2010 NBA Draft

Great analysis JC, pointing out the ridiculous double standards and lack of reason/ rationale of the caste system.

This was a disappointing draft as usual. Again, for white perimeter players it was an abysmal draft. Last year, Ben Woodside and Lee Cummard were two phenomenal talents that would have surely been drafted if black (and probably both in the late 1st round). Heck, even Chase Budinger who got some notoriety from the media, had a good NBA rookie season and should have been a late lottery pick- fell to the mid 2nd round last year.

This year, the fact that Jon Scheyer didn't get drafted ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTS me. Scheyer will not blow you away in tests at the NBA combine athletically, but he almost won AP player of the year for God's sake and was probably the most important figure to leading Duke to a frekin NCAA championship and scored over 20 PPG in the ACC! Scheyer is a good passer, is a great ball handler and protected the ball better than virtually any PG in the NCAA (assist/ turnover ratio was phenomenal) and has nice shot too. Sure he is not the fastest or most elusive player, but he has great footwork, hands, savvyness, amazing on court awareness and all round court general skills (passing, screen setting, ball handling, awareness, ability to knock down an outside shot etc.). If black I'd predict he would have been picked in the 14th-26th range of the 1st round!

But if you want to talk off the charts athleticism, well how about Chris Kramer? Kramer would be more of a defensive specialist backup PG/ SG 6th, 7th or 8th man in the NBA. However, there were many black "specialists"Â￾ drafted in the late 1st round/ early 2nd round, but note that all of these "rawer"Â￾ specialists had skin pigment. Kramer may have been THE BEST defensive guard in the ENTIRE NCAA for God's sake! The guy is so athletic that he can get garbage points flying to the hoop that cause your eyes to pop out. He is a little raw as a scorer and would be a less than average playmaker compared to "STARTING" NBA PGs, but the guy is a freak defender and can simply run/ jump with anyone and leap to the hoop for high energy lay ups, dunks, ally oops. He will occasionally surprise you with a knockdown mid range or three point shot too, although shooting isn't his forte. There is no guard in the NBA too athletic for Kramer to be put to the task of guarding and a team could play him at backup SG if they had no room in the lineup for him at PG!

Then there is Matt Bouldin, who was even in caste Jay Bilas' top 60 players. I haven't watched him enough to evaluate him, but from listening to JC and reading a bit about him online, I believe Bouldin could have been a late 1st rounder if black, but instead he goes undrafted. What a joke.

And how does Brian Zoubek not get noticed as a defensive specialist center after what he did to help Duke win the NCAA title? The guy has great hands, can block shots, can get some post up points inside and powerful garbage points and rebound as well. He sounds like just the guy who could make a great backup center in the NBA and maybe even become a starter one day if he improves his all round game!

These were just four examples of players whose stock fell dramatically simply for lacking the necessary melanin in their skin.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
JC, you could also add to your Luke Jackson analysis that Luke Babitt has a 37 inch vertical according to Jay Bilas and can create his own shot, he is another GOOD ATHLETE! When will the stupid DWFs realize that these Yahooligans are just more White Rivals? It is as clear as night and day that there is an agenda!
John Scheyer is Jewish. Would that bother some of the few Stormfront posters here? It dosent bother me. Its to bad he didint get drafted when he has proven to everyone that he is a first round talent..
boing614 said:
John Scheyer is Jewish. Would that bother some of the few Stormfront posters here? It dosent bother me. Its to bad he didint get drafted when he has proven to everyone that he is a first round talent..

Why the needlessly provacative post? We all know that "Jon" Scheyer is Jewish as that has been posted about long before you decided to troll at CF. He still has the support of most around here as his blonde hair and blue eyes speak for itself and being of partial Jewish heritage myself, it certainly doesn't bother me.
I consider Scheyer in a similar manner to Ryan Braun or Ike Davis. I support all of these athletes as they are white in the eyes of DWFs.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
JC, you could also add to your Luke Jackson analysis that Luke Babitt has a 37 inch vertical according to Jay Bilas and can create his own shot, he is another GOOD ATHLETE! When will the stupid DWFs realize that these Yahooligans are just more White Rivals? It is as clear as night and day that there is an agenda!

Tough, 2 things, mate.

1) Jay Bilas is an idiot, and citing him as a source will only cause you to be wrong far more often than not. in this case, he apparently didn't even bother citing the official numbers (which are easily located) for Babbitt, as Luke had a 37.5-inch vertical, which in every day language rounds up to 38-inches. and of course he can create his own shot! how else could he average 21.9 points-per-game shooting a stellar 50% from the floor (mostly on the perimeter) and a sparkling 41.6% from 3-point range?!?! the moronic Bilas says that Babbitt can "create his own shot" as if that were somehow in doubt ... jeez. the list of White players that Bilas has belittled (either blatantly or with backhanded compliments) is longer than the novel War and Peace.

2) my referred to post was pointing out the ridiculous lies of the yahoo "reporter" regarding Luke Jackson. as such, it wasn't detailed with Babbitt's specifics. that being said, i did post the following which refers to Babbitt's exceptional athleticism since it is even better than Jackson's:
Jimmy Chitwood said:
... like Luke Jackson, Babbitt is a versatile scorer. but overall, Luke Babbit is a little bit bigger, a little bit longer, and a better leaper than Jackson ...

mostly, though, it is simply ridiculous how obviously anti-White the NBA has become.

one other note: i'm surprised no one here has mentioned the non-Drafting of Artsiom Parakhouski. he was, quite possibly, THE best center in this year's draft, both in terms of production and measurables. at 6-11, he is stronger, quicker, and more agile than most every center who was selected, and his production is off the charts (he led the NCAA in rebounding and was 14th in scoring while shooting an incredible 58.1% from the field). oh, and he was a two-time conference Player of the Year. furthermore, he's incredibly raw (which would mean he has tons of upside if he were black), as he only started playing basketball at age 16.

yeah, i can "clearly" see why he doesn't belong in the NBA.the only reason isbecause he is White.
icsept said:
It's interesting that there were barely any Europeans or other foreign players drafted. I guess the league hasn't benefited from the likes of Nowitzki, Kirilienko, Gasol, and Ginobili. Maybe Jesse Jackson threatened David Stern to stop giving the young brothas jobs away to a bunch of crackers.

I remember several years ago (can't remember the exact year but remember writing about it) when the NBA Draft had beenroughly 40 percent White, thanks to a large number of Europeans being selected. Immediately thereafter the whining began by blacks, followed by sympathetic articles in the New York Times and the rest of the Cultural Marxist media.Presto -- that was the high water mark for Euros in the draft and the number of them drafted has dropped noticeably each year since.
I can't find a list of UFAs. It will be interesting to see what happens to guys like Scheyer, Zoubek, and Bouldin.
green fire317 said:
I can't find a list of UFAs. It will be interesting to see what happens to guys like Scheyer, Zoubek, and Bouldin.

The Mavs have already talked to Zoubeck about joining their Summer League team.
Don Wassall said:
icsept said:
It's interesting that there were barely any Europeans or other foreign players drafted. I guess the league hasn't benefited from the likes of Nowitzki, Kirilienko, Gasol, and Ginobili. Maybe Jesse Jackson threatened David Stern to stop giving the young brothas jobs away to a bunch of crackers.
<div>I remember several years ago (can't remember the exact year but remember writing about it) when the NBA Draft had beenroughly 40 percent White, thanks to a large number of Europeans being selected. Immediately thereafter the whining began by blacks, followed by sympathetic articles in the New York Times and the rest of the Cultural Marxist media.Presto -- that was the high water mark for Euros in the draft and the number of them drafted has dropped noticeably each year since.</div>

I remember that as well. People were saying that if the trends continue the league will be 50% European and most of the Europeans drafted are white except for the ones from France. That never happened obviously. I remember John Thompson ranting about the Europeans taking jobs away from American players.
The drunk at Walterfootball continues his assault at white players. This is what he writes about the Jazz drafting Hayward.

Gordon Hayward, SF, Butler

I mean, is the white guy to Jazz joke too obvious? I don't get this
one. I think George and Henry are better wing prospects. Utah needs a
shooter since Kyle Korver is a free agent, but what about Ed Davis here?
Carlos Boozer is likely gone and I think Davis has more potential as a
pro than Hayward.

(Pick Grade: Don't Get It)
Yes, some good rants in this thread, but I'm sure we're capable, per the posting guidelines and as White men, of writing them without using words such as "turds" and "sheboons."
A total of only 8 whites drafted and that's if you include Vasquez. That's slightly better than 10 percent of players drafted were whites. Only two white Europeans drafted. Of course Alexey Shved, the super athletic point guard who can also play the 2 wasn't drafted. He has a killer crossover and can take virtually anyone of the dribble. Here is a clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkAo1WFHnpA
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Why care about this league or even BB anymore? When the Bulls draft a black guy from French Guyana, you know this league is a joke.Nobody even cares about countries anymore. The corporations have destroyed countries by buying the leaders and then the leaders give it away. Why would somebody pay money to watch this?
jwhite96 said:
Jon Scheyer undrafted. This shows the incredible racism of the NBA. What does a white player have to do . Kentucky which was destroyed by West Virginia has 5 players drafted in the first round. Duke which destroys West Virginia and wins the National Championship has no one selected. When has a national championship winner not had their leading scorer drafted? Any white who pays money to watch these low IQ freaks in a league where no American white with a few exceptions are welcomed is the biggest wuss . How could any self respecting white person waste their time on the NBA. Whites should start their own league but of course, it will never happen. I think although whites degrade blacks' intelligence ,blacks run the country. We are in a depression due mainly to billions and billions of dollars to fund homes for blacks, and to give money to the bottomless pit of education to fund the fantasy that blacks have the same IQ as whites. The insane law that started this depression is still operating. Banks must make loans to blacks no matter how much of a credit risk they are. With that law which figuratively holds a gun to bankers' heads, we will never recover economically. It's amazing to consider how little blacks pay in taxes, and how much they receive in preferences for jobs , schools and loans they are qualified to have, funding for their schools. Michael Levin made the point in his book that blacks in a way are smarter than whites because they contribute very little but have whites pay for their preferred status in our society. He is referring to how they have a parasitic relationship with whites. Their parasitic success is, again referring to Levin's book, is likely due to their well known lack of empathy for others especially for any whites. While the brainless whites are worried about AIDS in Africa, blacks wolf packs roam big cities look for white prey. The Class President of U of No Carolina who was murdered by blacks was planning to go to Africa to help blacks . This describes our relationship to blacks and other non-whites. They are the wolves and whites are the sheep This will be the death of the white race. At my job , this sheboon from a foreign country told me people in her native country hate the US. She said they have no reason but it's obvious. So this sheboon is here in the country she hates definitely taking a job from a more deserving white.

I had an Indian immigrant complaining to me about immigrants today. This is how absurd this country is. I felt like telling him that we don't want him him also.

Are cities have been ruined by blacks and they and Muslims will ruin Europe.
Why the drastic decline of White European players? One (or two) name sticks out.... DARKO MILICIC (other is Nikoloz Tskitishvili).

Ever since his draft in 2003, Darko has labeled the All-Time BUST, worse than 1984's Sam Bowie, worse than, 1998's Michael Olowakandi, and even worse according to E-X-P-E-R-T-S, 2001's Kwame Brown. Worse part is, MANY DWF's have bought that propaganda. The reason Sam Bowie is easily forgiven is that when healthy, he's one hell of a player (solid rookie season). I can accept Bowie's case since he's having a great 2nd career as a successful racehorse wonder, not to mention he's a nice and classy person.

Brown's case I'm puzzled, "experts" and DWF's alike forgive him because draft class 2001 was extremely shallow and forgettable. For all his shortcomings (on and off court), people say Brown provides decent and serviceable numbers. Then there's Olowakandi, who gets barely mentioned among All-Time busts. The man is clearly a disgrace, 1st overall pick like Brown, his career is the worst ever. Getting draft by a weak team (Clippers) and of the incredible hype around him. Olowakandi's demise should've had a negative effect on African descent players, but instead of such, NBA teams continue to draft African players aggressively:

Gani Lawal, Ekpe Udoh, Al-Farouq Aminu, Kevin Seraphin

The NBA's clearly is desperate mode to find the next Olajuwon/Mutombo, check this digusting article:


Despite it's title, it clearly states that Africa is the NBA's BIGGEST target for INTERNATIONAL prospects. If achieved, majority of international players to the NBA will be African, virtually making the league STONE BLACK.

Going back to busts, it's apalling how many white players get mentioned:

Darko Milicic, Shawn Bradley, Nikoloz Tskitishvili, Joe Wolf

Unlike Olowakandi, Darko's case has clearly had a negative impression of White European players. Those ages 19-21 are no longer as bold as the likes of Dirk, Gasol, or AK-47. Although economics is the mainstream reason, it's clear that Darko's case is being used to DISCOURAGE White European players. A player like Ricky Rubio could easily break into any NBA rotation if not for the Darko case.

When I look at Milicic, I see a traumatized young man (thank Larry Brown for that), who still has serviceable potential, he's just turning 25. The reason for his All-Time label bust is how loaded the 2003 draft class is, and he was pick 2nd overall, but going to equally loaded Pistons teams, with a stingy coach.

The NBA has done a wonderful job in spreading negative impressions on every white player (US and Euro alike). I just don't you can counter that ugly propaganda machine.
I don't know that Darko is considered the worst bust. Sam Bowie easily takes that honor. Anyway getting back to Darko he started to come on stronger last season with his new team. I'm hoping he says in the NBA and doesn't go back to Europe to play.
As for Jon Scheyer not making it, it's got to do with his predecessor's struggle. JJ Redick was this worldly talent in Duke (26 ppg in final year), who's having difficulty adjusting to the NBA. Had Jon Scheyer made 25-30 ppg in his final year, he would've been drafted.

The draft bar for white guards has been raised extremely high. I don't think Nash, Stockton, Hornacek, or Price would've been drafted in TODAY'S NBA.
whiteathlete33 said:
I don't know that Darko is considered the worst bust.  Sam Bowie easily takes that honor.  Anyway getting back to Darko he started to come on stronger last season with his new team.  I'm hoping he says in the NBA and doesn't go back to Europe to play.
The reason he's given the honor is he might LEAVE the NBA for Europe. Let's hope that doesn't happen, but who knows what's going on in that poor man's mind.

Sam Bowie had a solid rookie season, his legs gave up on him too soon. Had not been for injuries, he could've been a Rik Smits-like player, IMO. The Blazers in 1984 really needed a center, Bowie was their choice.

The worst ever is should be Micheal Olowakandi, when you get drafted by the Clippers 1st overall, and fail to turn than team around, that makes you a dud. Joe Wolf is another mention.

Bradley doesn't deserve mention because he's had a decent career (2,000 block shots) and Darko's story is far from over.
Gordon Hayward impressed the Utah Jazz front
office on his last two trips to Salt Lake City.

Now he just has to win over the Jazz fans.

The Jazz welcomed Hayward to the team Friday, one
day after picking him ninth overall in the NBA draft.

Jazz fans reacted immediately with boos, but the
forward from Butler didn't seem to take it at all personally as he
grinned widely throughout a long news conference. Hayward says how he
plays for the team will determine whether he was worth the lottery pick.

According to the Jazz's GM, John Stockton was also booed when he got drafted and he said he hopes Hayward works out as well as Stockton did for them . DWFs disgust me, they'd rather have an overrated afflete I guess...

Edited by: JReb1
I think Hayward will have a good start in Utah. Deron Williams scores a lot, but he's also a great passer (what Hayward needs). With Okur bugged by injuries, and Boozer likely leaving, Hayward is gonna a good rookie season. But, he'll have to battle the likes of Wesley Matthews, CJ Miles, AK-47, Paul Millsap for the forward position. Good luck to him.
Don Wassall said:
I remember several years ago (can't remember the exact year but remember writing about it) when the NBA Draft had beenroughly 40 percent White, thanks to a large number of Europeans being selected. Immediately thereafter the whining began by blacks, followed by sympathetic articles in the New York Times and the rest of the Cultural Marxist media.Presto -- that was the high water mark for Euros in the draft and the number of them drafted has dropped noticeably each year since.

I remember that became an instant debate while the draft was being televised. TNT's Kenny Smith and the ex-Georgetown coach --who refused to recruit white players at an elite, almost Ivy League level school --were very angry and outspoken about the "foreigners" taking NBA jobs. Even Uncle Dicky Vitale came in to lend support and bashed the Euros...Amazingly, Charles Barkley kept telling Smith and Thompson that they were off-base, claiming NBA teams were just looking for better talent and the American players needed to work harder on their fundementals, be more coachableand play harder.

Smith and Thompson never mentioned race, but you knew were they were going with this. Reading between the lines, it seemed like they felt, at that time, that themarxisits that ran/run theNBA actually wanted to "bleach out" the rosters, becausethey wereattempting to punish the African-American players for poor conduct andquestionable attitudes (similar to what Barkley was suggesting)....Don't forget, at that point,you had the Pacers fighting the Pistons fans @Auburn Hills,Iverson acting very strange, the "Dream Team" was being trounced in the Olympics, Sprewell choked his coach, ect.

Funny thing, is the same media that used to always slam Canadian hockey analyst Don Cherry and call him a bigot and zenophope for mocking Euro's in the NHL, didn't care much to defend the Euro-hoopsters. Looks like Smith and Thompson can breath easier now, the Euro-threat seems to be squelched.

P.S: To any sane person thatthinks Joe Wolf was a bust, give me a break! He was picked in the bottom half of rd 1 when he came out (13th/23 team league).....He wasn't expected to be a franchise player (or even close) and he did what most players selected at that point were expected to do -- just come in and help....If he's a bust, what are we to make of guys like Kenny "Sky" Walker, Reggie Williams, Pervis Ellison,Derek Coleman,Danny Manning, Chris Morris,Billy Owens, ChrisWashburn, Felton Spencer, Charles Shacklefordand many others that were drafted much higher than Joe W. and did little to nothing? If you want a real white draft bust from that era, maybe Danny Ferry would be a better name? But for every Ferry, there where many other overrated high picksthat did as little or less than Danny during his era. Edited by: Truthteller
Scheyer not getting drafted was a joke.
He is very similar to Vasquez, with Scheyer being the better shooter.
And I am not sure why Evan Turner is that much better than Scheyer or Vasquez.

Zoubek not getting drafted is a mystery. He reminds me of Brad Miller. Ironically, Brad Miller did not get drafted either.

Lots of forgettable "talent" in this draft.

Hopefully a good team picks up Scheyer. He would do well in the right situation. He can shoot, pass, and run an offense which should count since the name of this game is, uh, basketball.

If Scheyer had been black he would have been picked in the top five. He is a 6'6 point guard who can shoot. Evan Turner, the number two pick, is a 6'6 shooting guard who can play SOME point guard and can't really shoot.
Truthteller, your post reminds of a few more incidents from the early part of 2000s when there was a sizeable number of white European players getting drafted.

Kenny "The Racist" Smith actually went to an NBA rookie orientation camp ('02 or '03, I'm not sure) and at first refused to speak to the players until the white Europeans left the room. That didn't happen, but he still addressed only the (black) American rookies, telling them that the Europeans were stealing their jobs. I think a few Euros (not being brainwashed unlike the American whites) actually stood up and protested Smith for being disrespectful. Of course, nothing ever came of it and he continues to have a prominent position at TNT. I was watching some show on Versus where he and Gary Payton were discussing the Finals, and they actually openly mocked Pau Gasol, disgusting stuff.

Around the same time, one of the many racists on ESPN's payroll, someone named Scoop Jackson, wrote a column that all these Europeans being drafted was an attempt to whiten the league, and that "the brothers don't like it." He was afraid that there was a cultural shift that was beginning to take place. I mean, how dare the NBA try to tranform itself from a thug-league to something more normal?

There were others like "Screamin'" A. Smith, Thompson and Barkley as mentioned above, plus other columnists across the country who touched on the subject. And it seems to have worked. The pipe-line of top European players being drafted has dried up. Some of them are actually staying behind on purpose because they don't want to deal with the racism in the NBA. A player like Rudy Fernandez who was a superstar in Spain and more than handled his own against Team "USA" in the '08 Olympics has become a complete after-thought in Portland. I think Rubio was smart to stay behind as well.

The nobodies who were drafted this year will soon be forgotten with the exception of perhaps a handful. I really wish the NBA would implode as soon as possible, but as long as DWFs continue to attend games, I don't expect this 80% black league to change at all.
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