2018 Winter Olympics

actually the majority of the players on the USA and Canadian women's hockey teams at this years Olympics are straight not lesbian BUT the level of hockey played by them is on par with 13-14 year old house league boys teams.
actually the majority of the players on the USA and Canadian women's hockey teams at this years Olympics are straight not lesbian BUT the level of hockey played by them is on par with 13-14 year old house league boys teams.

Enough of them are or will be soon enough. And the level of hockey is embarrassing. It's the one Olympic event I refuse to consider watching or recording. I grow so tired of the talking heads telling us that "such and such female competitor is the best in the world" when the top female wouldn't place among the top fifty men. I wish they could have a men's Olympics and a separate women's Olympics.
in actual fact there is not 1 woman hockey player that could even play in a top Boys Rep Midget aged league, the speed, talent and hitting would end them quickly. So I would say there is not 1 woman hockey player who could place in the top 100,000 men. Separate Winter Olympics would be great.
As they do at the end of every Olympics NBC showed a montage to the score of Remember the Titans. What was terrible about this one was they went out of their way to include the father of Mammy from Ghana (the short track skater they tried to ram down our throats). She didn't even qualify for the finals but her father is included in the montage. Adam Rippon finished tenth and is included in the montage. They've ruined the Olympics with this episode, much like Rian Johnson has ruined all of Star Wars.