FT, Personally I thought the way they had been running their playoffs for the past 15 yrs was okay. 3 division winners, & then the subsequent 5 seeded up underneath 'em. I don't see a meaningful benefit, w/the new format.. and didn't really hear any grassroots complaints about the earlier-2000s playoff format that had been in effect. Seems like an example of fixing something that wasn't broke.
My general complaint about the NHL (& NBA) playoffs, are that too many teams make it; reducing the intensity & value of their regular seasons. I'd cut each conference down to 6 playoff teams (12 total instead of current 16).. top 2 seeds from each conference earn their byes. But I understand, smaller playoffs= less revenue, so..
I think @ one point 16 NHL teams made the playoffs, when the league had less than 25 teams.. what's the point of a regular season ?