“Toughâ€￾ dudes in football


You are right that most people don't care that English clubs are being taken over by foreigners and that there are more and more black "English" players. There is really nothing that can be done if people don't care that their club is full of Brazilians, for example.

You mentioned that if people stopped paying money and watching the games the clubs, including American teams, would change their policies. In America ,and I assume in the UK too, discrimination is illegal. So if nobody in American went to or watched an NFL game because they think white players are underrepresented, there is nothing the teams could do. It would be an interesting scenario to see. Would the teams go to Congress to get an exemption like they do with antitrust? Just about everything pro teams in America do is illegal for any other business so I guess they could try that. I suppose they could just pick white players and say they were better even if the coach didn't believe it. Just imagine all the complaining from black leaders.

They could easily keep out Dominicans, Venezuelans and Cubans from baseball, but they don't. There are more and more Cubans on MLB teams and people still go to games. I think white Americans would still go to games if every team was comprised only of Cubans, Dominicans and Venezuelans because they are so indoctrinated in the "nation of immigrant" idea and multiculturalism.
The efficacy of my proposed scenario was predicated on the existence of a "saner environment". In such a "saner environment" governmental impositions which serve to escalate the "cosmopolitanism" of football, such as free movement of workers within the European Union and the Cotonou Agreement, would be eradicated or at the very least curbed in their scope. In order for Porthos' golden rule of "They should be White" to be applied, we require a "sane" environment - which at this juncture is about as likely as Congolese scientists finally managing to split an atom using a junior stamp collector's magnifying glass in conjunction with a claw hammer...

maybe another solution in a "little bit saner environment" would be to give more freedom to the clubs, with ethnic teams, for example a club for ethnically french people living in france

Please pardon my atrabilious cynicism, but I have little faith in the cognitive powers of most of my fellow human beings, who might not currently live in caves but aren't far removed from their grunting, bollock-naked Stone Age ancestors.

that's probably the reason why in every european civilisation, only a small part of the white population had the right to vote and were citizens, while the others were slaves, because they were not able to live by themselves
and even amongst the citizens, some were more important and their vote counted much more than the others
and now even women can vote, since 1944 in france