If you truly believe then you should know that judgement is coming REGARDLESS of what we, mere mortals, do. There will be no 'shining city on the hill" built by mankind...
It doesn't work like that buddy, once you invoke the 5th that's it. What are my thoughts you ask? I think they burned down their city over a f_ _ _ing junkie.
Met Mr. Barry in the middle 90s in K.C. Missouri. The wife and I were on vacation and I spotted him at an upscale restaurant we were both at. I was probably the only one in there who recognized him. I was going to wait until he finished eating but I guess that my constant looking at him made it...
It is. The highway, US 75, that the shooter was apprehended on is chock-ful of "massage" parlors. Its an open secret that they are fronts for prostitution.
I don't see how the media influenced this nut case to kill 8 people.
The perp was caught less than 20 minutes from where I live. Btw those massage parlors...fronts for prostitution. I'm wondering why he did it, maybe his "happy ending" wasn't happy enough? It's a dangerous world, yall be careful...