2019 MLB Season

Nationals are playing tbe Dodgers right now in the deciding Game 5 of this series. I am a Nats fan albeit not a diehard, but the Dodgers are so white it is hard not to root for them. LA is up 3-0 in the third.
In the earlier game, St Louis crushed the Braves 13-1. They had 10 runs in the top of the first! Biting my nails watching the Dodgers-Nats game, Nationals scored a run in the top of the 6th to make it 3-1.
I am really hoping the Astros dont make it tomorrow, imagine the narratives if this team goes on to win the whole thing, they will be the model of how to build a team (young latin sluggers and white starting ptichers)
Nationals just tied the game in the 8th with two back-to-back solo homers (on two pitches) from Clayton Kershaw in relief. They are doing some sort of multicultural "dance party" in the Nats dugout. I remember a couple of years ago they were very white. Now, not so much. Hopefully the Dodgers can hold them for the rest of the inning and score a run or two to win this thing.
7-4 Nationals, bottom of the 10th. Almost all-white Dodgers are gone. Go Cardinals!!!!
Dodgers need to fire Dave Roberts - he can't manage pitchers in the post season.
Getting ready to watch Nationals - Cards Game 3 of the NLCS. Even though major league rosters are majority white, and the fan base is overwhelmingly white, on the pre-game show "MLB On-Deck" on TBS, 4 out of 5 of the studio commentators are black. The globalist cabal needs to constantly shove down the throats of whites the explicit and implicit message "you are going to be replaced". How long will it be before the situation gets so ridiculous that 4 out of 5 people on hockey shows are black?
Good luck to Washington, too bad Bryce Harper left. I would've, obviously, preferred L.A., then Atlanta (for obvious Caste reasons), but these two A.L. teams are so odious, I won't watch a minute the ALCS. Perhaps I'll watch some of the WS and root for Washington's 3 top starters? To show how indifferent I am to these A.L. teams, last night around 7;00 PM I surfed onto MLB.com to see if both Houston and N.Y.'s lineups included the standard 2 "crackers" each. What I didn't realize, was the game started at 4:00PM and already went final. No big deal, as I wasn't going to watch anyway.

Every year, after the MLB season, various Latin countries have "Winter Leagues". Usually, it's all Latin rosters, with a couple "Gringo's" mixed in. That's how Houston and N.Y.'s current lineups look to me. Hopefully these games will be very lowly rated on TV.

All the Caste talking heads will carry on about all these "Latin players" spiking the ratings among "Latin Americans". That's likely bull crap! The vast majority of the Latin born baseball players are either Black Dominican's and Cubans, or a heavy mix of mulatto's from Venezuela. Does anybody think you're average Mexican/Central American in places like California, Texas and New Mexico will give a sh!t about about black Dominican's and Cubans just because they speak Spanish? Venezuelan's and Dominican's probably make up a small percentage of the Latin population in this country and much less than 1% of the overall U.S. population, yet they are the bulk of Houston and N.Y. lineups? At least with the NBA, blacks comprise like 13% of the population and blacks are voracious TV watchers of sports. How is baseball really benefiting from these Venezuelan and Dominican dominated teams, outside of DWF's wetting their diapers every time a "walking Steroid" like Gleyber Torres hits a dinger?

Just thinking about it, has anyone outside of New York City ever met a Dominican? I'm pretty sure I never have?
Good luck to Washington, too bad Bryce Harper left. I would've, obviously, preferred L.A., then Atlanta (for obvious Caste reasons), but these two A.L. teams are so odious, I won't watch a minute the ALCS. Perhaps I'll watch some of the WS and root for Washington's 3 top starters? To show how indifferent I am to these A.L. teams, last night around 7;00 PM I surfed onto MLB.com to see if both Houston and N.Y.'s lineups included the standard 2 "crackers" each. What I didn't realize, was the game started at 4:00PM and already went final. No big deal, as I wasn't going to watch anyway.

Every year, after the MLB season, various Latin countries have "Winter Leagues". Usually, it's all Latin rosters, with a couple "Gringo's" mixed in. That's how Houston and N.Y.'s current lineups look to me. Hopefully these games will be very lowly rated on TV.

All the Caste talking heads will carry on about all these "Latin players" spiking the ratings among "Latin Americans". That's likely bull crap! The vast majority of the Latin born baseball players are either Black Dominican's and Cubans, or a heavy mix of mulatto's from Venezuela. Does anybody think you're average Mexican/Central American in places like California, Texas and New Mexico will give a sh!t about about black Dominican's and Cubans just because they speak Spanish? Venezuelan's and Dominican's probably make up a small percentage of the Latin population in this country and much less than 1% of the overall U.S. population, yet they are the bulk of Houston and N.Y. lineups? At least with the NBA, blacks comprise like 13% of the population and blacks are voracious TV watchers of sports. How is baseball really benefiting from these Venezuelan and Dominican dominated teams, outside of DWF's wetting their diapers every time a "walking Steroid" like Gleyber Torres hits a dinger?

Just thinking about it, has anyone outside of New York City ever met a Dominican? I'm pretty sure I never have?
Mexicans have no use for Afro Mexicans as they are treated poorly in Mexico, many Mexicans that have African ancestry lie and say that their dark skin is from Indian blood, there is no way a recent Mexican immigrant is going to identify with African looking Dominicans or Cubans.
... major league rosters are majority white, and the fan base is overwhelmingly white, on the pre-game show "MLB On-Deck" on TBS, 4 out of 5 of the studio commentators are black. The globalist cabal needs to constantly shove down the throats of whites the explicit and implicit message "you are going to be replaced". How long will it be before the situation gets so ridiculous that 4 out of 5 people on hockey shows are black?
It's already 1 out of 3 on the NHL Pregame and intermission telecasts, and 1 out of 2 for some camera angles this season, in a sport 99 percent White. The agenda is in our face and down our throats, as you affirmed.
Well Mike Trout will have a new manager in old timer and Cubs world series winner Joe Madden. Madden is not an in game genius and almost fumbled up the Cubs during their world series win but I like the hire anyway. It is for three years but he is an amiable easy going type who the players will enjoy playing for. And I suspect now is the time that the team is pretty much turned over to Mike Trout as the undisputed leader of the team. It still burns me that Mike missed too big a chunk of the season especially the last month or so.
Well Mike Trout will have a new manager in old timer and Cubs world series winner Joe Madden. Madden is not an in game genius and almost fumbled up the Cubs during their world series win but I like the hire anyway. It is for three years but he is an amiable easy going type who the players will enjoy playing for. And I suspect now is the time that the team is pretty much turned over to Mike Trout as the undisputed leader of the team. It still burns me that Mike missed too big a chunk of the season especially the last month or so.

Do you know where Madden stands as far as the caste system? Is he white-friendly or is he likely to bring in a bunch of Latin players?
As anyone watching the American League Championship Series? The Houston Astros have a 3=1 lead going into tonight. The NY Yankees been outclassed and outplayed. They are however
leading 4=1 in game 5 going into the 7th inning. If NY holds on it goes back to Houston for Games 6 & 7. Houston is trying for their 2nd world series championship in 3 years. Both of these
teams along with the Dodgers and Twins are loaded with talent. Anyways the world series should be exciting as the Washington Nationals are there for their first time ever!
I am watching the ALCS. I want to get an idea of the opponents the Nationalists will face. Houston appears to be marginally better from a caste perspective then the Yanquis. Though one of their three everyday white players is the lonsman Bregman. Even though Houston is losing this game it will probably be this team that the Washington Team faces in the World Series. It should be a good, competitive WS. Got to like seeing Justin Verlander in this WS also.
Lost interest in the playoffs after the Dodgers were bounced out. Just hope Washington can pull it off against the (un) American League.
Lost interest in the playoffs after the Dodgers were bounced out. Just hope Washington can pull it off against the (un) American League.

Another great post by Dwight Mansburden, who I wish would post much more often. Couldn't agree more; posted that myself a few days ago. Again, shame of the A.L. teams is both the Yankees and Astros were teeming with excellent, white position prospects. I guess it's hard to compete with Dominican's, Cuban's and Venezuelan's who can purchase steroids at their local pharmacies (during the off-season) as easily as American's can purchase Pop-Tarts? No doubt their fellow countrymen have found a way to get them the undetectable "candy" they need during the season.

At various points during the season, Freethinker has posted Yankee lineups which included up to 7 whites starting. Mike Tauchman (not Jewish) and Greg Bird are both currently injured. But the likes of Luke Voit, Mike Ford, Clint Frazier and Tyler Wade are all sitting around, watching these games on TV. And the Yankees fared really well (record-wise) with these Goys in the lineup. Also, underrated backup catcher Austine Romine is glued to the bench, while starter Gary Sanchez shows off his gaudy .107 BA...In fairness, Sanchez, the oldest looking 26 year old baseball, does have a much better career post season average -- .172 BA and .215 OBP in 107 PA's.
At various points during the season, Freethinker has posted Yankee lineups which included up to 7 whites starting. Mike Tauchman (not Jewish) and Greg Bird are both currently injured. But the likes of Luke Voit, Mike Ford, Clint Frazier and Tyler Wade are all sitting around, watching these games on TV. And the Yankees fared really well (record-wise) with these Goys in the lineup. Also, underrated backup catcher Austine Romine is glued to the bench, while starter Gary Sanchez shows off his gaudy .107 BA...In fairness, Sanchez, the oldest looking 26 year old baseball, does have a much better career post season average -- .172 BA and .215 OBP in 107 PA's.
Yes, and those Yankees were fun to watch as they carried the team into 1st place. Had great energy / chemistry along with solid fundamentals and clutch hitting.

Fast-forward to the playoffs and it back to the all or nothing “star players”. Encarnacion and Sanchez were beyond terrible and offer nothing in the field. Hicks was bad other than the 3 run homer he hit. Judge, Gregorius and Urshela all hit below .250 and don’t even get me started on the waste of a roster spot Stanton was. Ford / Voit and Wade would have all added more value. Also, having CC Sabathia was a waste as well. Horrible roster management. Shame that Tauchman was hurt....
Anybody else watching the World Series? I'm surprised there isnt a thread for it but I'm posting here for anyone interested. Nationals are my choice. Dodgers were done in early again this post season so Nationals it is now...
I am watching it BFU. Glad to see the Nationals winning and Scherzer pitching well. Also great to see Zimmerman with the home run! Turner and Eaton have some hits as well.
I am watching it BFU. Glad to see the Nationals winning and Scherzer pitching well. Also great to see Zimmerman with the home run! Turner and Eaton have some hits as well.
Yep, 5-2, top of the 7th. So far, so good.
It's been 5-2 for a while. He's good but had a rough stretch early. But go Nationals!
George Springer is having a fantastic game. Solo home run and a double that just missed going out of the park that made it 5-4.
So far so good for our guys in the Nationals lineup: Adam Eaton 4 for 8 with 1 HR, Ryan Zimmerman 3 for 9 with 1 HR, and Trea Turner 2 for 8 with 2 R, 2 BB.

So our Nationals are hitting 9 for 25 (.360 BA). A good start! Nationals up 2 games to 0 and in the driver's seat heading back to DC.
I live outside DC so am pretty happy for the Nats. Usually only start 3-4 whites but that is a tad better than the Astros.

From a non racial perspective it is pretty incredible that a good but not great team just flipped a switch about two weeks ago and has won 8 straight. They already beat Cole and Verlander so they may well sweep going back to DC.
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