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  1. werewolf

    Cycling Thread

    I agree! I used to build bikes and race them (Century Road Club, the oldest bike racing club in the country). I practically lived on my bike when I was a kid.
  2. werewolf

    Coronavirus thread

    1911: "The vaccination scourge"
  3. werewolf


    Maybe u might want to switch to isometrics for now. That's currently my favorite, isometrics and variations thereof - and now I'm trying very light weights - dumbells - under tension, which is what many of the old time strongmen used to advocate.
  4. werewolf


    "it's amusing to see how poor the record keeping is..." Every time I've looked at a medical report on me they have at least 50% of it wrong. If my left leg is hurt they'll write it's my right leg and so on. They barely pay attention to either me or what they're writing down. Doctors used to...
  5. werewolf


    Hi - How r u feeling? Yes, I know Bob B. Good guy. I met him on my last trip back east in 2012. He is now doing his Odinism group online. And yes Vic is a good guy too and I'm regularly in touch with him. He was at the German-American club in south Jersey the strange night before Hurricane...
  6. werewolf


    Don - Hope u r continuing to get better. i spoke w Patty from NJ today and as usual i got everything i said above half wrong. She used to help a fellow out with his cable tv show, not radio show like i said - and duh i was in the studio there too...and the bloke with a lot of land near PA was -...
  7. werewolf


    "I can still somewhat do push-ups, dips and pull-ups, so it appears my upper left arm and shoulder lost less strength than the lower half, which still has a long way to go. ---That sounds excellent! I remember Patty from NJ very well. We had really good groups of Populists in Pennsylvania...
  8. werewolf


    I don't know what EDTA is but I've used DMSO for years. Just be careful that u know what it is as it draws anything on the skin into your body, so u don't want to put it on top of, say, insect repellant, or in the case of Bud Lite's poster creature or 4 star Admiral Rachel Levine, on top of yr...
  9. werewolf


    I hope that you are OK, Don.
  10. werewolf

    You too, my friend.

    You too, my friend.
  11. werewolf

    Thank you! Stop by the boxing forum sometime and say hello. I hope Don gets better quickly. I...

    Thank you! Stop by the boxing forum sometime and say hello. I hope Don gets better quickly. I met him, rather saw him speak, years ago.
  12. werewolf


    Gods be with you, my friend. I hope you get all better very quickly! We will eventually meet in Valhalla and than I will buy you the beer - or mead! - I promised you.
  13. werewolf

    Coronavirus thread

    No problem, bro. By the way, I was still working in NYC the first time they tried to demolish the money losing red herring galvanically corroded badly designed WTC towers in 1993 so i was on the radio while it was going on and I heard them live discovering a few more unexploded bombs hidden in...
  14. werewolf

    Coronavirus thread

    Of course. Who in the world has ever said "it never happened at all"? Thank u, Beyond and Hock.
  15. werewolf

    Coronavirus thread

    Remember at the very beginning, in order to instill panic in China and worldwide, they showed dudes in Wuhan merrily traipsing along and suddenly dropping dead in mid stride? Remember that gag? I can't find those videos online now. Looks like they've scoured them, just as they did the many...
  16. werewolf

    Lay Off The Garlic There Men

    Good for you! Unfortunately that little bit of advice comes from experience. Can't undo it either.
  17. werewolf

    Lay Off The Garlic There Men

    Don't use garlic imported from China, like those big cheap pre-peeled bags of garlic cloves u see.
  18. werewolf

    Lay Off The Garlic There Men

    I said it was eaten in Japan but not that much, not like in Korea for instance. Japanese people call Koreans garlic eaters.
  19. werewolf

    Lay Off The Garlic There Men

    But the aforementioned Japanese eat tons of soy, esp. in the form of tofu, but many other ways as well. It may be the way it's grown in the US that causes it to have some harmful qualities, but then I think Asian-Americans are amongst the longest lived people here too.
  20. werewolf

    Lay Off The Garlic There Men

    I love dogs but I'm afraid that a lot of their wild wolf common sense has been bred out of them, especially with food. They are also idiots with traffic, but i'll give them half a pass with that because they didn't evolve with cars going 70 MPH...but they could have learned by now, no...
  21. werewolf

    Lay Off The Garlic There Men

    Was I wrong about that? I'm open minded. Japanese people are the longest lived people in the world. Their cuisine does include garlic but not very much. Another problem with garlic is the kind imported from China which, even amongst dangerously contaminated Chinese foods (and I love Asian...
  22. werewolf

    Coronavirus thread

    Stupid goyim trying to think! Watch tv. We'll tell you what to think.
  23. werewolf

    Condition Red Revisited: White Male Erasure in Advertising, by Edmund Connelly - The Unz Review

    This is why i say China isn't my enemy, nor is Iran, and certainly Russia isn't my enemy, nor is any of their other enemies du jour. The greatest enemy of the White race and western civilization is right here!
  24. werewolf

    Condition Red Revisited: White Male Erasure in Advertising, by Edmund Connelly - The Unz Review
  25. werewolf

    Coronavirus thread

    "There are a great many false quotes on the internet" - President Abraham Lincoln