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  1. P

    Pavlik - Hopkins on 10/18/08 per Bob Arum

    Apparently, Hopkins has a healthy respect for least right now. We will see if he decides to say anything inflammatory to hype the fight as time goes on..... utual-respect/?newswatch Pavlik, Hopkins share mutual...
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    George Carlin passes away

    Humor is very subjective, so I would not argue with anyone who did not like Carlin, but for me he was hilarious and meaningful right until the end. I also saw many of his shows through the years and he did not pick on whites....he picked on everyone. Unlike many other comedians he did not...
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    Mark Jackson Comment?

    Nevada - you are comparing apples to oranges.....heavyweights or QB's from years past to today vs. TEAMS. Anyone who follows basketball will agree that before expansion and the rash of players entering the pros with little or no college experience, that the quality of play (on average) is...
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    Mark Jackson Comment?

    Yes, I think that with 2 legitmate low post centers who were both over 7 feet, Garnett would be a power forward and would NOT start over McHale. I agree that Garnett is in his prime, while the mid 80's Walton was past his, but for that team, Walton's passing ability, especially his outlet...
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    Mark Jackson Comment?

    Walton had a revival when he got to the Celtics and was still the best passing center that has ever played, but Parish was the starter and I do not think that Garnett would have started over Parish, who was bigger and stronger and able to handle Kareem. Garnett could not have handled Kareem and...
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    Mark Jackson Comment?

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    Mark Jackson Comment?

    Would be surprised to to hear that Jackson said that. He has always been highly complimentary to Bird...Jackson played for Bird while at Indiana and is old enough to have played against him (and be dominated by Bird and the Celtics) while he was a pt. gd on the Knicks. I think most...
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    NFL Network’s Top 10 Mobile QBs.

    How true. Flutie was one of the athletic QB's I have ever seen. Even in his late 30's and early 40's he was still one of the best scrambling and rushing QB's in the league.
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    NFL Network’s Top 10 Mobile QBs.

    Having Marino but not Elway on this list makes no sense.
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    Heated NFL caste arguments on Youtube!

    I agree. A very well thought out and well written post.
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    Joe Calzaghe vs. Bernard Hopkins

    No fighter has landed more punches against Hopkins than Calzaghe, including in Hopkins losses to Roy Jones and Jermain Taylor. Other than the first round, Calzaghe dominated what was by his own admission an ugly fight due to Hopkins excessive hitting and holding. Kellerman made an...
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    Joe Calzaghe vs. Bernard Hopkins

    Hopkins is craftier and more skilled than Lacy, but I do think that Joe's superior hand speed and work rate will carry the fight. I am thinking a unanimous decision for Calzaghe, if the fight is judged fairly.
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    Joe Calzaghe vs. Bernard Hopkins

    Surprised I have not seen this fight hyped a bit more by the mainstream media and HBO. When Mayweather fought Hatton, HBO had a countdown show and even the newspapers put out a story or two a week on the fight. Anyway, I am hopeful that Calzaghe can avoid getting tagged by Hopkins (Hopkins is...
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    Chris Long

    Sorry. Yes, I did indeed mean Reggie White. Thanks, backrow.
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    St. Patrick`s Day: An American Holiday?

    I normally stay away from posts that are not sports related but must object to the "drunken retard" comments, regardless of your opinion on making St. Pat's day a national holiday or not. As an Irish American in a city with a large Irish population I can tell you that although there are...
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    Chris Long

    Mike Wilbon of PTI said that Chris Long was the best defensive end he has seem come out of college since Reggie Williams.
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    John Duddy

    Duddy has a big heart and suspect defense.....a bad combination against a devastating puncher like Pavlik. I like both these guys a lot and hope they do not face each other, but since Duddy has a huge following with my fellow Irishmen in NY, he is considered to be a good draw, and money is...
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    Pavlik vs. Taylor II: The Rematch

    Any word on Pavlik's hand? I know that he was injured a while back and received quite a few stitches.
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    Calzaghe-Hopkins is now official

    I too, respect Taylor and can see why a Taylor victory would set up a huge rubber match. However, I am still rooting for Pavlik.:)
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    RB - Sam McGuffie

    Wow. That article got pretty much to the point instead of just implying things like I have seen others do... Wonder if public pressure will force Rivals to re-evaluate their ridiculous rankings....
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    Calzaghe-Hopkins is now official

    Hope you are correct, WIR.....although Hopkins has fought at light heavyweight......major concern for Calzaghe may be overcoming the judges in Las Vegas.
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    Calzaghe-Hopkins is now official

    This will be a more difficult fight than Lacy and maybe even Kessler. Hopkins is a skilled fighter and extremely crafty but Joe C's hand speed and punch output should carry the fight and I am confident he will win.
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    Broke back actor....

    There is no indication that he was gay.....he was simply an actor playing a part. Early reports are that it may have been drug related...either an accidental overdose or a suicide. I agree with both johnnyboy and white is right, as a parent, my condolences go out to his daughter, but there...
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    Jermain Taylor Interview

    Kukulcan, whatever the reason, I think you are correct. Pavlik should not expect a fair shake from the judges and should do his best to take the decision out of their hands. The good news is that he has the tools to do exactly that.
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    Jermain Taylor Interview

    Not sure what fight the judges were watching. The announcers in the fight, Larry Merchant, Jim Lampley and even Harold Lederman, who I believe is married to Julie Lederman all had the fight either even or Taylor ahead by one point, before the knockout. Hopefully, now that Pavlik is the...