Search results

  1. F

    RIP Jim Taylor #31 The last White man to lead the NFL in rushing yards in a season (1962). John
  2. F

    "No, Alabama Can’t Beat the Browns" Not directly a caste issue IMO but maybe CFers can put this in a caste perspective. You might hit a paywall if you click the link here, but if you use Chrome and Google the article title (which is the thread title with...
  3. F

    FBI, SEC look into Phil Mickelson [as part of insider trading probe] "Sandra Douglas" posted on the comments below this article, "Wow, if this was Woods, we would have a thousand comments!" Don can merge this with the ongoing Lefty thread or move this thread...
  4. F

    Is Wayne Fontes a mulatto?

    Reading The Wall Street Journal's remembrance of William Clay Ford and its mention of Wayne Fontes (one of 17 DET head coaches under WCF's reign, and one of the more successful) jogged my memory - and prompted to me to ask: Is Fontes part black? All those sideline closeups got me thinking. I...
  5. F messageboard

    Why am I posting this on the NFL board? Read on with patience and you'll find out. A few months ago I posted a link to . Once there, you have to click "here", then you have to register to see the boards, which apparently nobody on CasteFootball but yours truly (under a...
  6. F

    Shooting at DC Naval Yard

    I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet on CF, considering that they arrested a Black suspect (a navy vet)... John
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    RIP Art Donovan I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet on CF unless I missed it. Who remembers #70? John
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    My enter key won't work on CF

    My enter key won't work on CF, although it works on MS Word and other sites. How do I fix it? John
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    Paula Deen

    I'm very surprised her blacklisting hasn't been discussed on CF. Was she crucified? John (who vacationed in Savannah, GA 3 years ago and has seen Deen tortilla chips marked down at Walgreens)
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    Porcelain Pennington tears ACL;_ylt=A2KJ3CWmJplNcB8ADfhNbK5_?slug=capress-fbn_pennington_injury-6423844 Surprised this hasn't been mentioned on CF. I first found about it from page 26, towards the bottom, of (you have to register to see...
  11. F

    Cam Newton played hockey!

    Not that one... John
  12. F

    Lockout begins. Implications for caste syst.?

    Now that the NFL lockout is a reality, can we speculate as it unfolds on how its length, outcome, etc. may or may not affect the prospects for caste busting? (I probably didn't phrase that right...) John
  13. F

    Clippers celebrate BHM - on 3/2 Discuss... John
  14. F

    RIP Ron Santo

    Former Cubs hot corner guy. Claimed by bladder cancer at 70.,0,1699814.story John
  15. F

    The Juice, the murders, and other things

    "TV's #1 Show: The Simpson"Â￾ - poster depicting the Juice's mug shot, doctored so that he's wearing a Bart Simpson hairdo "Â￾After all the evidence, I can't believe it's not O.J."Â￾ - bumper sticker This thread (inspired by the sidetracking of a certain thread in the NFL forum) is...
  16. F

    Steve Van Buren - why isn't he a "pioneer"?

    The discussion on CF's main NFL forum about NFLN's top 100 players series degenerated into a "debate" on the amount of whiteness in Steve Van Buren, who is on the list. Van Buren was becoming a star just as Kenny Washington was joining the Rams (just relocated from Cleveland to Washington's...
  17. F

    Bush losing his Heisman? reports he might... Of course, the scoop is attributed to "sources", FWIW to CF'ers. John
  18. F

    White athlete locker room cancers

    Have there ever been any? Or is it unique to Blacks? (I put this on HH as it is not specific to a sport necessarily.) John
  19. F

    Leo Durocher

    Leo Durocher may be the only White baseball figure who deliberately (more or less, by his strong personality, feuds with the press, et al) made himself controversial. At least that description fits him more than any other White who was ever in the grand old game. What is CF's party line on...
  20. F

    Football betting comes to Delaware

    This isn't really a caste system issue, but it is a pro football-related issue so I'm putting it on the NFL board rather than HH. I'd like to see the take of bigunreal, who more than any other CF'er has a fixation on football fixing. It didn't happen quite as Delaware's guv envisioned, but...
  21. F

    Care to define good and bad skating?

    On the Stanley Cup playoff thread (I think) someone mentioned that the black players Donald Brashear and Georges Laraque were poor skaters or something to that effect. Well, what constitutes "good" skating and "bad" skating? Like I remember mentioning on CF, when tuned in to an event, I pay...
  22. F

    Was there caste-ing in boxing?

    Did boxing ever had a caste system, at least at the hw level? It's a question I put to Kulkucan but he became a "guest" before he got a chance to answer, apparently, so I put it now to the rest of you. John
  23. F

    Booker *Taliaferro* Washington...

    ...and ESPN's Mike Tirico... not them so much as their names.... HTF did these black dudes end up with Italian names??? John
  24. F

    The Babe and the blacks

    His granddaughter wants his number retired - and guess in whose honor.,0,3035380.c olumn Well, since some like Leigh Montville theorize that the Bambino may have been part black ("******lips" they called him at St. Mary's, writes Bob...