2010 Minnesota Vikings

I don't know the exact situation with the Vikings. Toby only has 15 carries so far this season so it's very discouraging. Childress has to be a complete moron to give Peterson 28 carries a game. If he keeps up that workload he'll be out of the league in a few years.
whiteathlete33 said:
I don't know the exact situation with the Vikings. Toby only has 15 carries so far this season so it's very discouraging. Childress has to be a complete moron to give Peterson 28 carries a game. If he keeps up that workload he'll be out of the league in a few years.
Childress is a moron. If he had any sense he'd know how to play Gerhart, but he doesn't. He doesn't know how to utilize a talent like Toby (you put him early to grind on the defense, then you put Peterson in late in the game to break long runs) and that's why the Vikings are 2-4.
Good morning MostDangerous,

While I'm just as much against these Caste coaches as anyone else, we've got to be able to put ourselves in their shoes once and awhile.
If Childress did as you suggest, Peterson and the rest of ther blacks on the team would go stark raving mad. Peterson has already beefed about the small amount of carries, Gerhart is getting, so even as good as he is, he doubts himself. He'll come apart somehow before this season is over. Blacks always do, especially when they're not winning. They are quitters for the most part. Let's just watch how this all plays out. From what I see, everything is going pretty much our way this year.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:
Good morning MostDangerous,

While I'm just as much against these Caste coaches as anyone else, we've got to be able to put ourselves in their shoes once and awhile.

If Childress did as you suggest, Peterson and the rest of ther blacks on the team would go stark raving mad. Peterson has already beefed about the small amount of carries, Gerhart is getting, so even as good as he is, he doubts himself. He'll come apart somehow before this season is over. Blacks always do, especially when they're not winning. They are quitters for the most part. Let's just watch how this all plays out. From what I see, everything is going pretty much our way this year.

Tom Iron...

You are right Tom. Who would have though that we'd had a starting runningback(Peyton Hillis), another guy who can be considered a starter as well(Danny Woodhead) and significant carries for John Kuhn as well. My only gripe this season is the lack of carries for Toby but Childress said he plans to get him more involved in the offense so maybe that will change.
Moss continues to be a distraction everywhere he goes.

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Randy Moss was fined $25,000 for not cooperating with the Minnesota media.
Moss was reportedly ""in violation of NFL policy, his player contract,
and the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement" when he spent three weeks
avoiding the local media in Minnesota. $25,000 is quite the hit for not
talking, though his playing status is not in jeopardy.

Edited by: whiteathlete33
I don't blame athletes who don't talk to the media and it shouldn't be forced on them through collective bargaining. They waste a lot of time answering the same cliched questions with the same cliched answers. And if they don't give the proper cliched answer they often get in trouble. Reporter: "Tell us what happened out there today." Uh, isn't that their job?Athletes shouldbe ableto spend thatforced mediatime however they wish.
Being a teammate isn't the same thing as "having one's back." I wouldn't count on a black to back me up, just because when push came to shove, they'd take off. Oh how I wish the meaning of the terms prejudice and discrimination weren't so foreign to people these days.
Colonel_Reb said:
Being a teammate isn't the same thing as "having one's back." I wouldn't count on a black to back me up, just because when push came to shove, they'd take off. Oh how I wish the meaning of the terms prejudice and discrimination weren't so foreign to people these days.

It's very rare for a black player to have a white teammates back. If a white player gets into a fight with a black player on the other team his black teammates usually won't have his back. There are some blacks that will help out. Karl Malone had John Stockton's back all the time when they played together. I remember a few occasions when a black player pushed Stockton or tried to hit him and Malone jumped in right away. I guess the fact that they were best friends had a lot to do with it was well.
whiteathlete33 said:
Colonel_Reb said:
Being a teammate isn't the same thing as "having one's back." I wouldn't count on a black to back me up, just because when push came to shove, they'd take off. Oh how I wish the meaning of the terms prejudice and discrimination weren't so foreign to people these days.

It's very rare for a black player to have a white teammates back.

My point exactly!
What's going on with Jared Allen this year? Unless he has a better second half of the season this year looks like it will be his worst statistically. He only has one sack so far.
WOW!! Here is a short article.

<div id="entry" ="entry">
<h1>Report: Randy Moss waived by Minnesota Vikings</h1>

Randy Moss has been waived by the Minnesota Vikings, according to an NFL Network report.

The move comes the day after Moss' bizarre postgame presser
after the Vikings' loss to his former team, the New England Patriots.
In it, he professed his love for the Patriots and admiration for Coach
Bill Belichick and vowed to do press conferences in which he asks and
answers questions. That came on the heels of a $25,000 fine last week
for not meeting media obligations as required by the NFL.
Maybe the Vikings will finally give a similarly talented WR (without all of the distractions of the "diva" Moss) Matt Jones a legit chance. I wont hold my breath though...Edited by: JReb1
Yes, but many people saw this implosion happening back in August. Besides Moss, you have a split locker room, Favre's various injuries and off filed drama and most importantly, one of the worst management coaches I can ever recall.
Now the rumor is that Vikings owner is not happy with Childress. Chilly as they galy call him now, is a beta 'leader' who has little respect from his soldiers.
Chilly is going to be burnt toast once the season ends. And frankly, after this whole debacle, may not even get a 2nd chance to head coach again in the NFL.
And besides the relatively mediocre play calling, the bad player management decisions make him look lost.
He has gambled (I'll give him that) to get to the SB this year and they won't even make the playoffs. So as some predicted, he mortgaged his future and team and due to various reasons (some beyond his control, like a much tougher schedule), Chilly is lame duck and I think he is no getting more and more desperate.

He already lost half the locker room back in September. Don't kid yourselves, the public only knows a fraction of what really goes on.

I suppose Favre's streak is still intact. Sadly, perhaps this may be Favre's main thing now.
I like Farve and he is probably the toughest player ever. Yet, I think all those pain killers over the years has affected his head.

It's hard to see such an amazing player end it all like this....
well, perhaps MN can salvage the 2nd half of the year.
I think if they would have pulled out the Jets game on MNF last month, it would have been a different year.
Farve missed key throws. Bottom line.
DWFan said:
Moss is waived!

More info on the waiving of the petulant, retard-afflete. Good riddance!


Boorish behavior also contributed to Moss' demise

When Minnesota Vikings coach Brad Childress told his players Monday afternoon that Randy Moss(notes) would be released because "we want good people that are good football players, and this just doesn't fit,"Â several of them nodded their approval. Though Childress isn't especially popular in the locker room, some Vikings were on board with his decision to move on without Moss four weeks after the polarizing wideout was reacquired in a trade with the New England Patriots.

Even before Sunday's surreal address to the media following the Vikings' 28-18 defeat to the Patriots at Gillette Stadium â€" during which he questioned Childress' leadership while effusively praising his former coach, Bill Belichick, and the Patriots' organization â€" Moss had alienated some of his teammates with his brash, entitled behavior, most glaringly in an incident that occurred in the team's locker room last Friday afternoon, Yahoo! Sports has learned.

As is the team's custom on Fridays, a local food establishment was invited to the training facility to serve a catered, post-practice meal in the locker room. In this case, a St. Paul restaurant that is a favorite of former Vikings center Matt Birk(notes). As the proprietors helped serve chicken, ribs, pasta and other dishes to Vikings players, Moss paced up and down the serving line and loudly expressed his displeasure with the offerings.

According to one player who witnessed the scene, Moss yelled, "What the [expletive]? Who ordered this crap? I wouldn't feed this to my dog!"Â

Said the witness: "It was brutal. The truth is, he deserved to be cut after that. It was such an uncomfortable moment. You know that feeling where you just can tell someone feels so small? That's what it was like being there.

"This wasn't a chain â€" it was a mom-and-pop restaurant, and you could tell it was their best stuff. They had a special carving station set up, and there were players and other support staff lining up to eat it. And [Moss] is at his locker saying, ‘You know, I used to have to eat that crap â€" but now I've got money.' You just felt so sad for them. I had never seen anyone treated like that.

"And by the way, the food was actually really good."Â

While Moss had his share of supporters in the locker room, some Vikings had grown disillusioned with his attitude. From the receiver's uneven effort in practice to his displays of self-centeredness off the field, some veterans believed Moss was becoming a bad influence to young players like second-year wideout Percy Harvin(notes).

There was also locker room speculation about Moss' effort â€" or lack thereof â€" on two plays in recent games. With the Vikes facing a last-gasp fourth-down pass in a 28-24 defeat to the Packers in Green Bay two Sundays ago, quarterback Brett Favre(notes) threw a high pass in the back of the end zone that sailed over Moss' head, though it didn't appear as though the receiver made an effort to jump for the ball.

In Sunday's game against the Patriots, with the Vikings trailing by 10 midway through the fourth quarter, Moss drew a pass-interference penalty on Patriots safety Brandon Meriweather(notes) while streaking down the left sideline. It appeared as though Moss might have been able to catch the pass for a touchdown after the penalty occurred but that he broke off the route once the flag was thrown.

The Vikings got the ball at the New England 9 and scored four plays later, though not before Favre sustained a lacerated chin that knocked him from the game.

Most of all, however, Moss' treatment of the restauranteurs in the locker room convinced some teammates that he wasn't worth the trouble. Since becoming the Vikings' coach in 2006, Childress has consistently preached that he wants "good people who are good football players,"Â and Moss clearly didn't seem to be projecting himself as someone who fits in the former category.

When Childress, according to one person in Monday's meeting, said of Moss, "This just doesn't fit with how we treat people, how we talk to people and how we act,"Â it was clear that he was referring to the incident that occurred last Friday. Sunday's stream-of-consciousness statement to the media only reinforced the internal perception that Moss was going out of his way to disrespect the organization.

With all of that said, Childress still has major credibility issues with his players, most of whom side with Favre in his ongoing clash with the coach. And there's no guarantee Childress will stay the coach for the remainder of the season. However, his decision to part ways with Moss was, for some, viewed as an understandable consequence of the receiver's behavior
I was watching the NFL Network and it was mentioned that while "Chillie" still has the backing of ownership, that could change as quickly as the team's next loss. The name mentioned as Childress's replacement was Leslie Frazier, which makes complete sense. I don't think I've watched a Vikings game over the past two seasons without the announcers doing a spiel about how it's long overdue for Frazier to be an NFLhead coach. As with Marvin Lewis before he got the Bengals job, it's reached the point that if a team doesn't hire him soon, Jesse Jackson &amp; Friends will begin publicly complainingand receiving theobligatory sympathetic response from the media.

So by the end of this season or next season at the latest, Minnesota will likely have Leslie Frazier as head coach and Tarvaris Jackson as the starting quarterback.
I have read that Favre and Childress were having problems but don't know the specifics. Anybody know?

I hate to admit it but this Moss garbage is cracking me up too, Woody. What the heck is wrong with that dude?
DWFan said:
I have read that Favre and Childress were having problems but don't know the specifics. Anybody know?

I hate to admit it but this Moss garbage is cracking me up too, Woody. What the heck is wrong with that dude?

This is just a wild guess but I'm thinking he has a very low iq like in the mildly retarded range.
Moss is just another highly paid, whiny black NFL poster boy playa-thug. Sadly, he and his pathetic, inconsiderate behavior fits in nicely in today's black NFL. T.O., Ochostinko, Primetime, ConVick and the other promoted dark faces of the NFL are the very reason the league sucks a bowling ball through a garden hose. Randy, in all his millions, can't keep himself from humiliating everyday folks who cheer for him and the other players on Sunday. Yet, some idiot team will likely pick him up while capable players like Mike Hass are relegated to the UFL. Randy, you can douse yourself with all the thousand dollar cologne you want, but you will always stink.

Last night, I was riding the train back to my home after work, and Randy's brutha and sista whale lambasted each other for over 20 minutes in a expletive laced ghetto scream fest. This is not the 1st time I've seen Randy's kids make complete fools of themselves in an over-the-top fashion on the train. Do these people have no shame? Are they THAT retarded? I guess Randy and others like him don't understand or care that their wholly aberrant, psycho behavior reflects poorly on themselves and others who look like them.
Edited by: qj
What a scummy degenerate person Moss is. And truly stands out among many overrated afflete punks in today's NFL.
Maybe one of the nicer brothas on the Vikings could have closed a door and had a face to face chat with punk a$$ Moss (then after the 'talk', Moss would have his yummy dinner via a straw).

I could just imagine how sad this must have been. The mom and pop place probably worked all week to have enough food for 50 some off players and support staff.
I bet the owner and his staff probably felt like $hit after listening to punk Moss put another nail in his own coffin.
No matter what, Moss will always be known as just another punk afflete jerk off.
What's kind of sweet is that since he's older and lost skill and speed, you can see the frustration and anger coming from such a psycho egoist.
I bet he has a few more meltdowns in him yet...
Maybe Moss will get laid out and concussed as he plays out his career.
Then again, Moss hardly ever went over the middle anyway.
One of the restauranteers said Favre was being cool here...the dude said Favre looked like if he had a football, he would've "beaned [Moss] in the head"! LOL I wish he'd had a football!

Sir, I don't go with that stuff (hitting him with a football). Someone should have gone after the bum. In that no one did, everyone there should feel completely humiliated. Everyone, black and White. Also, he should have been cut outright then and there.

Tom Iron...
American Freedom News