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  1. W

    The Greatest Danger from Obama

    I have commented to a few of my friends that I wonder how long it will take before blacks disown Obama and start calling him an oreo or talking about his white half. I don't think he is going to be able to do all the things for them they are expecting. I can't recall who said it, maybe Chris...
  2. W

    The Greatest Danger from Obama

    Obama isn't going to turn his back on Israel, or withdraw troops from Iraq over night. I just don't see it happening. Just like the article Don posted, there is little actual real difference between the two candidates.
  3. W

    The Election

    Palin/Jindal 2012!
  4. W

    The Election

    I wish I had voted for Chuck Baldwin. It makes me sick at my stomach that I voted for McCain. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36 Edited by: White Shogun
  5. W

    Christian voters deny their faith?

    Interesting take on voting for the lesser of two evils, written by Alan Keyes: How Christian voters have denied their faith
  6. W

    Jamarcus Russell

    I think it depends on what options you have, lol. I'm sure the Raiders could use Leftwich right now.
  7. W

    The Election

    I don't know.. we've already survived the crowning of a black man as the best golfer in the world, how bad could it be?
  8. W

    Obama’s greatest liability

    Finally, someone expresses my thinking on this election in a very short blog post: You are Barack's biggest liability
  9. W

    Why I am forced to vote for McCain

    There is no contradiction. Reading the entire post and not just the selection quoted, as I read it, Thrashen is essentially voting for McCain because he is white. Am I wrong, Thrashen?
  10. W


    Amen. And so it was, on the 4th Day of November, in the Year of Our Lord Two-thousand Eight.
  11. W

    Jamarcus Russell

    They might all be out of shape, but Leftwich is a better QB than the other two, Reb. Gotta be fair here.
  12. W

    NFL Week 9 2008

    The common stereotype is that small receivers are often very fast, like Steve Smith, Carolina Panthers.
  13. W

    Can It Get More Ridiculous?

    DeAngelo Hall, Justin Griffith, Ashley Lelie - all of those guys are Raiders.
  14. W

    Vince Young

    You missed the other threads where guys here are saying Kerry isn't that great and is an average quarterback at best. All I know is... he just wins games.
  15. W

    The Greatest Danger from Obama

    Yes, and this is why I voted for McCain. There's never been a Negro in the White House. Since when has a Democrat or black 'leader' ever had to actually do anything worthwhile to receive the support of black people?
  16. W

    NFL Week 9 2008

    Blathletic, imo.
  17. W

    Obama Hemorrhaging Votes

    Uh... maybe you are still listening to the speeches Obama gave in the primaries, but he has since modified his views to say that some of our soldiers must stay in Iraq indefinitely, and that no option is off the table to keep Iran from going nuclear. He has expressed his support for Israel (and...
  18. W

    Why I am forced to vote for McCain

    I haven't been keeping track but as far as I know I am the only one that has switched his position from Third Party to McCain. Who else has changed their mind? I myself was persuaded by some of the posters here to support McCain, so I guess it's a wash.
  19. W

    Johnny Reb

    The Confederate Soldier ~ Johnny Reb The Empire is Dying, Long Live DixieEdited by: White Shogun
  20. W

    Obama Hemorrhaging Votes

    Did Obama try to stop that bill? Obama will find himself in an interesting situation, if elected, when he tries to deal with the immigration issue, considering that blacks do not like Mexicans and feel that they are stealing all their jobs. Hm. Food for thought.
  21. W

    Harlem voters

    I think taxes are a non-issue now because neither will be able to lower taxes with the massive bailouts recently enacted. They will both say we can't afford it right now. But they will still double foreign aid and military spending though.
  22. W

    Obama Hemorrhaging Votes

    I have already said that I voted McCain/Palin for social and cultural reasons that have nothing to do with their stance on political issues. I don't have to defend McCain on any issues, my vote was cast against the 'Hollywood' liberal left and their supporters (blacks, gays, etc) who would gloat...
  23. W


    Very interesting. All the same.. not really relevant to me. I've never considered the Egyptians to be black, I see them as Arab, which is Caucasiod but not 'European.' Like one of the comments posted on her blog... what have they built lately?
  24. W


    I don't know.. they may not have been black but claiming there were white seems to me too much like black claims that the Irish and other Europeans were actually black.
  25. W

    Black Coaching Genius

    Geebus Grist that is fookin' bizarre man! W T F???? Seriously. W T F??? Can you seem Tom Landry or Vince Lombardi doing something like that? Or hell, even Jimmy Johnson? Jack Del Rio maybe... but COME ON! [/b]