2007 White RBs

From the NDSU AA site:

Tyler Roehl of North Dakota State became the first Bison running back to run for over 200 yards since North Dakota State joined the ranks of Division I football. In a 28-17 victory over Stephen F. Austin, he rushed 27 times for 238 yards and 3 touchdowns, making up the bulk of the Bison scoring and providing much-needed stability in a turnover-filled day. Incredibly, this was Roehl's first-ever start at tailback in college, having amassed a grand total of 28 yards rushing with 10 carries in his first two years of college eligibility. His 238-yard effort was second best in Great West Football Conference history.

The kid is a load at 5-10 232.

Division 1-A
Kip McCarthy Air Force-DNP
Chad Hall Air Force 2 for 19 and 5 catches for 71
Jim Ollis Air Force 6 for 28
Chad Smith Air Force 2 for 47 and a 1 yard catch
Peyton Hillis Arkansas 1 for 5 plus 2 catches for 44
Mike Viti Army 2 catches for 16
Vinny Perretta Boise State-Open Date
Joe Semanoff BYU 1 for 3 and a -1 yard catch
Doug Jones Cincinnati-nill
Kyle Bell Colorado State 23 for 73
John Mosure Colorado State 1 for 3 plus 2 for 26 and a TD
Justin Boyle Duke 4 for 11
Dual threat QB Tim Tebow Florida 27 for 166 and 2 TDs
Rich Owens Fresno State-Open Date
Brannon Southerland Georgia 1 for 0
Tyler Evans Georgia Tech-nill
Dual threat QB Case Keenum Houston 12 runs for 57 and 2 TDs
Jayson Bird Idaho 8 for 52 plus 5 catches for 72
Josiah Sears Indiana 2 for 15 plus 2 catches for 32
Tom Busch Iowa-nill
Jake Sharp Kansas 6 for 42 and a TD plus 3 catches for 46
John Drager Kent State-nill
Jacob Hester LSU 17 for 89 and a TD
Brock Bolen Louisville-nill
Andrew Hawken Michigan State 2 catches for 14
Adam Ballard Navy 10 for 35 plus a 12 yard catch
Eric Kettani Navy 14 for 71 and 2 TDs plus a 3 yard catch
Luke Lippincott Nevada-Open Date
Micah Mosley North Texas 2 for 17
Mitch Morsillo Ohio 1 for 3 plus 1 catch for 2
Dane Zaslaw Oklahoma-nill
Matthew Sieverson Oregon State-nill
Nick Pinchek Penn State-nill
Dan Lawlor Penn State-nill
Matt Hahn Penn State 1 for 1 and 1 catch for 11
Dan Dierking Purdue 7 for 41
Taylor Rank South Carolina-nill
Toby Gerhart Stanford-DNP
Paul Chiara Syracuse-nill
Dual threat QB Stephen McGee Texas A&M 16 for 39 and a TD
LB/RB Chris Chamberlain Tulsa 1 for 0 but had a nice INT as LB
Dual threat QB Sam Hunt UAB-Open Date
Chane Moline UCLA 3 for 8
Danny Nelson UCLA-nill
Ray Stowers Utah-nill
Aaron Lesue Utah State 4 for 10
Jared Hawkins Vanderbilt-Open Date
Josh Zidenberg Virginia-nill
Kevin Harris WF-nill
Dual threat QB Jake Locker Washington 15 for 92
Paul Homer Washington 1 catch for 7
Luke Kravitz Washington 2 for -2
Owen Schmitt West Virginia 4 for 32 plus 2 catches for 9

Division 1-AA
Josh DeStefano Bucknell 12 for 45
Luke Siwula Cornell 8 for 43 plus a 5 yard catch
Shane Kilcoyne Cornell 7 for -14
Jason Bash Dartmouth-nill
Kyle Van Fleet Georgetown 6 for 17 plus a 4 yard catch
Steve Silva Holy Cross-nill
Tim Watson Lafayette-nill
Joe Russo Lafayette 2 for 7 plus a 24 yard catch
Blayde Becksted Montana State
Chad Kackert New Hampshire-nill
Keith LeVan New Hampshire 6 cathes for 79 and 2 TDs
John Majeski North Dakota State 2 catches for 28
Tyler Roehl North Dakota State 30 for 143 and 3 TDs plus 6 catches for 39
Joe Sandberg Pennsylvania-nill
Nick Cisler Pennsylvania 1 catch for 17
R.C. Langomarsino Princeton 15 for 59 and a TD plus 3 catches for 15
Rob Toresco Princeton 9 for 66 plus 2 catches for 16
Jimmy Hughes Rhode Island 3 for 13 and a 37 yard catch
Joe Casey Rhode Island 22 for 130 plus a 19 yard catch
JT Rogan San Diego-Open Date
Cory Koenig South Dakota State 12 for 41 and 2 TDs
Johnny Sanchez Southern Utah 16 for 181 plus 2 catches for 9
Andrew McCloud Western Kentucky-nill
Matthew Murray Yale-nill

Division II
Danny Woodhead Chadron State 31 for 160 and a TD
Ben Stallings Delta State 4 for 23
RB/WR Chad Schroeder Delta State 6 for 28 and a TD plus 3 catches for 78 and a TD
James Berezik Grand Valley State 12 for 57 plus 2 KR for 73 and a 15 yard PR
Ryan Chappell North Dakota 24 for 214 and 4 TDs
Brandon Brady North Dakota-nill
Jake Machachek St. Cloud State 5 for 28 plus a 7 yard catch

Division III
Dual threat QB Greg Micheli Mount Union 4 for 57 and a TD
Nate Kmic Mount Union 7 for 39 and 2 TDs plus 2 catches for 21 and a TD
Ryan Hanson St. John Fisher 30 for 105 and a TD plus an 8 yard catch
Justin Beaver Wisconsin-Whitewater 34 for 134

Erik Cimpl Sioux Falls 16 for 97 plus 2 catches for 8Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Colonel, i have spotted another white tailback!

he plays for the awful Temple Owls, but he emerged as the starter last week and ran for 114 yards and a touchdown on 22 carries against one of the ebst run defenses in the nation at UConn. he started again today.

his name is Jason Harper. he is a true sophomore, and he looks to be very shifty and have good vision. but Temple is just bad.

as an aside, their best defensive player is their only white starter... sophomore cornerback Anthony Ferla who is far and away their best cover man.

edited to add: here are the links to their player bios... [url]http://owlsports.cstv.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/harper_jason00 .html[/url]

[url]http://owlsports.cstv.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/ferla_anthony0 0.html[/url]Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
what are you talking about?

edited to add: Jason Harper finished with a game-high 88 yards on 24 carries, and he added 7 catches for 28 yardsincluding a 17-yard touchdown.

the announcers had very kind words for his effort, acknowledging that he playedwell, and ran hardthe entire game even though he was hit in the backfield on a large percentage of his attempts.

Temple's offensive line stinks, aside from their center who is very, VERY good.Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
jacknyc said:
look closer!
I don't think he is white either. He is mulatoo. With a last name of Harper which is Anglo-Saxon/Irish he is pretty dark. You never know though he could be part Southern Euro.
you guys are both wrong. but feel free to feel as you wish.

also, Jacob Hester just had a nice touchdown run! woo hoo!!!
Jacob Hester has 71 yards rushing so far in the 3rd quarter. I love this kid. He is very shifty and also quite powerful. Jacob will get the spotlight alot this year being on one of the top two teams in the country. This is great for our cause. Keep it up Hester!
Jason Harper


Edited by: Colonel_Reb
while not receiving any touches in the backfield, Peyton Hillis is showcasing his ability as a receiver.

the fact he has the best hands ofallthe Razorbacks is often discussed by broadcasters, and the Hogs have been using him as a wide receiver a lot of late. already in this game he has 2 catches for 44 yards.
Jason Harper definitely looks mixed.

Hester had a good game, but once again fell just shy of 100 yards. at least he scored a TD and had a great ypc of 5.2

John Mosure scored his first college TD, 21 yard catch!Edited by: backrow
it was a typo! relax.

you know what he meant.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
it was a typo! relax.

you know what he meant.

haha, sure was. while Jimmy and Col are more into college football, tomorrow's NFL games are already on mind.
my bad. i wasnt sure cuz i dont know who that guy is. is he the backup for csu?

judging from harper's recruiting profile (NR 1 star), they thought he was white so....
I know this isn't amazing, but Ohio State did have two different white guys line up at RB for the last two minutes or so. Freshman K.C Christian had 1 carry for 1 yard, and Sophomore Joe Gantz had the same. At least they earned their varsity letters. It's gotta be tough being 4th and 5th on the depth chart with good running backs ahead of you.
Edited by: Electric Slide
Week 4 stats complete.
Week 6

Division 1-A
Chad Hall Air Force 17 for 169 and 2 TDs plus 4 catches for 44
Chad Smith Air Force 10 for 38 and a TD plus a 2 yard catch
Shaun Carney Air Force 7 runs for 73 and a TD
Jim Ollis Air Force 2 for 17
Kyle Bell Colorado State 19 for 76 plus a 5 yard catch
Justin Boyle Duke 7 for 28 and a TD
Jake Sharp Kansas 16 for 79 and a TD plus an 8 yard catch
Brock Bolen Louisville 8 for 43 and a TD plus 2 catches for 20
Jacob Hester LSU career high 23 for 106 and a TD!

Matt Malouf Memphis 5 for 12
Luke Lippincott Nevada 5 for 30 plus 4 catches for 77 and a TD
Dual threat QB Chase Clement Rice 11 for 28
Paul Chiara Syracuse 1 catch for 7
WR/RB Ryan Christian Texas Christian 11 for 43 and a 5 yard catch
Chane Moline UCLA 6 for 21
Corbin Louks Utah 2 for 17 and a TD
Jared Hawkins Vanderbilt 6 for 40
Kevin Harris Wake Forest 1 for 1

Owen Schmitt West Virginia 8 for 39 and 2 TDs plus a 31 yard catch and a nice quick punt!

Division 1-AA
Shane Kilcoyne Cornell 7 for 45 plus 3 catches for 20
Kyle Vanfleet Georgetown 6 for 22 plus 5 catches for 44 and 2 TDs
Cheng Ho Harvard 19 for 65 and a TD
Chad Kackert New Hampshire 10 for 36 plus 2 catches for 32
Tyler Roehl North Dakota State 14 for 75 and 3 TDs plus 2 catches for 50
Joe Sandberg Penn 13 for 117 and 2 TDs
Rob Toresco Princeton 1 for 3 plus 3 catches for 48
R.C. Lagomarsino Princeton 9 for 32
Cory Koenig South Dakota State 19 for 87 plus 2 for 9

Division II
Danny Woodhead Chadron State 34 runs for 208 yards and 2TDs Set the all time all division college football rushing record on the first drive of the 3rd quarter! His 19th 200+ yard game, 4 more than anyone else to ever play the game! Congratulations Danny!

Ben Stallings Delta State 7 for 32
RB/WR Chad Schroeder Delta State 2 for 16 plus 4 catches for 74
James Berezik Grand Valley State 7 for 125 and 2 TDs
Blake Smolen Grand Valley State 7 for 49
Ryan Chappell North Dakota 15 for 43 plus 4 catches for 154 and a TD
Brandon Brady North Dakota 3 for 10 and 2 TDs

Division III
Nate Kmic Mount Union 17 for 96 and a TD and a 10 yard catch
Ryan Hanson St. John Fisher 20 for 81 and a TD
Justin Beaver Wisconsin-Whitewater 25 for 233 and 2 TDs

Erik Cimpl Sioux Falls 14 for 89 and a TDEdited by: Colonel_Reb
Ray Rice is averaging a whopping 1.9 yards per carry at the half. Yes, like most other things I predict on this site, sometimes to your amazement, it is happening! I am just that good!
what's with Kevin Harris? i thought that him and Hawkins are the most promising white young runners...
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