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  1. space hillbilly

    Current white boxing champions

    That will always be one of my best sports memories! The media were so jacked over Kimbo that even CBS got in the act, seting up a primetime MMA show built around Slice, and stacking the deck for Kimbo in ever way they could. In an interview on Moster in the Morning radio show Seth Petruzelli...
  2. space hillbilly

    The Guilt Vote

    If the media says "right" its really left. They've long said a big turnout favors the Democrat. But thats clearly not true. Bush beat that "Frankenstein" looking thing with the biggest voter turnout in history in 2004 and the only reason Obama won was because the media scared working class...
  3. space hillbilly

    tommy morrison

    He only started tanning after the Mercer loss. Before that they wanted to make him look as white as possible with his dyed blonde hair. I'm surprised they didnt give him to have a nickname like "The Viking Warrior" or somthing.
  4. space hillbilly

    London of the Apes!!!! more black violence and rioting

    What can you say about this other than CRAZY!
  5. space hillbilly

    Scott Ledoux passes!

  6. space hillbilly


    All presidential candidates must first be jew approved. We need not look to main streem politics for change. But I would love to see Obama lose a landslide, and crawl back into the slop where he came from.
  7. space hillbilly


    I'd say they made it too shore. They probaby had to eat one to get there, but thats common for negros anyway. Somali's just see each other as "Mobile food", so its not like they were forced to do something they wouldn't do otherwise......
  8. space hillbilly

    London of the Apes!!!! more black violence and rioting

    He "was" unfortuneate!
  9. space hillbilly

    London of the Apes!!!! more black violence and rioting

    If you think you can get away with it, nothing IMO beats an Axe. I actually seen a man hit with one once!
  10. space hillbilly

    "Questions" Arise Over Flash Mob Attacks....Racially Motivated? >:-(

    The media must pay "Lip Service" to this story because theres millions of posts on the internet about it. They can no longer hide black on white crime as easy as they did before.....
  11. space hillbilly

    "Questions" Arise Over Flash Mob Attacks....Racially Motivated? >:-(

    I think we are going into some very interesting times. With the 2012 Presidential election, the 2012 doomsday predictions. The future could offer some real opportunities for the boldest of our race to injoy a great adventure instead of just being an observer. I believe the future will be a mix...
  12. space hillbilly

    London of the Apes!!!! more black violence and rioting

    Well its over. When young white men hit the street like this the black vermin will run away..:boxing:
  13. space hillbilly

    Negroes attack Whites at WI State Fair

    Also White people are more likely to respect the rule of law than non-whites. They wait for the proper law enforcement to take control. But when white people know that they must take charge, nonwhites dont stand a snowball's chance in H***!
  14. space hillbilly

    Heavyweight Boxing Rankings

    If you take out the EastEuros it would look like the top ten from the 70s, 80s and 90s. White fighters from the East have made the difference and the only difference. And if not for them we would still be hanging our hopes on guys like Tyson Fury. Plus the media would be calling this a great...
  15. space hillbilly

    Negroes attack Whites at WI State Fair

    But the great thing is people like that will be the first geting chewed up if all hell breaks out..And they'll be gone.
  16. space hillbilly

    Negroes attack Whites at WI State Fair

    You may have all the backbone in the world, but you can't give it to others. White people are just not ready to fight right now, but I believe its may not be too far off. When black violence hits every famliy in American, then they'll fight back. And when they do, it will explode! And nobody can...
  17. space hillbilly

    Negroes attack Whites at WI State Fair

    Actually sites like this do far more to help the white race than driving 1000 miles to some meeting were men are standing around patting each other on the back and poking holes in air with their finger. I can't find any fourm or message boards on the internet that dont have at least a few...
  18. space hillbilly

    V. Klitschko vs T. Adamek 9/10/2011

    The fight "May" be off.
  19. space hillbilly

    Negroes attack Whites at WI State Fair

    Blacks are only gonna get worse and worse because the bottom line is they want the white man's white home, his white car and his white woman. and they'll not stop until they have it. So if its ten years or fifty years, the day is coming when white men must fight or lose every thing...
  20. space hillbilly

    Somali drought.

    Look's like the white race will once again be asked to save nonwhites from natural selection. Just a year or so ago the Somali's were attacking ships and reeking havoc. Now their poor and hungry, and we must help them stay alive so they can breed and make more for us to feed.:crazy...
  21. space hillbilly

    Negroes attack Whites at WI State Fair

    I believe also the internet has shown nonwhites that all the things they suspected white people were saying behind their back was actually true. They have seen that a large % of whites do feel superor, and whites look upon them as stupid, ugly and worthless....They also see most whites dont want...
  22. space hillbilly

    Negroes attack Whites at WI State Fair

    The white race "Are" facing many enmey's right now, the jewish media, non-whites, even our own government. But we've done that before. I'm actually happy about things like this. The sooner, the better! Negros will only get worse and the jewish media will only get worse. And one day whites will...
  23. space hillbilly

    The Sick Man of North America

    I'm sorry, but I just can't buy it. The USA is very, very rich, ten trillion dollars is not much. It's really smoke and mirrors. As I recall the US. is estimated to hold 8100 Metric Tons of gold, or 20,000,000 pounds. Only estimated because the central bank generally dont allow independent...
  24. space hillbilly

    The Global Warming Hoax

    I too want a cooler world! I want bluer skies, bigger trees, clear water, a forest full big cats, bears, song birds and other life. But we can't have those things with a world full of black and brown "bipeds!"
  25. space hillbilly

    Thoughts on White Women

    So you're agreeing with yourself?:crazy: