2022-'23 NHL Season

Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorow refused to participate in the Flyers' pride night for the LBGT crowd. I wish he would get a medal for standing up for his beliefs, but he will likely be suspended.
Philadelphia Flyers hockey player Ivan Provorov boycotts "Pride Night" and refuses to wear the LGBTQWXYZ kit.

And of course the cultists are screaming "homophobic" at him. If you listen closely a reporter asks him his religion
to which he answers "Russian Orthodox." Again go Russia as they stand true to their christian values and morals.

Always stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.

The NHL is an bind. The vast majority of their fans and players agree with Provorov but, the vocal minority( majority are not even fans) and the establishment obviously do not. I suspect the NHL will cave and alienate it's true fan base slightly even more..
Tortorella said it was a great night celebrating what exactly? Forcing people to celebrate homosexual?

Man, good for this guy for having the balls to stand up and say no. As wl said Russians and Russian Americans now seem to be leading the way in saying Nyet to this Ridiculous agenda
I cannot believe there exists a professional athlete with such character and courage. I’m still worried there will be some cringing apology as the Gay mob ramps up it’s campaign against him. An article in the Inquirer likened him to Putin and as a Russian he is vulnerable to that line of attack from the media. Don’t they have to break this guy? This type of courage could spread!!
Tortorella didn't suspend Provorov or condemn him. Good on Torts. Jason Whitlock was on Tucker's show tonight and they both noted how shameful it is that it's a Russian who was man enough to stand up to Bettman and Co. for trying to force this crap on the NHL. And as they talked about, the "pride" crap is merely an extension of what all large corporations are doing and have been trying to force on all pro sports leagues in recent years, including the NHL, though of course it's likely that most of the owners in pro sports are on board.

There were several pitchers on the Tampa Bay Rays who refused to deface themselves with LBGT++++ signage this past baseball season. The usual suspects screamed and howled but it faded pretty quickly and there were no lasting negative consequences for the "heretics."

Maybe some American and Canadian hockey players will follow Provorov's example, but I won't hold my breath.
Breaking news: Provorow jerseys are flying off the shelves.
Good on him! I'm praying for him to stay strong. All the leftists can go take a flying leap and go straight to where they're going.
Breaking news: Provorow jerseys are flying off the shelves.
It would be great to see Provorov jerseys being worn by hockey fans by the millions, the way "Let's Go Brandon" t-shirts and related items were very popular for a while, as a way of showing mass resistance to the status quo.
It would be great to see Provorov jerseys being worn by hockey fans by the millions, the way "Let's Go Brandon" t-shirts and related items were very popular for a while, as a way of showing mass resistance to the status quo.
Yes I agree even though they probably own the companies that produce the jerseys. Buy fake ones that look real. Cheaper and for the
young men that want to wear one and hopefully not contributing to the people pushing for sodomy and especially in white nations.

An official licensed Jersey costs between 2 and three hundred bucks new. The cost of production is probably 10-15 bucks.

I don’t know for certain, but I’d guess that Buying them puts more money in Bettman’s pocket than Provorov’s.

Nice to see them seeking like hot cakes in a way but still kinda ridiculous price wise in my view
He is very brave. Even retired they will go after you if you push back against their agenda. The crazy thing is if enough people
had the couage of a man like Theo Fleury we wouldn't be in this mess. They can't arrest or kill everyone. Very few will have the
courage to say and do what needs to be done. I applaud Fleury as well as others both current and retired. The Woke Movement
must be eliminated from the earth. It's a cancer on sports and society.
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He is very brave. Even retired they will go after you if you push back against their agenda. The crazy thing is if enough people
had the couage of a man like Theo Fleury we wouldn't be in this mess. They can't arrest or kill everyone. Very few will have the
courage to say and do what needs to be done. I applaud Fleury as well as others both currents and retired. The Woke Movement
must be eliminated from the earth. It's a cancer on sports and society.
Very true white lightning. I concur with all your points. We need mass pushback against the entire narrative being shoved down our throats by a minority. And we need to remember folks, it is a minority shoving all this down our throats. The overwhelming majority of people do not think in this Globohomo child trannyism faggotry mindset.

Depending on where you live, bumper stickers are an effective way to communicate since you become a walking billboard everywhere you travel. The problem is, if you live in a communist woke area, the scumbuckets will just key your car and destroy it because they can't stand any pushback against their satanic agenda. I have two bumper stickers that state clearly where I stand. One says: "Make Orwell Fiction Again" and the other one says: "Resist and Fight the Neo-Bolshevik Totalitarianism Takeover!!". I put them both on 2 years ago after the election theft. The latter I had custom made. I've never had anything but compliments to me about my bumper stickers. But then again, I've never been to Seattle or Portland...
One thing that might help stop “pride” nights would be if the fans stayed away in droves for those games specifically. Like imagine an arena that typically draws 10k people having less than 1 thousand. If that was done around the league I think it would be noticed. Interestingly my local club the Florida panthers seem to have military appreciation night at every game I’ve ever been to. In addition there is officially one coming up at our next home game.

I think it’s a bit cringy as well since I think we need fewer whites to sign up to die for worthless causes but wonder if the other clubs around the league are doing the pro-war pandering but as well? What are you guys seeing?
I think it’s a bit cringy as well since I think we need fewer whites to sign up to die for worthless causes but wonder if the other clubs around the league are doing the pro-war pandering but as well? What are you guys seeing?
It's common throughout the pro sports leagues.

The military, "diversity and equity," homosexuals and trans-sexuals, cultural communism, all that and more are peddled as the way to be patriotic under the current regime.
One thing that might help stop “pride” nights would be if the fans stayed away in droves for those games specifically. Like imagine an arena that typically draws 10k people having less than 1 thousand. If that was done around the league I think it would be noticed. Interestingly my local club the Florida panthers seem to have military appreciation night at every game I’ve ever been to. In addition there is officially one coming up at our next home game.

I think it’s a bit cringy as well since I think we need fewer whites to sign up to die for worthless causes but wonder if the other clubs around the league are doing the pro-war pandering but as well? What are you guys seeing?
I think that would be a way to voice disapproval. However, is the average fan who’s going to the game even aware of these random promotional nights? Like how much is it advertised?

I used to go to a lot of Yankees games when I was younger and I never knew until I got to the gate if they were giving out some promotion. Magnetic calendar day? Great. Cap day? Awesome. Unless it was a really popular one, like bay day that would sellout, I was unaware. If “pride” night was being advertised I doubt I would have been via a medium that normie fans would access.
Various fan boycotts and fan walkouts have been organized at times for various reasons, and none were effective other than a few as one time stunts. And it takes a lot of effort to even achieve that. There's no way 90%-plus of NHL fans will not show up for a game. These are DWFs we're talking about here.

Ideology is more important than profits to the big corporations. In the American form of communism (euphemistically called wokeness), the big corporations and social media giants do the heavy lifting in conjunction with the fedgov and the other institutions of power and control. It's been reported that Hollywood studios lost over $500 billion in market value last year. It hasn't affected the sewage being spewed by them in the least. Maybe it will eventually, but it's going to take a lot more than some disgruntled fans to change things. A highly organized minority will always defeat unorganized, sporadic opposition, sporadic being the key word.
NHL Player Says If He Wanted To Support The Gays He'd Be Playing Soccer

PHILADELPHIA, PA — NHL star Ivan Provorov declined to participate in the Philadelphia Flyers' Pride Night or wear a rainbow-colored jersey, saying if he wanted to support the gay agenda he would have played soccer instead of hockey.

"Listen, man, I got nothing against the gays," said Provorov to a crowd of outraged sports writers as the rest of his team pranced across the ice gracefully in their colorful outfits. "But I ain't wearing that thing. Let's leave all that gay stuff in soccer where it belongs. Also, I believe in God and stuff, and I don't want to disobey him, so there's that."
The Global Homo Push is on Full Force and the NHL like everyone else is just going along to get along.

Tortorella didn't suspend Provorov or condemn him. Good on Torts. Jason Whitlock was on Tucker's show tonight and they both noted how shameful it is that it's a Russian who was man enough to stand up to Bettman and Co. for trying to force this crap on the NHL. And as they talked about, the "pride" crap is merely an extension of what all large corporations are doing and have been trying to force on all pro sports leagues in recent years, including the NHL, though of course it's likely that most of the owners in pro sports are on board.

There were several pitchers on the Tampa Bay Rays who refused to deface themselves with LBGT++++ signage this past baseball season. The usual suspects screamed and howled but it faded pretty quickly and there were no lasting negative consequences for the "heretics."

Maybe some American and Canadian hockey players will follow Provorov's example, but I won't hold my breath.
It’s like what Jordan Peterson said when Joe Rogan came under fire and you just have to ride out the storm for like 3 days and show some courage. The power these people have is illusory and once people stand up they have nothing to resort to but childish screeching
The Hockey Fans should protest this complete bow to sodomy. The Global Homo World gets worse every day. I think
they really went hard after the NHL because it's mostly white and they hate that. They must punish the white goyim harder!
We all know no matter what pro sports team or what league they are all owned and controled by the same people.

I honestly hate putting these pictures here but we need to document it & wake up. Not sure how to stop it other than
mass non compliance. They have all of the money and power. It's so disgusting.

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