So... people can't just dislike him because of his attitude and behavior? It has to be a racial thing?
Typical knee-jerk reaction by "liberal" jerks.
Lebron James will never be as great as Michael Jordan or Larry Bird or a number of other all time greats simply because he doesn't seem to be very tough mentally, or even physically.
You'd have to tie Larry Bird—even if he had a broken back—to the locker room to keep him out of a crucial game.
Lebron James is pampered and groomed by the media because the NBA is desperate for "stars" to make it appear as if it is profitable and actually a good product. He is NOT tough.
Is he talented? Yes, of course.
But is he GREAT? Great enough to stand alongside Jordan, Pippen, Bird, Magic, Jabbar, Cousy, West, Stockton, Malone, etc?
No way.
He probably will continue to win titles because it is in the NBA's financial interest that he do so. Therefore, gift-calls from refs, other special treatment.
This ****** on the radio is just the average low-intelligence douchebag who has to turn everything into a racial issue simply because he hasn't got the mental toughness to actually face an issue and work through it like a MAN.
As in, if Lebron has maturity and toughness issues, they ought to be addressed so the guy can actually clean up his act and LEGITIMATELY become an all-time great.
Instead, "wa-waaaaaah, I have a penis but I am on my rag all the time, waaaah, people dislike my gay crush Lebron because he's Black and not because he's an overrated, pampered doucherocket, waaah..."
This same personality comes off in many offices around the US and other Western societies where minorities (including women) fall back on the "you hate me because I'm a [Black person/Mexican/woman/homosexual etc.], and not because I am a sh*tty worker who calls in sick all the time and does a half-as$ job and I can be replaced by a White MAN and the company would INSTANTLY improve..."
This c*nt on the radio is an enabler, the same type that contributes to the collapse of our increasingly laughable society.