thanks for the appreciation guys. Yeah about the music, I try to mix it up between genres but Youtube has gotten pretty complex and allows how many people view your video and how many minutes of the video they watch, where they leave the video, if they replay a part of the video etc. I have found that with videos that do not have hip hop in them, viewers watch less of the video. So even though a song without hip hip may have more views, it might have an average of 1 minute watched, maybe its not just the music, making these has been a learning process for me, I try to put some plays that would grab the average person's attention, but sometimes people don't see what I see, a 14 yard gain could be great blocking or it could be the result of great skills of one player, but the average person would rather see a 30+ yard play where the defenders bit on the fake and got sucked in close to the los and took bad angles, they don't notice that, or a big reception that was due to blown coverage rather than a smaller one that required alot more skill, those are the ones that are usually the majority of an affletes highlight, i try to use more footage, with the flashier plays the beginning so nobody can say "well anyone can look good in a highlight", well mine are longer than the average one and the players still look good.
I wish you could enjoy it but the idea is to grab a bigger audience, and retain their attention to actually watch the whole thing. I have had trouble with finding songs in general that have a sound that fits a highlight video that also aren't blocked by youtube because of copyright.
The two videos that really made me want to start doing my own were Jordy Nelson with the song by Queen-can't stop me now and Jacob Hester - a little less conversation by Elvis and to a lesser extent Abram Booty with Foo Fighters,the hero song.
I would love suggestions for songs that would fit well with a highlight video, stuff like I just mentioned that really grabs your attention, pop, alternative etc. I will try to use them, if they aren't muted because of copyright. Sometimes I keep remaking a video with a new song and it keeps getting muted to where i just say screw it and put something random on there, there are a few that have music from another highlight video, the problem is there is game audio in part of it, this was the case for the Brian Hartline video, it was from a JJ Reddick video.
I have looked at videos of other prospects and its pretty much all hip hop, except for a few, which is usually the same song like that one, I think its called requiem for a dream. So I would love suggestions. The problem with using another song for the same video is that it could be used for another prospect, although with Burkhead I could delete it if the song is good, but there has been a good amount of views for the first few days, but maybe that was you guys, if you are copying and pasting the youtube link in another window, because there were only a few views from Castefootball. Don't worry, not all of them are going to be hip hop, I like to enjoy the videos I make too, and the songs are a little harsh with the vocals.
Maybe a good idea is to upload a second one with a song that has already been used in one of my videos or another popular video of a White player, since I don't like reusing songs, so it would just be for you guys and wouldn't have to worry about wasting a song that could be used for another prospect.