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  1. S

    White nation almost was reality

    I am sure Reb will find more details if he looks into it but about 15 years ago a man named Don Black made serious plans to take over a small island nation in the Carribean. He planned to remove the weak poorly funded government in place and move whites in so they could have an officially pro...
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    Major Virgina Tech Shooting, 22 dead

    Gun control might work only if it meant whites have guns and non whites don't. That is my idea of gun control. There is a misonmer that whites are prone to serial killings, mutilations and mass killing episodes while other races, particular *******, are not. This is becoming more widely...
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    Ohio State wide receivers

    Robiskie's dad is a chump. At LSU he asked out (a nice way to put it) the star white running back's girl friend in 1975 no less, while he was two years behind the guy to make it more disrespectful. The white kid was Brad Davis who set the LSU career rushing record which he held for a while...
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    Imus in trouble

    Good research once again Reb. The first one is really stunning. Country boys would say she is fine as frog hair. The second one is not bad despite not being pretty in the traditional sense. White chicks are like pizza if you will, when they are good they are real good and when they aren't so...
  5. S

    The truth about blacks

    Australia could be a strong hold for us to have a home land but what I have read about the liberal mind set that did away with the white Australian immigration policy scares me for Australia's white future. For example in the last 40 years the mongoloid population in Australia went from less...
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    The truth about blacks

    From what you say and what I have heard whites seem tougher in places like Poland, and other East European nations. I think white people in the US(myself included) are too soft on avearge and are not willing to potentially sacrifice their health/money/legal status in order to go to the matt with...
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    The truth about blacks

    Thanks. I am over it so to speak. I should have let my friend out of the car to beat the guy senseless. My friend was only 17 at the time but he was 6'1" about 260 lbs and he was mean and smart. He wrestled in college. I just thought it was better to flee the situation though rather than have it...
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    Imus in trouble

    Who was the white media person who got fired years ago for saying something allegedly anti black the jewish media did not like about Bill Cosby's son's murder case ? This is nothing new but it is getting worse all the time. So much for freedom of speech. They fail to mention the fact that...