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    Referee attacked by animals

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    Watch for the next "Great Black Hype."

    Every year there is a player that seems to come out of nowhere. His face is thrown on the cover of every paper, every website, there will be a Heisman Campaign in his honor, and he will some how emerge from relative obscurity to suddenly realize his talent. He will also play OB, and be black...
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    Subversion Of America
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    Drew Phillips - BYU

    Phillips has been released from his scholarship. Anywhere else but BYU and I would be crying foul. But apparently he either violated the honor code or has academic issues. Sad seeing as it seemed BYU was the best place to give him a fair chance. Anyway another one to try and follow as he slips...
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    Nate Kmic

    3 out of the 5 RB's on the USA roster are white. That would explain how they get no coverage!
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    Nate Kmic

    So he is still playing football it would appear. Was the leading rusher for the 2011 IFAF Championship. Not sure why we never hear anything about this in the news. I was actually quite shocked that there was a world championship of american football. Anyway what do you all think the potential...