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  1. K

    You wonder why?

    It will get much worse before it gets better, if it gets better.
  2. K

    Goran Dragic - PG signs with Suns

    That's good news 89. I didn't think he would sign.
  3. K

    US Olympic team

    It sounds paranoid but it sure looked that way during the 1st quarter this morning. Kaman got so aggravated about it that he played horrible. You can really tell more about what's going on on the internet feed where you can hear some of what the player's are saying. Of course biased referees try...
  4. K

    White RB 2008 Watch List! I'm Optimistic!

    No, I do not root for him. I'd rather root for a coal black who is married to another black.
  5. K

    2008 Summer Olympics

    I do think some of their comedians are very overrated and get chances in Hollywood only because of their Jewishness but I tend to agree that their athletes aren't overly hyped. The media in this country tends to not call too much attention to Jews unless they are the victim of something. Most...
  6. K

    US Olympic team

    Yeah, I heard Doug Collins say that too. They haven't played Argentina yet. I think Spain played their worst game. The U.S. shot very well for a change. They shoot like that and the zone will have to be scrapped. A sagging man to man is the best way to defend them when they are shooting well. If...
  7. K

    2008 Texas A&M Aggies

    I played running back and corner. I just meant non-white corners.
  8. K

    Trying to understand

    It's more about mass media than it is individual coaches. That media affects most of the public's percerptions including coaches'. I doubt that you are going to understand that though unfortunately.
  9. K

    German national team

    You beat me to it 89. That was ridiculous. Did you see Dirk shaking hands? I saw him sit down first. Then I didn't see him again. I only saw the second half. Was the officiating that bad the whole game? The officials had to stop Dirk when he finally got going.
  10. K

    Brawl at TC involving Kircus

    I would like to see it before I come to any conclusions. I'm not in the habit of taking reporters at their word.
  11. K

    Wariner is back and may threaten 43.19!

    Skinheads also shave their heads. I don't think they look black. And Wariner is from Texas isn't he? Texans are going to be darker than whites from the Norhtheast, Midwest, or Northwest. We get alot of sun down here, especially the athletes. I was very light skinned a a child but have gotten a...
  12. K

    2008 Texas A&M Aggies

    On the bright side, Peterson will probably be an excellent strong safety. Corners are the candyasses of the defense anyways.
  13. K

    Greek National Team

    Well, I hope they lose in the quarterfinals or any time after really, but I know what you meant.
  14. K

    US Olympic team

    On the internet feed where there is no commentary, I could hear them talking trash a little bit. It wasn't near as bad as Vince Carter was. USA basketball is trying to keep them on a leash. We'll see.
  15. K

    US Olympic team

    They beat Greece pretty soundly this morning but it doesn't really matter until pool play is over.
  16. K

    Greek National Team

    A win by Greece now would be nice but it is more important for the coal blacks to lose when they get out of pool play.
  17. K

    White or Not? - Interesting recruit story

    I think that it is possible that race mixing is not here to stay. There could be a war, economic collapse, nationalist movement, or a combination of any number of events. There has only been extensive mongrelization in this country for the past 40 years. It's held up by the U.S. media house of...
  18. K

    Own interests at heart?

    If White Nationalists were as organized and well funded as Arab groups we could go help the Rhodesians and be seen as freedom fighters in parts of the world.
  19. K

    Own interests at heart?

    Our enemies are all about believing in genetic athletic supremacy for blacks but are not for black genetic mental inferiority. Whites are very competitive in both areas. Blacks are not. You can develop a body with training. Cognitive ability is less malleable. The best white athletes in the...
  20. K

    White or Not? - Interesting recruit story

    Deadlift, on the first link you posted next to his name, it says "3 pictures". One of the pictures is of his face. He looks about 1/4 black to me unfortunately.
  21. K

    Team USA

    I like boxing and considered taking it up as a kid. My father was like many white parents. He told me it causes brain damage and there are better ways to make money. He boxed a little bit as an amature. He said that I was crazy and wouldn't quit if overmatched. He refused to sign the permission...
  22. K

    Texas 4A Div 2 championship

    There are five classifications, 1a through 5a. Each classification has two divisions only during the playoffs. Three teams from each regional district go to the playoffs. Teams compete in districts with teams from their same classification. Out of the teams that go to the playoffs, the team from...
  23. K

    Texas 4A Div 2 championship

    Also, keeep in mind that whites only make up about 36% of the schoolchildren in Texas. But many state champs are mostly or all - white teams. That may change because blacks and browns don't fear the Klan in Texas suburbs and small towns as they once did and are moving to these places when they...
  24. K

    Texas 4A Div 2 championship

    There were three teams that went to the playoffs from each 4a district last year. 4a is made up of schools with roughly 900 to 1600 or so enrollment. It's the second largest classification in Texas. Nowadays, out of the three teams from each district to qualify for the playoffs the school with...
  25. K

    Black mob attacks white man

    When he gets well he should get an assault rifle and clean house.