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    World Number 1!

    Another occurrence from last month, the importance of which is difficult to overstate: Tiger Woods is probably done. Unless he makes a one-time gimmick run at a Masters at some point, it's over. He will never be anywhere near #1 again. The press is flipping out...
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    2015 Super Bowl Discussion

    On the one hand you don't want to overstate what happened in the Super Bowl, but on the other hand, I'm not sure that's even possible. The New England Patriots start NINE white players on offense. NINE! When is the last time a Super Bowl Champion offense started NINE white players? (You might...
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    Even the Weather Channel

    If the propagandists are smart, they will have the usual muh dik storyline to titillate and indoctrinate, but will have the white woman swindle him at the end. That way, the white woman gets to be the whore and evil, so black women can still be pleased with the outcome, and white women can think...
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    2015 Super Bowl Discussion

    It did not go according to script. The Patriots had already been discredited for even being there. The PTB had thrown everything at them. They were cast(e) as the tired, old, white, cheaters. Everything was set to go just as planned, right down to Rabbi Al and Aunt Crissy the Yenta delivering...
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    2015 NFL Draft

    The NFL is riding high right now on the strength of the Patriots, plus J.J. Watt. They need that after Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson. The contrast presented in the Super Bowl was too much for disinterested DWFs to miss. They all predicted a win by the Blackhawks, but everyone reverted to...
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    Great to have this place back! So much happened: Super Bowl, Tiger falls apart, and on and on ... I missed this.
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    2015 NFL Playoffs

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I hereby present to you, perfectly summarized in one brief thread, what we are up against: Rex did well, so imagine how much better Giovanni would have done! Dat upside!
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    2015 NFL Playoffs

    As bad as the propaganda is during the regular season, it was even worse yesterday. The Cam worship was nothing short of comedic, and every adjective imaginable that isn't related to "athletic" was used to describe Luke Kuechly. Gruden was much worse than usual (begging the Cards to put Logan...
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    2014 College Football Postseason

    The three SEC teams that have looked the best (Arkansas, Missouri, and Georgia) might be the three whitest SEC teams. It's not saying a whole lot when starting 8 or fewer white players puts you at the top, but there it is, nonetheless. SEC teams with white starters at QB are 5-1 in the bowls...