2007 Florida State Seminoles


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Here are Massa Bowden's "priviledged few" starting white tribesmen for the upcoming season.

QB Drew Weatherford
RT David Overmyer
C Ryan McMahon

NG Budd Thacker

FB Joe Surratt has apparently been demoted to backup, despite being the best rusher for quite a spell last year. Roverback Anthony Houllis has also been demoted to backup in favor of a player with more appropriate skin tones.Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Two players? WTF? It seems like Weatherford has been around for a while now as well.
Yep. Right now, Mississippi State is tied with Free Shoes U. for having the fewest starting whites. I haven't yet done Thug U. though.
Seems like every year Bowden gets closer to his goal of an all-black team.
Yeah, I guess now that it has been done in the NFL, its just a matter of time before it happens at a 1A university. It would be a shame for it to happen anywhere though, let alone the great state of Mississippi.
Holy Toledo Batman, Massa Bah-den is starting a white Nose Guard, Budd Thacker! RT David Overmyer is starting as well. That makes Mississippi State officially the blackest team in the land.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
HAHAHA the blacker bowden's team gets, the worse they've become. this team is a joke. NO OFFENSIVE productivity from the supposed above and beyond affletes. hardly any pressure on the QB from these athletic 'animals.' and key drop passes galore. gotta love it. same thing is happening to virginia tech the last few years it seems. the blacker they've become, the worse they've become.
you know what? seminoles nation will continue putting the blame on weatherford. and keep calling for xavier lee, who's suposed to be the savior for the last 3 years, and who still wish he was in HS.
I wonder how long until people start musing out loud that Massah Bowden is out of touch with new players? If Miami sucks and State suck where are all the basketweavers going these days?
Wow was just checking out the Wake Forest vs. Florida State game and it is hard to watch! FSU has an all-black defense at times! In one play, FSU only had a white center, and Wake only 1 white LB, 2 whites and 20 blacks on the field at the same time!

It irritates me greatly knowing how big a state Florida is, that Bowden thinks whites are so bad at football that they can not even have 1 white guy on the field at all times

I was joking with my father that Bowden must have a brown sign in front of his office that says "If you are lighter than this sign, don't even bother."
Electric Slide said:
I was joking with my father that Bowden must have a brown sign in front of his office that says "If you are lighter than this sign, don't even bother."

sad, but true
What! an acedemic scandal at FSU??? I didn't even think they had to attend classes, so what did they cheat on? Times are really tough when you have to cheat in class at a place like FSU.

Top defenders, linemen among 36 Seminoles to sit out bowl game

Thirty-six Florida State players won't be going to the Dec. 31 Music City Bowl against Kentucky because of an academic cheating scandal, violations of team rules, injuries or other reasons.

Linebacker Dekoda Watson, cornerback Patrick Robinson, who had six interceptions, and three top defensive tackles were among the players sidelined either as a result of the ongoing investigation into an academic cheating scandal at the school or some other violation of team rules.
How does FSU lose 30-something players due to academics (guess the ethnic background) and still manage an AA (All-African) defense? It's either the newest HBC or the athletic caste system is really screwed. Since I saw big white guys on the sideline with numbers in the 40s and 90s(defensive numbers), I think it's safe to say the latter is true.

You can't fix the NFL if the highest levels of college are this bad. Since when did football become a million dollar handout system for blacks with minimal levels of coordination?
Edited by: FieldThrower
FieldThrower said:
You can't fix the NFL if the highest levels of college are this bad. Since when did football become a million dollar handout system for blacks with minimal levels of coordination?

Florida State is no longer the highest level of college football and have been pretty insignificant for the past few years.. this doesn't stop the media from giving them top 25 in the preseason polls, but FSU's run of great seasons has seemingly ended, just as Miami's has...
Ever heard of "Black Seminoles"? They were runaway slaves who lived and
intermarried w\seminoles in the southeast. Indians usually werent prejudice
of blacks.
Indians kept blacks as slaves longer than whites. When Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation it didn't apply to Indian territory. Some tribes kept their black slaves into the late 1800s.

Just this year an Indian tribe excluded blacks from membership (or at least those blacks who claimed they were part of the tribe. Lots of blacks like to pretend they are part Indian).
The Emancipation Proclamation didn't apply but to a few states anyway. The 13th Ammendment is what freed the slaves in late December 1865.
FSU PUNISHES ITSELF: A football squad with a history of off-field problems will join other Florida State teams on self-imposed probation for two years, and some teams will lose scholarships because of an academic cheating scandal, the university said in a report released Thursday.

About 60 athletes have lost or will lose some eligibility. Two staffers -- a tutor and a learning specialist -- had been fired. No additional dismissals were listed.

The cheating occurred mainly in online testing for one course in the fall of 2006 and the 2007 spring and summer semesters.

FSU officials conducted the investigation with assistance from the NCAA, Atlantic Coast Conference and a consulting firm.

The NCAA still can conduct its own investigation and impose additional penalties.

(The Associated Press)

[url]http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/colleges/fsu/story/420190. html[/url]
<H1>FSU imposes 2 years probation in cheating scandal</H1>
<H2>FSU placed its sports programs on probation, and some will lose scholarships in response to a cheating scandal.</H2>
<DIV =cf id=storyDate-Links style="BORDER-TOP: #ddd 1px solid; MARGIN: 10px 0px; PADDING-TOP: 2px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ddd 1px solid">
<H5>Posted on Fri, Feb. 15, 2008</H5>
<H3 =byline>BY JEFF SHAIN</H3>
<H3 =credit_line>jshain@MiamiHerald.com </H3>

Scholarship cuts loom for as many as nine Florida State sports as penalty for an academic cheating scandal involving 61 athletes during three semesters, including perhaps two dozen in football.

The Seminoles also have volunteered for two years of NCAA probation and revamped oversight of their academic support services, including the dismissal of five senior administrators deemed to be negligent.

The self-sanctions were outlined in a 30-page report sent to the NCAA on Thursday, capping an 11-month internal investigation. NCAA officials will review the findings and decide whether any additional action is needed.

''We believe that our investigation has been thorough and exhaustive,'' FSU provost Larry Abele, who chaired the school's investigation, said in a statement.

``This university and its athletics department have accepted responsibility, made changes in the processes and systems and imposed penalties as warranted.''

The probe centered on an academic advisor and a tutor who supplied athletes with answers to an online test. The advisor, Brenda Monk, also was found to have encouraged one athlete to punch in answers for another player.

Monk and the tutor, a graduate student not identified in the report, left their jobs last summer.

FSU's report did not identify how many scholarships would be lost, nor which sports would be sanctioned. An initial letter to the NCAA last September indicated nine sports were affected.

Thursday's final draft, though, said only that FSU would trim scholarships ``in several sports depending up the number of involved student-athletes in those sports and in proportion to reduction imposed by the NCAA.''

A phone call to FSU general counsel Betty Steffens, another committee member, seeking clarification was not returned.

With the approval of NCAA officials, FSU athletes involved in misconduct face suspensions equivalent to 30 percent of their sport's regular season.

Perhaps two dozen football players were suspended for FSU's Music City Bowl appearance against Kentucky, leaving the Seminoles to use a handful of walk-ons to complete their bowl roster.

Suspended players returning next season will have to sit out three more games. In anticipation, the Seminoles' schedule opens with games against lower-tier opponents Western Carolina and Chattanooga.

The men's and women's basketball teams also have felt the impact of nine-game suspensions. Other sports involved are less clear.

FSU officials began looking into misconduct last spring, centering on a music history course given online.

The university eventually declared the course ''compromised'' for the fall 2006, spring 2007 and summer 2007 semesters.

In one case, Monk admitted logging into one athlete's account during spring 2007 and asking a nearby athlete to punch in answers to a test. The second athlete did so, then reported the incident to his academic advisor a few days later.

Monk also acknowledged compiling a course ''study guide'' for athletes that contained answers to the exams, which never changed from one semester to the next.

Investigators also learned Monk steered several athletes to the tutor, who would supply answers as students took the test.

Both Monk and the tutor told investigators they believed the exams were of the ''open book'' variety. FSU officials acknowledged the confusion, saying a previous teacher had allowed open-book exams in the course but the current one did not.

FSU officials also have initiated an overhaul of the online testing procedure, requiring exams to be taken only in certain locations and supervised by a proctor. Computer security also has been tightened to give tutors nothing more than ''read-only'' access to a student's account.

Miami Herald writer Ira Schoffel contributed.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Florida State quarterback Drew Weatherford will likely miss the rest of spring practice with a knee injury.

Weatherford said Wednesday he has a slight tear in the lateral meniscus and is leaning toward having surgery that would put him out a month.

"We're probably going to make the decision by the end of the week whether or not I'm going to be able to come back out, and it doesn't look like I'm going to be, so I'm probably going to have surgery as soon as possible," he said.

He injured the knee during last Saturday's scrimmage when linebacker Dekoda Watson attempted to strip the ball as Weatherford was running.

Weatherford, a senior, has started 33 games in his career.

Coach Bobby Bowden said he wasn't worried about Weatherford potentially missing the rest of spring practice because it allows sophomores Christian Ponder and D'Vontrey Richardson to get extra repetitions with the first- and second-team offenses.

[url]http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/story/7958106/Seminoles-QB-may- have-surgery-on-knee?FSO2&amp;ATT=MA [/url]
celticdb15 said:
Ever heard of "Black Seminoles"? They were runaway slaves who lived and
intermarried w\seminoles in the southeast. Indians usually werent prejudice
of blacks.
From what I have seen many "Seminoles" have a significant amount of black in them too. It's similar to many other aboriginals having significant amount of white ancestry. When I saw the commissioner of the Seminole tribes boxing commission I thought he was black. Many of the reasons why tribes don't want blacks or whites joining their tribes isn't just race it's also money if the tribe has a significant revenue producer. Ie casino gambling or natural resources. Anyway somebody that is 1/16 or 1/8th anything claiming to be that ethnic group is ridiculous.
[url]http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/story/8155282/Parker-pleads-gui lty-to-charges,-will-sit-2-games?FSO2&amp;ATT=MA [/url]

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Florida State receiver Preston Parker will have to sit out the first two games of the 2008 season after pleading guilty Monday to two misdemeanor charges.
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<DIV =in_info__btm>The 21-year-old Parker, the Seminoles' most versatile player last season, was arrested in April on a felony charge for allegedly having a loaded .45-caliber pistol in the dashboard of his car. The charge was reduced to a misdemeanor charge of carrying a concealed weapon. </H4>

At the time of his arrest, Parker was also charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession, to which he also pleaded guilty in Palm Beach County.

"Preston made a very serious mistake, and there are consequences when one of our boys gets in trouble," head coach Bobby Bowden said in a statement. "Preston will have the opportunity to continue as a student and as an athlete at Florida State, but he will have to earn that right."

Parker will be a junior in the upcoming season. He is set to sit out games against Western Carolina and Chattanooga, and return to play against Wake Forest.

Parker apologized to his teammates and fans in a statement released by his attorney.

"I fully blame myself for being in this situation, because it could've easily been avoided," Parker wrote.

Parker scored five touchdowns last year. He caught a team-leading 62 passes, was second on the Seminoles in rushing and was Florida State's main punt returner.

As part of a plea agreement, Parker will perform 50 hours of community service and serve 12 months of probation.

Besides the two-game suspension, the university has set several other conditions for Parker to remain on the team. Those include moving into a supervised dorm, going to weekly study hall, performing an additional 50 hours of community service, attending weekly sessions with the school office that enforces NCAA regulations, submitting to drug testing and mentoring at-risk students.

"He wants to move forward with doing whatever he needs to do to get himself back in good graces with the university and back out to what he does on the football field. This is his first step toward doing that," said Parker's attorney, Jason Weiss.
<H1> [url]http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/story/8155282/Parker-pleads-gui lty-to-charges,-will-sit-2-games?FSO2&amp;ATT=MA [/url]</H1>
<H1>Parker pleads guilty to charges, will sit 2 games</H1><!-- name="blurb" content="Florida State receiver Preston Parker will have to sit out the first two games of the 2008 season after pleading guilty Monday to two misdemeanor charges.

The 21-year-old Parker, the Seminoles' most versatile p last season, was arrested in April on a felony charge for allegedly having a loaded .45-caliber pistol in the dashboard of his car. The charge was reduced to a misdemeanor charge of carrying a concealed weapon."-->
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<H3>Updated: May 20, 2008, 12:22 PM EST
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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Florida State receiver Preston Parker will have to sit out the first two games of the 2008 season after pleading guilty Monday to two misdemeanor charges.
<DIV =in_info__btm>

The 21-year-old Parker, the Seminoles' most versatile player last season, was arrested in April on a felony charge for allegedly having a loaded .45-caliber pistol in the dashboard of his car. The charge was reduced to a misdemeanor charge of carrying a concealed weapon.

At the time of his arrest, Parker was also charged with misdemeanor marijuana possession, to which he also pleaded guilty in Palm Beach County.

"Preston made a very serious mistake, and there are consequences when one of our boys gets in trouble," head coach Bobby Bowden said in a statement. "Preston will have the opportunity to continue as a student and as an athlete at Florida State, but he will have to earn that right."

Parker will be a junior in the upcoming season. He is set to sit out games against Western Carolina and Chattanooga, and return to play against Wake Forest.

Parker apologized to his teammates and fans in a statement released by his attorney.

"I fully blame myself for being in this situation, because it could've easily been avoided," Parker wrote.

Parker scored five touchdowns last year. He caught a team-leading 62 passes, was second on the Seminoles in rushing and was Florida State's main punt returner.

As part of a plea agreement, Parker will perform 50 hours of community service and serve 12 months of probation.

Besides the two-game suspension, the university has set several other conditions for Parker to remain on the team. Those include moving into a supervised dorm, going to weekly study hall, performing an additional 50 hours of community service, attending weekly sessions with the school office that enforces NCAA regulations, submitting to drug testing and mentoring at-risk students.

"He wants to move forward with doing whatever he needs to do to get himself back in good graces with the university and back out to what he does on the football field. This is his first step toward doing that," said Parker's attorney, Jason Weiss.
American Freedom News