Right on, Don. Colt is the key guy besides Hillis that is making the Cleveland offense go. Before Colt came in, the Browns offense was simply too poor in the aggregate to win games, even with Hillis as the feature back. I thought Delhomme might be able to get the job done, but he's shown by his...
Yes, by now the banksters (JPM and HSBC) should have smashed the price by now. Doesn't appear to be happening. We could be seeing the melt-up, commercial signal failure right here, right now. It appears that the free market is wrestling control away from the banksters, and nothing makes me...
Thank you for the compliment, Freethinker. I pray that all of us here are able to prepare for the coming storm (it's already here). Thanks for spreading the word by sending my message to others in your email list. That's the very thing we need to do, and it warms my heart that someone like you...
Great question. We do know what the debt-based, private bankster run system has done to us. Germany, like the U.S. today and at the time in the early 1930's was a complete economic basket case. When the NAZI's (National Socialists) got into power, they ditched the bankster run monetary system...
I've been involved in the silver market for about 9 years now and watch the price patterns on a daily basis. The banksters (HSBC and JP Morgan Chase) used to be able to drive the silver price down at will. Between 8 and 12, they would just smash the price, trip the stops of the momentum traders...
Just as sure as the sky is blue, the phony Feddy fraudy dollar is going down, down, down in purchasing power. We are in the end stage of congestive fiat "money" failure disease. And just like the health care folks pump the dying congestive heart failure (CHF) patient full of drugs at the bitter...
I didn't see the movie, but it appears that Tillman had very negative thoughts about the war on terror (to put it mildly). It was convenient for the war machine operators that he just happened to die before going back to America and telling all about the war. Then, there's the pattern of bullets...
My point is that the evidence clearly shows OJ did not stab Goldman or Nicole in my opinion. That's why he was acquitted of the killing. However, the evidence also strongly indicates he went to the crime scene after the murder. He also probably knew Jason was the killer. As such, OJ is not...
Hey ForeverFree, thanks for starting the thread in this part of the forum. I would have responded sooner but I just stumbled onto your post tonight.
First of all, you seem interested in the OJ case, which is understandable since most of America was interested in the case back in the '90's. So...
Moss is just another highly paid, whiny black NFL poster boy playa-thug. Sadly, he and his pathetic, inconsiderate behavior fits in nicely in today's black NFL. T.O., Ochostinko, Primetime, ConVick and the other promoted dark faces of the NFL are the very reason the league sucks a bowling ball...
I can still hear the diesel horn blaring as he crushed the Dolphin defender like an aluminum can as he steamrolled into the open field, kicked on the burners, and on to glory.
Decker is an A-1, special sauce WR who is big, tough and is always open. He has hands of glue. But McDummy is his head coach and can't see greatness if it smacked him right in the face. What a shame. Hopefully, he'll get to play some steady WR if McD sees the light. I'm not holding my breath.
I agree, Don. AP has looked really good this year. He's running really hard, and it appears his fumblitis has subsided. I'm happy for him. With that said, Toby had some significant playing time last night in my opinion. He looked good when he was out there, and I think he's shown he can really...
Quite frankly, you speak from a position of gross ignorance. You obviously did not watch the linked video in my first post in this thread. Instead of checking it out or addressing the basic facts of the Simpson case, of which I briefly alluded to in my first post, you insinuate that I'm not...
Great observation, Mr. Sehorn. Yes, I bet they are capable of fudging the combine numbers, especially by the elites in charge who use the NFL to further their Marxist animal farm agenda. Why not? These guys in charge lie about almost anything and everything under the sun. Why, some fudging of...
Yes Don, Favre is the greatest Warrior of all, no doubt. His consecutive QB start record is just incredible. The guy was often banged up over the years, but he always showed up on Sunday, ready to play. Heck, he may even show up next Sunday and start!
One thing about the picks last night. It's...
Well, well, it looks like my prediction of Favre going down to injury is
coming true, just as others on CF have predicted. Favre is an old, old
man in NFL years, and all the hits and bumps have caught up with him,
unfortunately. I really never thought alot of him as a QB over the