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  1. Highlander

    John Carlson

    "That being said, the Vikings obviously still need a No. 1 receiver." Hey Vikes, I hear there's an excellent receiver (size, speed, strength, coordination) named Riley Cooper who's currently wasting away in Philly. He's also a very tough competitor who isn't afraid to mix it up on the field...
  2. Highlander

    Ubiquitous Man Hating

    I would've called them and issued a complaint or sent them a scathing email, especially if it's supposed to be a "family-oriented" radio station. It just goes to show how much of a "Bizarro World" we are now living in in the West while trying to export this same paradigm to rest of the World...
  3. Highlander

    Andrew Breirbart dead at 43!

    Ruby was sentenced to death for the murder of Oswald in 1964 so he was already going to die. Only after the sentence was reversed and a second trial was granted did he all of a sudden die of lung cancer just before he was set to testify (and spill all of the beans.) What a strange coincidence...
  4. Highlander

    Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

    Sanitorium tells man to "Vote for Ron Paul, that's what you should do." when man questions his "limited Government" record (Medicare Part D, "No Child Left Behind", and "Five debt ceiling increases")
  5. Highlander

    Panetta Says U.S. Military Takes Orders from International Entities

    Whatever the case may be, UN, NATO, or Israel, it's a foreign entity, not the United States, making decisions about the use of our military and this is the first time I've ever heard one of "our" "own" so brazenly admit this in public. The smug-faced Panetta should've been frog-marched out of...
  6. Highlander

    Panetta Says U.S. Military Takes Orders from International Entities

    In a clear and blatant breach of U.S. law (the Constitution), Sec Panetta testifies before Congress telling them repeatedly that the U.S. takes their orders from International entities, either NATO or the UN. Scroll...
  7. Highlander

    Mel Gibson's Viking Movie in Old Norse

    Gibson Hasn’t Given Up His Viking Movie, BERSERKER; Co-Wrote New Draft with BRAVEHEART Screenwriter Randall Wallace At the Cinematheque Q&A (via LA Times with transcription by The Playlist) Gibson said that his Vikings will...
  8. Highlander

    2012 NFL Combine

    Travis Sandersfeld (CB, S) Colorado, shined during CU's Pro Day: "Three Buffs -- defensive back Travis Sandersfeld, wide receiver Toney Clemons and fullback Evan Harrington -- definitely raised their stock, but how much won't be known until draft day. Sandersfeld turned in the second longest...
  9. Highlander

    Ubiquitous Man Hating

    Here's an excellent article with many equally-excellent responses: What do Men Want in a Wife, and Why Won’t Wives Oblige? Here's just one of the many good responses: "I agree with all of this. I...
  10. Highlander

    2012 NFL Combine

    "Does he have the speed!!!" "That time Ebert using his 4.4 speed to blow past the defensive backs of Nebraska." Notice Ebert "pulls away" from these DB's during the chase. How much you wanna bet that CB Ciante of Nebraska is a 3rd or 4th Round pick...
  11. Highlander

    Police State Redux

    Actions like these by a government are usually reserved for "Banana Republics". Here's one I stumbled upon at by Simon Black a couple weeks back that some may find interesting. It's over a year old now, but still, obviously, very relevant to today: Simon Black Advocates Leaving...
  12. Highlander

    Andrew Breirbart dead at 43!

    Robert Kennedy was pro-war? I wouldn't consider JFK "anti-war", either, but I certainly don't think he was a "pro-war" hawk. Overall, I thought the video was pretty good and, like you, I could nitpick on a couple of items in it, but that doesn't discredit it's entirety. I guess I've never been...
  13. Highlander

    Ubiquitous Man Hating

    Looks like they removed the link to the "Tiger Makes the Cut" article, but have another one there now in its place called "Tiger Woods Struggles But Scores 68" and it's 90% about him. So, cannot see the comments you mention...they've been flushed down the Orwellian memory hole.
  14. Highlander

    Ubiquitous Man Hating

    Yet another man-shaming article by yet another snobbish, entitled, spoiled, know-it-all American "Princess": The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men However, I have never seen...
  15. Highlander

    Andrew Breirbart dead at 43!

    Looks like they are becoming more radical in their Communist-style media "purge" campaign by going beyond simple firing or character assassinations to actual biological "termination". First Beck, then Buchanan, Napolitano, and now Breitbart. "Silenced" by the PTB in one way or another. Now they...
  16. Highlander

    Truly Disgusting

    Nice followups DD and CS. If an alien from another planet were to visit Earth and observe our media for a while, it would have to come to the conclusion the Kim Karda$hian was the equivalent our "God", assuming it had some theological upbringing and understanding. It'll take me a while to get...
  17. Highlander

    class of 2013

    And two of them are from Mississippi and Mississippi St! Is this even allowed? I'll have to check the code of conduct at these two schools to see if it's really OK for a White player to play a position other than C, QB, or the occasional MLB spot. They could be in violation. I'll check back...
  18. Highlander

    class of 2013

    Nice finds, WDB, but I seriously doubt this Ryan kid will get the opportunity to play RB. I see "slot receiver" in his future. The fact that Florida State is even recruiting him is an outright miracle, albeit now more plausible since plantation owner Bowden has retired. He would've gotten...
  19. Highlander

    Truly Disgusting

    And "Babylon" too (or are they one and the same)? We can see what Jehovah thinks about false religion by reading the Bible book of Revelation. There, false religion is described as a symbolic woman, "Babylon the Great."...
  20. Highlander

    Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

    While Newt can't even attract flies and is relying on $15M of Ko$her cash to stay in the race, Paul is attracting this in Michigan: While a friend of mine tells me he is listening to several different...
  21. Highlander

    War with Iran!?

    I think we've found the front-runner to "The Zi0n1st Shill of the Year" award. :israel::first:
  22. Highlander

    Ubiquitous Man Hating

    WTF? It doesn't get any more pathetic than this. What's next? Male Army soldiers must take "Empathy Belly" training to understand how pregnant female soldiers feel when they are trying to do things and get around while pregnant...
  23. Highlander

    Ubiquitous Man Hating

    The sad thing is that she was socially-engineered to believe the drivel she's stating, and all with that kind of uppity/arrogant/conceited type of attitude so prevalent in many of them today. She's obviously been "empowered" via the public school system of whatever country she's from and with...
  24. Highlander

    Police State Redux

    Looks like the U.S. is going to try to do the same thing as Great Britian with H.R. Bill 1981 sponsored by the "Conservative" representative Lamar Smith (R) of TX: "A bill, titled H.R. 1981...
  25. Highlander

    Police State Redux

    The British Government Resurrects Plan to Monitor All Phone Calls and Emails In Real Time The British government has dusted off previously shelved plans to create huge databases, enabling spy agencies to monitor every phone call, email and text message as well as websites visited by...