2018-2019 NHL Season

Stanley Cup Game 7 Viewership Hits All-Time NHL High

Sports fans love stats and the record slashing Game 7 of the 2019 Stanley Cup certainly provided a net full of data for the St. Louis Blues, NBC, the NHL and everyone else.

First of all, the final numbers are in and the first ever championship win for the Missouri team over the Boston Bruins last night in the Massachusetts metropolis scored an audience of almost 9 million.


In fact, the Blues 4-1 victory over the Original 6er crew turns out to be the most watched NHL game ever on any network since ratings data started to be complied in 1994. Leaning towards the future of television as well as the traditions, Game 7 of the 2019 Stanley Cup is the most streamed NHL face-off ever too with an Average Minute Audience of 191,500 viewers.

Interestingly enough the previous record holder for most watched NHL game was the last time the Stanley Cup went to a Game 7. Compared to that Bruins winging and series clinching match-up against the Vancouver Canucks on June 15, 2011, last night’s Game 7 was up just over 4% in sets of eyeballs.

Unsurprisingly, the Blues’ victory was NBC’s highest rated game ever in the local market with a 41.8. Over in Boston, the 30.2 local rating was the best any Bruins game has done since Game 6 of the 2013 Stanley Cup.

BTW, for those not familiar with Craig Berube, who took over as the Blues' head coach after they were dead last in the NHL standings in January and led them to the Stanley Cup, he was one of the toughest players in league history, ranking seventh on the all-time penalty minutes list and was an accomplished fighter. He had a fierce, no-nonsense visage and was always ready to mix it up. If you like hockey fights type in Craig Berube fight highlights on YouTube.
Good to hear about the stats and Coach Berube. I didn't really care who won but I'm glad the Blues did, finally. The Cup long waited for...
I've been a huge NHL fan for a long time. Only reason I do not post in the NHL thread's like I used to is there is virtually no feedback on posts, so I've mostly just stopped posting about hockey. There seemed to be a lot more real avid NHL fans/posters here between 2009 and 2014 (Rebaljo and others), before my 4 year hiatus from CF.

Anyhow, I remember Craig Berube really well. I always considered him white, but the media did not. They labeled him Native North American. I remember when he was suspended and fined for using the term "monkey" to describe negro-NHL tough-golem Peter Worrell in 1997. Per my recollection, Berube vehemently denied he was racist and claimed he often referred to NHL fighters of all races as "monkeys". During the same period, white tough-goy Matthew Barnaby used to famously refer to white fighter Lyle Odlein as Cornelius (Planet of The Apes reference). Can't say I disagree regarding Odlein physical appearance, but Barnaby also possessed Simian-like facial features, in my opinion. Perhaps Berube was correct about them all looking like "monkeys" after years of being punched in the face?

What was even more comical, is shortly after Berube was suspended in '97, his Capitals teammate, and fellow Native North American, Chris Simon was suspended for 3 games for even more severe racial slurs towards Mike Grier, who's brother is the current GM of the Miami Dolphins. Grier allegedly mocked Simon's heritage, so Simon responded with the dreaded "N-Word", then whacked him with a stick.

Got to say, the Canadian Natives surely never got the memo from our Kosher friends, that blacks are the coolest people on the Planet and can never be mocked....Funny thing is, whites are routinely racially harassed by blacks in the NFL and NBA and our Bagel Munching chums don't seem to care a bit? No suspensions or fines or bad press for all the blacks that used to terrorize Ricky Proehl and others with "racial slurs" on a regular basis during the same decade Simon and Berube were punished? Currently, Stephen Smiff Sr. on The NFL Network derisively refers to white DB's as "Unicorns" on the air and all the cucks and Jewish supremacist on set just giggle and laugh like little school girls?

P.S.: By the way, after retiring, Matt Barnaby would go on to leave his wife and children for ESPN harpy Michelle Beedle, who went from a very pretty, voracious hockey fan (NHL and College) in her early days at ESPN (around 2009), to what she is currently -- a rapidly aging, childless Hen who blathers on about social justice issues and slobbers over every NBA afflete like a 13 year old at Justin Bieber concert.
I've been a huge NHL fan for a long time. Only reason I do not post in the NHL thread's like I used to is there is virtually no feedback on posts, so I've mostly just stopped posting about hockey. There seemed to be a lot more real avid NHL fans/posters here between 2009 and 2014 (Rebaljo and others), before my 4 year hiatus from CF.

Anyhow, I remember Craig Berube really well. I always considered him white, but the media did not. They labeled him Native North American. I remember when he was suspended and fined for using the term "monkey" to describe negro-NHL tough-golem Peter Worrell in 1997. Per my recollection, Berube vehemently denied he was racist and claimed he often referred to NHL fighters of all races as "monkeys". During the same period, white tough-goy Matthew Barnaby used to famously refer to white fighter Lyle Odlein as Cornelius (Planet of The Apes reference). Can't say I disagree regarding Odlein physical appearance, but Barnaby also possessed Simian-like facial features, in my opinion. Perhaps Berube was correct about them all looking like "monkeys" after years of being punched in the face?

What was even more comical, is shortly after Berube was suspended in '97, his Capitals teammate, and fellow Native North American, Chris Simon was suspended for 3 games for even more severe racial slurs towards Mike Grier, who's brother is the current GM of the Miami Dolphins. Grier allegedly mocked Simon's heritage, so Simon responded with the dreaded "N-Word", then whacked him with a stick.

Got to say, the Canadian Natives surely never got the memo from our Kosher friends, that blacks are the coolest people on the Planet and can never be mocked....Funny thing is, whites are routinely racially harassed by blacks in the NFL and NBA and our Bagel Munching chums don't seem to care a bit? No suspensions or fines or bad press for all the blacks that used to terrorize Ricky Proehl and others with "racial slurs" on a regular basis during the same decade Simon and Berube were punished? Currently, Stephen Smiff Sr. on The NFL Network derisively refers to white DB's as "Unicorns" on the air and all the cucks and Jewish supremacist on set just giggle and laugh like little school girls?

P.S.: By the way, after retiring, Matt Barnaby would go on to leave his wife and children for ESPN harpy Michelle Beedle, who went from a very pretty, voracious hockey fan (NHL and College) in her early days at ESPN (around 2009), to what she is currently -- a rapidly aging, childless Hen who blathers on about social justice issues and slobbers over every NBA afflete like a 13 year old at Justin Bieber concert.
I remember Berube as a Flyer goon and I always thought he was ethnic Italian(I knew nothing of his background), but with your revelation and looking at his photos he does look Metis(Mestizo).

To be honest he must have a head of stone and a body of iron as he fought nearly every night in his era and so many of his fighting contemporaries have become punchy or already dead from drug abuse. I remember a disproportionate amount of Native players were goons in this era and I only recall Brian Trottier as a skilled Native player from his playing era.

PS, gambling addict and known party animal Charles Barkley was at game 7 of the NHL final and he said he was there to root for his "boy" Craig Berube, so I wonder if they knocked back a few together on Broad Street in the wee hours....
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