2012 London Olympic Games Athletics

Lost in all of the hullaballoo over LeMaitre, we should note that Nick Symmonds did himself proud, running a phenomenal 1:42.xx in the 800. He saved the best run of his career for his most important race and knocked 8 tenths of a second off his PR. I don't know if his competition were doped (except for teammate Duane Solomon who was definitely doped--he's been a 1:45/1:46 runner his entire career and suddenly in the month before the Olympics became a 1:43/1:42 guy--by contrast Symmonds had often run in the 1:43s), but they were just too good.

Nice job by Nick.

I agree that Nick was a little too late in making his move and possibly missed out on a bronze. I think he may have gotten caught off-guard by the fast pace. Still, a very respectable finish indeed.

I'd like to believe Rudisha is clean. He's been doing it for a few years now, so I'm not going to acccuse him of anything. It was an incredible time and race.

Remember, our man Galen Rupp is going for his 2nd medal tomorrow in the 5000m and for another opportunity to make some history. I'm sure NBC will be promoting him heavily ahead of that race, instead of fellow "Americans" Lopez Lomong and Bernard Lagat.

And finally, I still have this sick feeling in my stomach about what happened to poor Morgan Uceny in the 1500m final today. How can lightning strike twice like that? Unbelivable! She was looking very good for a medal. I'm not sure how one can possibly recover from back to back disappointments like this.
In fairness, seems like almost all of the women are looking ripped and sinewy these days. The bronze medal winning Ukraines look like the Lou Ferrigno quadruplets.. even while resting during the post-race pictures.

I guess the heavy weight training, being blessed (or cursed) with abs of stone, and looking like men with wigs is worth the extra tenths off their times, and the corresponding medals. Hopefully they soften up a bit after they retire.. unless their wives and girllfriends like them studly.

In fairness, seems like almost all of the women are looking ripped and sinewy these days. The bronze medal winning Ukraines look like the Lou Ferrigno quadruplets.. even while resting during the post-race pictures.

I guess the heavy weight training, being blessed (or cursed) with abs of stone, and looking like men with wigs is worth the extra tenths off their times, and the corresponding medals. Hopefully they soften up a bit after they retire.. unless their wives and girllfriends like them studly.

Povh could be a drug cheat, but I doubt she is connected to the latest pharmaceuticals like Pharmalita and the Jamaicans. The other woman looks cut but still womanly in appearance. The quartet also ran a more realistic time. People were saying the old Eastern Bloc and Chinese records in track should be asterixed. What does this new record mean?:icon_rolleyes:
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I agree that Nick was a little too late in making his move and possibly missed out on a bronze. I think he may have gotten caught off-guard by the fast pace. Still, a very respectable finish indeed.

I'd like to believe Rudisha is clean. He's been doing it for a few years now, so I'm not going to acccuse him of anything. It was an incredible time and race.

Remember, our man Galen Rupp is going for his 2nd medal tomorrow in the 5000m and for another opportunity to make some history. I'm sure NBC will be promoting him heavily ahead of that race, instead of fellow "Americans" Lopez Lomong and Bernard Lagat.

And finally, I still have this sick feeling in my stomach about what happened to poor Morgan Uceny in the 1500m final today. How can lightning strike twice like that? Unbelivable! She was looking very good for a medal. I'm not sure how one can possibly recover from back to back disappointments like this.
I think Symmonds thought the field would come back to him because the front end speed was too fast for the field. Three runners did come back to him but he had too much ground to make up. The style of running he did was for a tatical race, what Rushida did was a straight time trial and he dared the rest of the field to try and hang with him.
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The East Germans were obviously doping

​​​I am happy that the U.S. women's relay team has obliterated the suspect record set by the East Germans. I find it strange that a combined Germany never came close to equaling that dubious 4x100m relay record of the East German women's team since the advent of stringent drug testing. Why weren't the East German men not as dominant, and why didn't the East German men also not set a record? Why didn't the East Germans pass on their successful training methods (for women at least) to the unified German track team? Not even the muscular Ukrainian women team that took the bronze medal came close to breaking that bogus record.
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you can go tae **** , senor wave

it is womens spinting it doesnt really matter.

the germans only concentrated on doping female
sprinters , as they knew they were gauranteed success one hundred fold , for their propaganda machine .
where the biggest gains could be made as in
female swimming .

similarly focused on doping in the strength events for men
where know big gains could be achived .

just like china nowadays , focuses on
gymnastics, diving ,etc things that know
with there fine motor skills and control of body can achive more success
especially events that depend on starting at
a really young age like swimming and gymnastics
that can regimentalise

simple really .

as for male sprinters , the techniques and knowledge of how to use even cycle steroids was archaic .
and they had a short time frame in which to figure it out before testing came in ,~ 1970 -1985 , oh sorry before
the wall collapsed and were getting there ..
another decade without controls and be some more
examples but alot more hit and miss with males
really have to look hard and start young.
like they did in ussr .
women just alot easier and can catch later in life .

even the steroid programmes on alot of women
destroyed their longterm health due to not fully understanding toxicity and cycling them .
many articles on this
and also not like knowledge and peds have at disposal nowadays
and training knowledge for that .

not many sprinters weightlifted as part of training
until earlier eighties when knew worked for it .
so see many factors lead to lack of
male sprinters
and when starting to figure out the place was starting to collapse and athletics was last of worries
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and the germans never had peds that
these so called american ,so called women have at disposal

that results in 4 healthy and at or near peak shemales runnning in the
10.8-10.9 bracket

and add to this , a new mondo track that is verging on technological doping ,
that could of at least given them in total .20 of second
especially if starting from a running start and depending on sprinters foot plant/ technique .
and the faster go more track gives back .

ever wondered why men are breaking 100m record with sarms.
and not women , simply comes down to androgen receptor,
not as pronouned in them . , why they are women , .
and cant get same enhancement from them but can with them
more easily produce sprinters under 11 , as the quality they need
is this, a well functioning receptor ,that will allow them to train hard
in winter or whenever and enhance fast twitch fibres and other facets, as best can over time .
need good old days of chronic steroid use to achieve record though for women , for now
pharmalita showes this , using as much fast acting testosterone as can but by
staying in testing parameters , and to really abuse steroids need to go well beyond them .
that is for now until better sarms arrive on scene or find some tall bolt like women
that can handle stress of sprints but highly highly dought this when comes to women .
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36.84/4 = 9.21

Man, that is sick.
Ignoring the advantage of outstretched arms to account for not being at top speed for the baton pass, and assuming 1 second advantage for a flying start for runners 2, 3 and 4, and a 0.2 disadvantage for two curves the calculation is (36.84 + 3 - 2* 0.2)/4 = 9.86 average. Still sick!

Hey Freddie thanx for that breakdown. So once Bolt got the baton, how long did it take him to hit the tape? Can I get that info on track and field news?

If he already had a running start . . .

On another note, I know he got DQ'd, but Gemeli looked great in the relay. He's like a Morrocan Bob Hayes.

What do you guys think of Rudisha in terms of chemical assistance? How do runners at that distance enhance their performance in an era when thare are so many ways to increase the oxygen content of their blood.

His performance was as dominant as Bolt's. And the times in that race were unreal. That is the greatest 800 meter race in history.
Yes, CL should have run the last leg. They put the wrong athlete on it and probably lost the bronze over that decision. I last saw CL running the last leg at World level in 2009 WC. Did well, but now they have him on leg 2 always. POOR decision. Fastest should always go on lasy leg in my opinion... CL has had a horrible OG and it will do nothing to help white athletes to pursue sprinting.
yesterday will go down as the blackest day in athletics ,

it is also the day it died for me and given up on it .....

eveything from sprints to 800m have been totally destroyed .
both men and women
truely disgusting and wont be long before the more traditional
white field events follow too ,already see it happening

Seems I owe you an apology. I actually thought you were being overly dramatic, but then today a black man won gold in the javelin for the first time!

I am slightly annoyed about the sprints, commentators go on about the Jamaicans as if it is expected that they should dominate the sprints, but they've literally come from nowhere to total domination in 8 short years. And no one sees that as odd.

I am not as concerned about the 800m, Rudisha is a great athlete, but it seems that white athlete in the 800m these days just hang back, as if they also expect the Kenyans to always win.

The short piece on white sprinting was mostly about Lemaitre being the greatest white sprinter ever and how he is breaking the stereotype. Not something I expected from the BBC to be honest, making so much of race.
The 4 x 100m WR by the Jams and 37.04 by the USA. What can be said about those times? For me the BBC coverage of Mo Farah yesterday in the 5000m final by Steve Cram and Brendan Foster commentating was totally vile and gross. They were hailing him the best "British" athlete of all time, getting ridiculously emotional tosay the least. Has anybody forgot that Mo was born in Somali? I could be here all day talking about duplicate examples of this all across the board. It is just getting horrible now and I do not like it.
Bye, bye black pride..or celtic...or whatever you decide your latest name is? Talk about disfunctional. What an idiot.

I was watching the 800 womens finals and I'm suprised no one here has commented on the Russian Women takin the gold and bronze medals. What a great performance despite the announcers only wanting to talk about the shemale Semenya. Lol. The middle distance events have been great to watch. Kenya and Ethiopia really struggled at this olympics. Just look at the mens 1500 finals. Europeans can compete and win medals against anyone when some of the drug cheats are caught or too scared to compete. W.A.D.A. has a long ways to go but at least they did a little work for a change.

I just wish they would say screw the money and go after the Yamaicans.
I was watching the 800 womens finals and I'm suprised no one here has commented on the Russian Women takin the gold and bronze medals. What a great performance despite the announcers only wanting to talk about the shemale Semenya. Lol. The middle distance events have been great to watch. Kenya and Ethiopia really struggled at this olympics. Just look at the mens 1500 finals. Europeans can compete and win medals against anyone when some of the drug cheats are caught or too scared to compete. W.A.D.A. has a long ways to go but at least they did a little work for a change.

an arab from france, mekhissi, regularly challenges the kenyans at the 3000m
he got the silver medal at these olympics

and this while track is a really minor sport in france, and in the other european countries
for example i heard on TV that a mediocre french-arab soccer player (named ghilas) is better than mekhissi on 3000m (based on his v VO2 max: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VVO2max )
it's well known that in europe the best go to the most popular sports here in europe, and the ones that remain and represent us in athletics are not the best we have to offer
i guess that in spain or other european countries many whites could beat these kenyans, and they are probably playing soccer

so yes, europeans or non-kenyans can compete
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