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  1. S

    Commercials we HATE!!!!

    When I watched the Toyota commercial, I was waiting for the car to fall apart. Remember, when the nip enginneers refuse to listen to white americans, these things happen.
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    God help us all!

    The Sandy Hook shooting is not a gun issue, it is a mental health issue. The shooter never was arrested, nor did he threaten anyone. As far as I know he passed all his classes in school. At school he was a member of a club and the baseball team. Even leaving school to be home schooled is not...
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    God help us all!

    There are two many Sandys involved. First there was SANDRA Fluke. The there was hurricane SANDY. Then SANDY Hook. Could this mean anything?
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    Florida State Basketball Idiots

    This is a prime example of Racissm. They couldn't find one black girl, or Latino, or one in a Burka. The NAACP should be protesting this. this is proof that the NAACP is a worthless organization and should be disbanded. Actually, they shouls have been disbanded in 1964.
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    Kansas City player kills himself

    I have to agree with Bob Costas and others. This tradegty is caused by a "gun culture." Just listen to any rap song.
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    Kansas City player kills himself

    At least he had the curtesy to kill himself. Now we don't have to feed him for the rest of his life.
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    Happy Thanksgiving (2012)

    And a Happy Thanksgiving to you and everybody at Caste football.
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    States succession- good or bad?

    We forgot the other seccession movement. The one where the mayors declare their cities to be "santuary" cities. This encourages anti-american violent criminals from other nations to come to our cities to prey on innocent Americans and drive them out. This is another way of leaving the USA.
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    Shifting minority demographic in contemporary Germany (Muslims taking over Jews)

    The plan by the europeans to replace jews with moslems is not working out. It is time for the moslems to go.
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    States succession- good or bad?

    What is surprising to me is that this succession movement is that it seems to runned by whites. Blacks and other minorities see Obamacare as manna from heaven. They believe that they will receive free quality medical from the govt for the rest of their lives and they don't have to work at it...
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    States succession- good or bad?

    I thought that was the point. If the US is Balkanized, we will be easier to control and be exploited.
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    States succession- good or bad?

    States seccession- good or bad? A number of states have sent in petitions to succeed from the nation. Is this good or bad? Do they want to seceed so that they can kick out all the moslem and illegal immigrants and not have to pay for Obama care? If this is so, I will support this movement. So...
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    Romney vs. Obama

    Crap! Obama is in.
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    preparing for the Obama riots

    A bit of advice. If you are out and the riot starts, go to the nearest book store or library. Books are like Kryptonite to the Sons of Obama.
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    preparing for the Obama riots

    I was wondering how people are preparing for the Obama riots on November 6th? You know there are going to be riots. It doesn't matter if he wins or loses. His sons rioted in Chicago when he won in 2008.
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    Virtually all the top media people are homosexual, Jewish, or married to a Jew

    This alone could explain why the media is so boring nowadays. Anderson Cooper a poof? I never suspected!
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    Whats with the glasses?

    I thought it was in honor of Buddy Holly.
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    Rodney King found drowned!

    In rememerance of the late Rodney King, there will be a minute of silence followed by three days of rioting. I hope you enjoy hell.
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    Obama Amnesty Decree

    My first thought was that BHO has just lost the Black vote.
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    Ray Bradbury

    Bradbury is an old fashion Liberal. These same people are now called Conservatives.
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    African Migrants Attacked In Israel

    Jews are the experts on intergration. If they cannot get along with Africans, what chance do we have. Maybe it is time to end this intergreation nonsence.
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    White men at work

    If you want to annoy a minority, tell them how much you enjoy your job. It drives them crazy.
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    Hollywood Pushes Liberal Agenda

    The Batwomen comic has been cancelled. Homosexuality does not bring in the sales. Soon Kevin Keller and Alan Scott will be gone.
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    Edwards not guilty 1 count, mistrial declared

    He could be actually innocent.
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    Top Anti-White journalists in the US

    This is going to be a tough one. I tend to divid today's journelist into moderate anti-whites and extreme anti whites, which covers everybode in the msm. I think the local weather guy is not anti white, but I could be wrong.