million civilians. The All England Club committee was outraged by these war crimes and made sure those Americans paid the price for the actions of war criminal Henry Kissinger. Didn’t they?

Andy Roddick, James Blake, Andre Agassi, the Williams sisters, and Britain’s own Tim Henman were most certainly banned from the 2003 Wimbledon tournament due to the shock and awe bombing campaign of Iraq based on fabrications of “weapons of mass destruction”. The All England Club had no choice given the actions of war criminals George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Tony Blair. Those players had to suffer for the actions of the leaders of their regime. Didn’t they?

Tennis is an individual sport that has absolutely nothing to do with the politics of a nation. We used to understand that and make intelligent distinctions. The nationality of a player often doesn’t align with their residence. Many players end up training and living full time in other countries, sometimes for the majority of their careers. Russian Maria Sharapova never lived in Russia her entire career yet played as a Russian national. The same is true of the current world number one Russian player Daniil Medvedev who lives full time in Monaco.

Kazhakstan enters the chat.
Oil-rich Kazhakstan has been offering Russian tennis players support for the past decade. In exchange for sponsoring their full-time training and helping offset the costs of touring on the tennis circuit players get a Kazhak passport and are required to represent the country at international events.

The 6’ 1” Russian tennis ace Elena Rybakina took advantage of Kazhakstan’s generosity in 2018 and currently plays under their flag. There’s just one problem for the All England Tennis dorks…Rybakina was born in Moscow and still lives in Moscow. She is as much Russian, as the top Russian players who were banned from Wimbledon. Her mere presence in this year’s women’s final made things a bit…uncomfortable for the western brainwashed masses.

Their reaction to her victory and the trophy ceremony was a fascinating exercise in crowd psychology. What is usually a celebration for the first-time winner of any major tournament was instead a showcase of how fully assimilated minds cannot function without permission from others in the crowd. The applause and support were consistent for a polite sporting event but noticeably subdued for a Wimbledon final.

“Are we allowed to clap for a Russian?” They asked looking at one another.

The confused crowd who all held their secret politely were further punished by Rybakina’s grace and humility which eventually allowed the people to see that a Russian-born tennis player and rising star, was still, actually human. As Rocky Balboa did in Rocky IV in Moscow, with her trophy acceptance speech, she eventually won them over in her favor.

She didn’t rub their faces in it or shame them for banning fellow Russians (that’s my job). She didn’t gloat, collapse to the grass in an overly dramatic fashion, or race into the crowd to embrace her mother or father. Actually, she couldn’t do that because they weren’t allowed to attend with travel from Russia to the U.K. now verboten. Rybakina was instead forced to react to the discomfort of the short-circuiting borg reckoning with the folly of their denial of reality and collective embrace of all things “hate Russia!” She did so with tremendous elegance and dignity, by hardly reacting at all.


Not even the now-canceled Boris Johnson who had a role in banning Russian players could outplay or outlast Russia or Elena Rybakina. Next to her name on televisions around the world was the Kazakh flag, but everyone on planet earth, including all the fund managers, premiere league franchise owners, half-royals, and other flotsam and jetsam of the old money London socialite scene who spent the day gawking at Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in the stands knew that Rybakina is 100% Russian.

In politicizing everything and being lorded over by social engineers and psychological managers intent on manipulating everyone in one single direction like a mass formation school of fish, all humanity is lost. What remains are amalgamations of pseudo realities and the discomfort and humiliation that inevitably follows from embracing them. And the people there in their silly beige linen suits and overpriced sunglasses instinctually know that. They just don’t possess sufficient bravery or courage to openly acknowledge it. But they do have Russia to thank for sending them a 6’ 1” tennis ace to face the shame of that reality.


Great article with biting sarcasm - The best kind for the ilk of who the string-pullers are and what they are.
American Freedom News