2021 Track Season Results

Jacobs is 50% White Italian ( his mother is Italian) so give him some credit for that ... until last year he was essentially a long jumper and a leg injury was the cause if him changing to 100m.
Su time of 9.83 is a joke. Chinese state doping is 100% real like All communist states in the world including Russia .It's genetically IMPOSSIBLE for them to even go to the Olympics in any sports. They are for example ....the no1 users of beta blockers in the world and No1 producers of PED in the world .PERIOD
Their state doping is more severe than any other country including Russia or Jamaica . In the 90s they got caught very frequently , but they improved their stealth tactics ....

Do you remember that brief period in the mid-90s when Chinese female distance runners came out and broke all the world records from 1500 to 10,000, then within a couple of years all completely vanished? I wonder what the hell they were pumping into them.
Rowhan Browning runs 10.09 and misses final.
Tortu 10.16.
These guys were up against massive juice PED monkeys.

Who the hell runs 10.01 in the heats then 10.09 in the semi to miss out on the final. Another big disappointment after a great start. Seems familiar somehow.
Bucky, you mean the American Black experience....

For once the announcers acknowledge Schipper's ongoing battle with back injuries for the past 2-3 years.

Thompson is definitely as juiced as Fraser Price and the whole Jamaican team.....it is a freaking joke and a shame to athletics.

Bol looked good but not as good as the other two...

Siffan Hassan is as PED'd as they get......

Prandini panicked in my opinion, she saw SFP go in front of her and tightened up, once that happens to a sprinter in a race it is almost impossible to correct it.
Do you remember that brief period in the mid-90s when Chinese female distance runners came out and broke all the world records from 1500 to 10,000, then within a couple of years all completely vanished? I wonder what the hell they were pumping into them.

Yep that's exactly what I'm taking about!
sprintstar, I personally wouldn't be surprised if she's finishing off sponsorship contractual obligations while she can. Plus she'll be needed in the Netherlands 4 x 100 relay.
If our young 200m woman Riley Day can beat Schippers by 0.60 of a second there is something very wrong.
I wouldn't think Prandini is prone to tightening up. She maintained her form as Thomas got away in the U.S. trials 200 a, running that sub 22
Thompson is definitely as juiced as Fraser Price and the whole Jamaican team.....it is a freaking joke and a shame to athletics.
I haven't been watching the Olympics, but out of curiosity I turned over to watch the the women's 400 meter semifinals. While the other sprinters are bent over breathing heavily, squatting down to rest, visibly breathing hard after the finish. The two Jamaican women I saw in the the two heats walked off the track straight up like they had taken a walk in the park. Obviously somethings going on. Right?
I have to say I strongly believe the Chinese regime will be insisting Su Bingtian must run fast to showcase their ideology. Of course they will provide whatever is needed.
He's a great sprinter just the same. If a doper can match other nations' dopers it's a level playing field and still interesting ......... but not for the honest sprinters a few metres behind
looks to me like Gemili's international career is about over. Just can't seem to recover from his constant injuries now. Pulled up 5 metres into his 200.

Unfortunately nearly all the white dudes in the 200 looked like they were running through honey
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looks to me like Gemili's international career is about over. Just can't seem to recover from his constant injuries now. Pulled up 5 metres into his 200

Yes that was very sad to see. He is so amazing when healthy. A sub 10 and sub 20 sprinter at his best and he isn't that old but everyone ages different. Especially for
those sprinters that do it clean running the right way. PEDs really do help not only to run faster but to recover quicker. I still am glad he is natural.

Good to see Ramil Guliyev get out of the first round! What a legend he is.
the first 8 in the women's long jump (won by German woman on her last jump) all ranged from 6.80 to 7.00 metres. I can't remember when it was so concertina-ed.
In old imperial speak, 8 women within 8" of each other
The Viking - :campeon:and Benjamin 46.17 - what a race. All of a sudden Kevin Young's former WR, seemingly untouchable till this present group appeared, looks a bit slow!
How great to have competition good enough to push an athlete to new heights
This was the most amazing race I've ever seen in my life. Long live the Viking King Karsten Warholm. All three guys will amazing with eye popping times.

Ok now I have to see the Viking run the 400 before he gets to old. It's hard to give it up the 400 hurdles as he is the greatest of all time. I just want to see
him break the 400 meters world record too. The announcers said that is equivalant to a 42 second 400 meters!
Incredible 45.94 by Karsten Warholm to win Gold.

More than Incredible. Bordering on Impossible!!!
If you don't follow track, I can't describe to you how Unbelievable this time is!!!
It's unfathomable!!!
I have never heard anyone ever even mention a sub-46 time as a possibility.
Until this year the WR was 46.78. That was WR for 29 years.
Then Warholm broke it earlier this year with a time of 46.70.
Only 4 men had ever gone sub 47, and just barely. 46.70 by Warholm was the best.
Now he's taken the record to 45.94!!! It's indescribable!!!! Super human!!!
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The young "Boy named Sue" (Alison) was under Young's old WR too. When a near impossible athletics mark is reached the floodgates seem to open up for everyone else to follow through
More than Incredible. Bordering on Impossible!!!
If you don't follow track, I can't describe to you how Unbelievable this time is!!!
It's unfathomable!!!
I have never heard anyone ever even mention a sub-46 time as a possibility.
Until this year the WR was 46.78. That was WR for 29 years.
Then Warholm broke it earlier this year with a time of 46.70.
Only 4 men had ever gone sub 47, and just barely. 46.70 by Warholm was the best.
Now he's taken the record to 45.94!!! It's indescribable!!!! Super human!!!

Still getting my head round it. It's the equivalent to Bolt's 9.58, maybe more. I expect the media to downplay it because he's white, but it is one of the most monumental athletic achievements in history. Just the most massive respect and congratulations to the Viking!
Many track and field fans are already calling this the greatest Olympic race and performance ever!
Guys, I just can't tell you . . . it's literally unbelievable!!!
Still getting my head round it. It's the equivalent to Bolt's 9.58, maybe more. I expect the media to downplay it because he's white, but it is one of the most monumental athletic achievements in history. Just the most massive respect and congratulations to the Viking!

You're right Phil.
It's a monumental achievement.
Unfortunately, because an American came 2nd, that is taking a lot of US media's attention from Warholm.
But this is too great a performance to be ignored.
More than Incredible. Bordering on Impossible!!!
If you don't follow track, I can't describe to you how Unbelievable this time is!!!
It's unfathomable!!!
I have never heard anyone ever even mention a sub-46 time as a possibility.
Until this year the WR was 46.78. That was WR for 29 years.
Then Warholm broke it earlier this year with a time of 46.70.
Only 4 men had ever gone sub 47, and just barely. 46.70 by Warholm was the best.
Now he's taken the record to 45.94!!! It's indescribable!!!! Super human!!!

And, as I always said about Usain Bolt, if he's ever caught for doping then Warholm's nevertheless still the best there's ever been
I put the Nordic Vikings Accomplishment into perspective. The word EPIC does not even describe it. Yes it was similar and I believe greater
than the w.r. time run by Usain Bolt. This race will be talked about for decades and possibly never be broken. Even Warholm was shocked at
the time. He is one of the greatest track & field athletes that we have ever seen to grace this beautiful planet earth!
To quantify Warholm’s World Record:
He took 1.63% off his previous World Record

Bolt took 1.14% off his 100m Record when he ran 9.58 in the Olympic Final.

So indeed Karsen Warholm ran the greatest/most impressive run in Olympic History. As I said before the final that it was the most loaded race I have ever seen in 7 decades at least.
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