2021 college football week 12

@TwentyTwo - thanks as always for the write ups!

Trey McBride goes over 1000 yards receiving for the season! He still has one game left.

Nice to see Arizona State lose as well. Oregon State uses QB/LB/RB Jack Colletto in a variety of ways - he had a great catch called back due to a holding penalty. He ended up with 6 rushes for 57 yds and a TD. His 47 yard TD run came on a wildcat play on 4th and 2!
Reminds me of Nall!!
Watching that video of Plumlee makes me happy and sad. The speed is out of this world. He is faster than Lamar Jackson and many of the other so called Super Men Dual
Threat Quarterbacks they hype to the moon and back. Another thing I noticed is that everytime he scored a td he pointed up at God. Tim Tebow got screwed over more because
of his faith than his talent in my honest opinion. The same with Jimmer Fredette in the NBA. Their worst fear is a potential superstar that loves God & Jesus. The last one
I can think of was Kurt Warner. This world has become Antichrist and Anti God. They want kids looking up to gay guys and thugs. They take everything moral and make it bad. Then they promote everything bad as good. So Plumlee scared them with his sprinter speed, good looks and his faith. So they took him out of the lineup rarely to be seen since except
for some occasional receptions at wide out. This kid could be like Cmac if they put him at running back. What a crime. As for his qb performance, he wasn't nearly as bad as they
made him out to be for a freshman. He had some beautiful passes right on the money. He showed arm strength & accuracy. His speed leaves me in awe!
American Freedom News