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  1. G

    God / Life After Death

    I read up on his Wiki page, and his theories about reincarnation seem to fit well with my own personal beliefs. I'll pursue a bit more info about him tomorrow when I have some time. Thanks for throwing his name my way, Shogun. Oh yeah, and I'll keep you updated on my next shrink-visit...
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    Of course not.All I did was mention that such a shirt existed, which it does. I just can't remember what site its on. I'm pretty sure I saw it on "", but they may have removed the item. Geee Shogun, can I climb down off the cross now? (with your permission of course). j/k...
  3. G


    Ironically enough, there is a t-shirt out there that reads: "Timoth McVeigh vs. The Government...168 to 1." I've seen it. If I can find a pic of it, I'll post it. Edited by: Ground Fighter
  4. G

    God / Life After Death

    Excellent topic, Shogun. Ironically enough, this subject has been on my mind for a while recently. Its a strange coincidence that you started a thread on it. I consider myself a Christian, but I cannot help but believe in some form of reincarnation. My reason for thinking this way is due...
  5. G

    Hollywood Pushes Racial Intermarriage

    You probably didn't need to have any "racial awareness" because the area you lived in was 100% white. Now, where I grew up on the other hand was a completely different story. My high school was about 80% hispanic, 10% arab-middle eastern, 2% black, and well, you do the math on how "White" my...
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    Hollywood Pushes Racial Intermarriage

    Damn right. It works too. And also, Screamingeagle, the person you are thinking of who posted the thread about the "test" was me.
  7. G

    Hollywood Pushes Racial Intermarriage

    Damn right. It works too. And also, Screamingeagle, the person you are thinking of who posted the thread abou the "test" was me.
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    Cutting phase

    I'm going a little heavier right now to try and shock my muscles. I love training heavy, there is a lot less lactic acid build-up from the lower reps, so you leave the gym feeling strong, and not burned out like after lighter to mid-rep workout.
  9. G

    Tuff Harris

    Thats all the information the nut-hugging caste whores need to demonize him and his talent. As soon as they hear of a White defensive back coming from a Mountain West or PAC 10 school, they really hammer him hard. I can hear the comments flying out of Shannon Sharp's lisp-ridden piehole...
  10. G

    Tuff Harris

    Holy crap. He jumps higher than any African I've seen all season. Don't worry guys, I'm sure Michael Irvin will be here soon enough to tell us all about how this guy lacks "hip swivel" and "affleticism", even though this picture is all the evidence we need.
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    RB/S - Rex Burkhead

    The vast majority of White players usually do just that. Unlike another race of "affaletes" that will remain nameless. Edited by: Ground Fighter
  12. G

    What is wrong with white guys?

    Welcome to Caste Football. These people you mentioned do this because they are brainwashed by the system. They have been manipulated into beleiving that the only reason Dirk Nowitzki is in the NBA is because he's White, when in reality, its because he's just one of the best basketball...
  13. G

    Jason Williams retires

    So, the super-wigger finally hung it up huh? I always thought he was a good player. Good ball handler, but as you might assume, I hated his demeanor. When he spoke, it was like listening to Allen Iverson in a "White man halloween costume". The only thing "White" about him was his skin...
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    Brawl at TC involving Kircus

    lol...thanks. Hopefully, Matt Jones will read it and clean up his act so I can regain my respect for him.
  15. G

    Hollywood Pushes Racial Intermarriage

    My father's famous quote is... "If you come home with anything substantially darker than you're out of the will."
  16. G

    Cutting phase

    Oh man, not doing legs? BIG MISTAKE bro. Three words for you: BODILY GROWTH HORMONE. You're legs are the biggest muscles in your body, and when you neglect trianing them, you're just hurting your growth potential. A good deal of growth hormone is released from your brain throughout your body...
  17. G

    O.J. on racial differences

    Science has also proven that they love to piss, moan and cry when someone calls them an "offensive" name. Science is a funny thing, isn't it?
  18. G

    World’s Strongest Man

    Mark Felix is dog-sh*t as a strongman. The only thing he has going for him is the deadlift event. Thats it. His upperbody strength is crapola compared to the rest of the competitors. He usally finishes 10th or 11th out of 12 overall. Can you say, "token"? Edited by: Ground Fighter
  19. G

    Toni Kornholer

    I don't know, Don. If anything, I thought Kramer was the most entertaining part of the show. As for Jerry, I never really thought he was that funny. Irritating, yes. Funny, no. And don't even get me started on Elaine. She may be the most annyoing character on any t.v. show since the dawn...
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    Hollywood Pushes Racial Intermarriage

    Thank you, LabMan. And you are absolutely right regarding what you said about parental involvement. The problem is that we do live in such a P.C. society today (like you said), and unfortunately a lot of White parents are afraid to steer thier kids in the "right direction" for fear of being...
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    Kimbo hype monster

    Severn has to be almost 50 and would STILL beat Kimbo.
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    Brawl at TC involving Kircus

    He will. Steve Largent got revenge on Mike Harden. Remember that?
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    Brawl at TC involving Kircus

    I'm not so sure, bigunreal. Bill Romanowski never just "took it". As a matter of fact, he broke that idiot Marcus Williams' face in fight that occurred during practice a few years back. Romo didn't seem to care if he "won anyone over" or not. He had a simple creed in life, "You mess with me...
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    Brawl at TC involving Kircus

    White Power, Kircus may have been injured on the play, not allowing him to fight back against the animal. According to a football source, Kircus benches around 390 lbs., so I highly doubt he was scared to fight back. Like I said, he was probably injured on the play and couldn't defend...