I'm happy with the Dallas Mavericks Draft.They took three white guys.Nick Fazekas is going to be a solid nba player.Dirk needs some help on the boards and another scorer never hurts.

Josh McRoberts got screwed over and probably won't even fit in with the Trailblazers.
We had 6 white players taken in the first round. Thats 20% of the total.

We had 12 in the second round. Thats 40 percent.

This draft was 30% white. The NBA is 20% white. An improvement. The only problem is that none of the white players drafted can really be considered top prospects. Hopefully some of them will make some waves.

It should be noted that 2 asian players were drafted as well.
I felt like this draft was incredibly bad as many others have been. I barely watched it in between lifting weightsin myhome gymand recording music.

Everytime I saw some no talent,stupid, black stick-twig f@g, I just flipped the channel back to my cpu's newvideo downloads for the week.

I actually had hope for the Nba in 03'-04 and I actually got the Nba package in 04'05' but I couldn't waste my money anymore after that. It just seemed to get worse(if that'spossible). Last year was an utter joke.

The Nba has taught me that most pro sports are essentially fixed. After watching the Mavs. lose to the refs in the Miami finals series, I could never go back to apesketball.

I love basketball but I cannot stand the Nba. Judging by the Ratings in recent years, neither can anyone else. I'd say white americaIS actually waking up to the hypocracy that is pro sports in the usa. It's a good thing people have the internet because it's awakned a lot of people. I'd also add that the al sharptons of the world have only made black peoplelook foolish and awaken sheeple whites.

When you get a left wing marxo-fascistdoctrine running sports, you get a poor product. The same thing seems to be happening with football the last 15-17 years or so. I know my grandfather stopped watching football and I don't watch it but he said that the quality of players has gone down a lot. Big surprise right?

I will however be looking forward tomost of theeuropean teams crushing the u.s. this august.

Another thing to look forward to is that many countries like the u.s. have brodcast tv channels that you can axcess online. So when european leaguesor russians leagues start serious competition, i'll be watching those free via my cpu and dvi output.

Edited by: voltaire
white lightning said:
I'm happy with the Dallas Mavericks Draft.They took three white guys.Nick Fazekas is going to be a solid nba player.Dirk needs some help on the boards and another scorer never hurts.

Josh McRoberts got screwed over and probably won't even fit in with the Trailblazers.

I don't understand why this guy was in the draft, he has always been weak imo. Certainly he was better than many black stiffs that were picked higher though.

This was an incredibly weak draft. So many inctredibly talented players didn't even get in it or get drafted.

I don't see how a stud athlete and great player like adam haluska isn't drafted. Oh well, it justawakens more people to the hypocracy that is the marxist/leftist/moralistic wilsonian constructof thenba.
Haluska was arguably THE most athletic player in the draft. he was the most dominant track athlete/sprinter in the state of Iowa before choosing to focus on basketball in college.

Jared Jordan was simply the best point guard in this year's draft. hands down, no questions.

as for Josh McRoberts not being any good, you have got to be kidding! he is an incredible all-around talent. he didn't emerge as a dominant scorer in college, but he did much more than just score. there were at least a dozen black players that aren't good enough to carry his jock that were drafted ahead of him.

and as for him not being athletic, i've seen him dunk over enough people to call ******** on that. he tested much better than Kevin Durant who went number 2, and who is supposedly an uber-afalete. give me a break. but there i go confusing people with the facts again.

McRoberts' only problem is that he is an American-born white basketball player. plain and simple.
A typical drone like draft Jay Bilas--man that guy gets under my skin. Nothing to get too excited about. Next year we will have Chase B and Alex Schved from Russia to name two athletic guys. I think Haluska has an upside and so does McRoberts. Both need polish. Too bad that kid from Gonzaga has been banned from the NBA--is that for life? Jason Smith is much better leaper than Durant and other big men and is quick. If he had longer arms he would be a top 10 pick.
That Italian kid Bellini might turn out be really good ala Ray Allen for Warriors. Not sold at all on Jared Jordan. Rudy Fernandez is an excellent athlete. The Finnish kid not sure--saw him play but wasn't blown away. Splitter looks like a solid player and maybe that big guy who looked good on tape--forget name might be a winner. Overall kind of drab---draft---
hold up!

what about a Gonzaga kid getting banned from the NBA? do you mean Casey Calvary from a few years ago? if you mean Josh Heytvelt, he is returning to school next season for the Zags. i am confused...

Jason Smith was, according to the actual measurables and not perceptions, THE most athletic big man in the draft. he has a lot of upside, but flashed a solid and wide array of skills for the Rams in college.

the only foreign kid i've seen play is the Finnish kid. he is good. not flashy, but very, very good.

as for Jared Jordan, however you want to figure it, the only thing that kept his stock low is white skin. as was posted elsewhere on this board his measurables were equal to, or superior than, Marcus Williams who was drafted #22 by the Nets last year and was the supposed "steal of the draft." but in matters of much more importance than "measurables" (ie. being able to flat out win basketball games), Jared Jordan is the best point guard in the draft. what makes you say any different?

his team wins no matter where they play. he led the Marist Red Foxes to success un-equaled since Rik Smits played there, his team won at the Portsmouth Invitational, his team won in the workouts with NBA teams. he wins. you can't get much better than that.
Voltaire...For your information there is nothing weak about Nick Fazekas game and I am very glad the Mavericks drafted him. Besides Durant he is the only other College basketball player that came out this year with a 20 point, 10 rebound a game average. Sounds weak to me.
Fazekas is a very good ball player. he doesn't look impressive physically, but if you watched his team at Nevadahe put up huge numbers and completely dominated.

he seems to labor running the floor, and that awkward running style may be why he has had some injury issues. i don't know. but i do think he will have a solid NBA career. he plays below the rim, but he has very long arms, excellent shooting touch, and a very good feel for the game.
JC, I completely agree with you on Jared Jordan. I was actually the one who posted that Jared's measurables were slightly better than Marcus Williams who went number 22 to the Nets as the "steal" of the draft. Jared has a 3 inch shorter reach but had a much better lane shuttle time. Both are playmakers, but Jared Jordan's play making skills to me are out of this world, reminding me of Steve Nash.

I have a feeling that Josh McRoberts is going to get screwed by Portland because Portland picked up the overrated Channing Frye from the Knicks in a trade. I fear that the coach will undoubtedly favour Frye who was a higher pick and already has experience and is black, although I think McRoberts has more upside. Koppenen will get buried on the Portland's depth chart behind Jarrett Jack, who is nothing special and Sergio Rodriguez who came on at the end of last year. Didn't Portland get Rudy Fernandez also? I don't think Portland will give playing time to many of these young whites
guest301 said:
Voltaire...For your information there is nothing weak about Nick Fazekas game and I am very glad the Mavericks drafted him. Besides Durant he is the only other College basketball player that came out this year with a 20 point, 10 rebound a game average. Sounds weak to me.

I was referring to McRoberts not Fazekas(who I think will do quite well in the nba).
JC that would be Heytfelt. If he is returning to Gonzaga to play that is good news which is news to me.. He will go high in 2008 if what you say is correct.
voltaire said:
guest301 said:
Voltaire...For your information there is nothing weak about Nick Fazekas game and I am very glad the Mavericks drafted him. Besides Durant he is the only other College basketball player that came out this year with a 20 point, 10 rebound a game average. Sounds weak to me.

I was referring to McRoberts not Fazekas(who I think will do quite well in the nba).

Ok. I think they both will do quite well in the NBA given the opportunity although McRoberts would have been better served with another year in college to develop his body and shot.
No one is disagreeing with that. He needed at least one more year.
Pick Pos. Name  
10CSpencer HawesSacramento Kings
18SG Marco BellinelliGolden State
20CJason Smith Philadelphia
24SG Rudy FernandezPortland
28CTiago SplitterSan Antonio
30PG Petteri KoponenPortland
34FNick Fazekas Dallas
37FJosh McRobertsPortland
38CKyrylo FesenkoUtah
39CStanko BaracIndiana
43SG Adam HaluskaNew Orleans
45PG Jared JordanLA Clippers
48CMarc Gasol LALakers
49CAaron Gray Chicago
50SG Renaldas Seibutis Dallas
54SG Brad Newley Houston
58FGiorgos Printezis San Antonio
60PF Milovan RakovicOrlando

18 picks - 6 first rounders and 12 second rounders.
almost 1/3 of the draft


    Edited by: KG2422
Fazekas's labored running up the floor stems from his weirdly high arches. Saw a pre-draft blurb on Fazekas that said he hit nearly 75% from NBA three line in every workout he had.
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