12% of the population

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
You know, you'd never guess by watching television, commercials, or movies that blacks are only 12% of the population in the United States.

Their faces dominate high profile positions in television dramas and movies; they are the chiefs of police and fire departments, mayors, and presidents.

They are the best and most highly worshiped athletes and action heroes; they are special forces team leaders, super narcotics agents, and vampire killers.

Judging by what I see advertised on television, they know more about electronics, computers, and credit than the dorky white person who comes to them for advice.

They can throw footballs out of stadiums and shoot basketballs from across court and swish, hit nothing but net.

I know there are black people in positions of authority. Look no further than New Orleans and Washington, D.C. But the fact remains that anyone viewing our media will believe that blacks are the most numerous and dominate race in the United States, bar none. They're better looking, more athletic, more intelligent, have more money, get all the girls, and are the caretakers of their less capable neighbors, poor white folks who need to be saved from their criminal redneck, hillbilly and Nazi cousins who dominate the airwaves as dramatic villians, evil counterpoints to the black man, our hero.


Dec 28, 2004
Fact is when left to themselves blacks can't feed there own dog much less a nation, can't build an ocean going vessel, build a car or airplane. The black nations of the world are the poorest, most backward on Earth with many who can niether read nor write. In sports such as the Olympics they finish dead last while Germany and Russia win medals by the carload. In the USA states with the most blacks are crime filled, full of high school dropouts, more dope, more unwanted kids, more murders in short they are more like Kenya then Scotland. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.History proves it.


May 20, 2005
Well, WE'VE all noticed it, which doesn't nessecarily mean we're geniuses, considering it's only slightly less subtle than the signs on the Vegas strip. The difficulty to overcome is that our friends and relatives DON'T seem to notice/acknowledge it, and seem to think one is a "racist" or a "nut" when it's brought up.


Dec 28, 2004
Not to notice it is niether crazy nor racist it's FACT! This could well be the ruin of the USA-if the boat is sinking and we fail to do something about it we will drown. To try to make blacks appear more then what they really are is brainwashing and it's been going on in the US for a least 2 generations. All the money in the world won't make the Sudan like Denmark or Haiti like Norway. Africa is was and always will be dirt poor- most blacks don't know how to improve there conditions or be creative. They would rather dance then build a real nation. It's that simple.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
White_Savage said:
The difficulty to overcome is that our friends and relatives DON'T seem to notice/acknowledge it, and seem to think one is a "racist" or a "nut" when it's brought up.

White Savage, you nailed the problem. I belong to several groups covering subjects over a broad spectrum. I've posted a few articles about the atrocities commited by blacks against whites in the Super Dome and even linked to the column written by the Jamaican who is critical of black behavior. You would think judging by the cresponses that I was the one doing the raping and looting. It's like they have no clue and can't connect the dots when it's right in front of their eyes. It's so frustrating.

Now, it's understandable to get negative vibes from lefty's but so-called rock ribbed conservatives are also in a fog. I heard Limbaugh and my local hackdiscussing the storm and the looting. The problem is that all of the leaders and inhabitants are liberals. If we could get em to read the constitution and subscribe to the National Review all would be hunky dory. Bob Whitakerderisively calls them respectable conservatives. I say they're weasels and cowards.


Oct 19, 2004
Lately I've been trying to detach myself from the US, emotionally and mentally. I don't think it's worthy of my anguish. Even though I'm physically in America, I would rather not identify with it. It's not my country anymore. I only wish we had a "haven" where only white people could tread. This is just too unbarable. I'm just lucky that I live in a small, safe, quiet town in Kentucky. It's so much worse elsewhere, but at this rate, they'll be everywhere eventually. It may take several decades, but they're coming, especially the Hispanics.


Sep 9, 2005
It really does astound me to see so many blacks on TV/movies, etc.. And they're usually the hero whilst the villain is the big bad white man.

Of course the liberal elite loves to tell you how Jesse Owens crushed nazi Supremecy when he won four Gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Then I shoot back with how Germany dominated the medal count (89-56), so what's your point? Their reply is one of bewilderment because they didn't know that part..

[url]http://www.olympic.org/uk/games/past/table_uk.asp?OLGT=1&amp ; ;OLGY=1936[/url]

Another lie is that Hitler refused to shake Owens' hand, that's bullsh*t. In fact Jesse Owens later stated that he was treated far better in nazi Germany than in his own home country (US). Edited by: Deacon
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
Don't start repeating the government/media sponsored BS about blacks
comprising only 12-13% of our population. That is a dangerous lie.

Immigration to this country since 1965 has been almost entirely
non-White. Virtually every medium-to-large city in Amerika has a
substantial Jamaican/Haitian/Nigerian/Ghanaian presence. There
are now blacks in every part of the country (including the
formerly-all-White regions of the upper Midwest and northern New
England). Domestic blacks have a higher-than-usual reproduction
rate, as well. Although the numbers are hard to pin down, it is
likely that blacks are now about 20-22% of the overall population, and
about 60% of the urban population.

This should make your blood run cold, especially if you have children.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Okay, 20-22% of the population.

They are still over-represented in the media.
Oct 16, 2004
Good point Southern Knight. Since the traitorous Immigration Act of
1965, Immigration has been 90% non-White. Blacks and "Latinos" are
certainly more numerous than the 12% and 13% claims from our "govt".
40% of our LEGAL immigration is from Mexico, what does that tell you?
There are all kinds of lies from the folks in DC regarding population:
others have pointed out that Jews claim to be 2-3% of the general
population, but a look at school admissions, population densities in
different areas of the US, numbers in professions, etc. show that their
number is more on the level of 5 - 7% of the overall US population. (In the
early part of the 20th century, Jewish organizations would tell their
people to lie on census forms and not admit to being Jewish, in order to
make their numbers appear less) The government has a vested interest
in lulling eveyone into a false sense of security, in that I mean making
whites think they are still an overwhelming majority of the population.

Even with blacks at 20% of the population right now, their representation
in the media and sports is outrageous, an artificial construct to break us
down. I suspect the true number of blacks in the country is around 20%
or slightly higher taking into account all the Haitians, Jamaicans, PRs now
wandering free range all over North America.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Colonel Callan said:
There are all kinds of lies from the folks in DC regarding population:
others have pointed out that Jews claim to be 2-3% of the general
population, but a look at school admissions, population densities in
different areas of the US, numbers in professions, etc. show that their
number is more on the level of 5 - 7% of the overall US population. (In the
early part of the 20th century, Jewish organizations would tell their
people to lie on census forms and not admit to being Jewish, in order to
make their numbers appear less)

Colonel Callan, it certainly would appear that census figures are way out of wack concerning Jews. They are way over represented in upper echelons of society. When I was younger doing manual labor such as roofing, welding, cement working, and machining, I noticed a total dearth of Jews-- I mean 0%. How is this possible?Are they all so brilliant? I'd wager you could find more Pygmy centers in the NBA than Jewish brick layers on the entire continent.

They are the most inter-connected, selfindulgent, self serving nepotistic group on the planet. The Poles have a saying: Did you ever see aJew with a shovel? Since physical labor is considered repugnant, we naturally see them( only)in high places and visible postions of authority. So, perhaps they appear more numerous than they are?

We would be wise to adopt some of their methods regarding racial strategies.Edited by: Bart


Oct 19, 2004
What about Asians? I just read Alien Nation and I was a little surprised by the very significant percentage of immigrants- post 1965- who are Asians.

So assuming that there are 270-300 million people in the US (maybe more?) at 20-22% of the pop., that would be 54-66 million blacks. That would be a lot. A lot more than the 30 million figure I've heard before. And if there are roughly that many Hispanics as well, plus however many Asians and others, then we are well on our way to minority-status. And sooner than 2050.


Oct 19, 2004
Also, I assume that Jews are considered "white" by the Census. So at 5-7%, that would drop our 69% or so of the population (according to the 2000 census) quite a bit.

20% black
20% Hispanic
10% Jew, Asian, other

That would only leave 50% white. Wow. Hope not.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I don't think its quite that bad, but it is getting worse, no doubt.
Jan 19, 2005
They can throw footballs out of stadiums and shoot basketballs from across court and swish, hit nothing but net.

that was funny whiteshogun.