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  1. T

    Sikh temple shooting suspect identified

    Gentlemen, Don't get yourselves in an uproar over this splc outfit. Once the sh*t hits the fan in this country, the sides will be evident for any normal person to see. There will be no grey areas. You'll either be with your group or you won't be. There'll be no "neutraility." This is only a...
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    Chick fil a

    Don, Okay - Your choice. Tom Iron...
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    Chick fil a

    Don, it's either the White bum or the black bum. Pick your poison. With me, it's going to be the White bum. Tom Iron...
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    Hollywood Pushes Liberal Agenda

    Gentlemen, The only reason I'm putting this here is to show that hollywood is a really liberal place. I just watched the movie, "John Rabe," about the Nazi who helped the Chinese during the 1937 "Rape of Nanking." It was an outstanding movie and even Steve Bushemi was in it. Of course, no one in...
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    Crime Thread

    This shooting of the Sihks in Wisconsin is big news. I think this is a good site to follow all the scoop - Tom Iron...
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    2012 Dallas Cowboys

    Gentlemen, These things happen sometimes. It's said Sam Huff had to be brought back to camp. Tom Iron...
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    WTF! Check out this new Romney campaign ad

    Well, it comes down to either the White bum or the black bum. Tom Iron...
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    This Is The Enemy

    Jimmy Chitwood, Yes, he got fired. That working girl is a good girl and stood her ground. Her mom and dad should be very proud of her. I know I'm proud of her. Tom Iron...
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    2012 London Olympics

    Gentlemen, I don't watch these games and events (I'd need a tv to watch), but I get what you're saying about the coverage. Try just watching the events and not getting into the racial end of it. You'll enjoy it much more I think. We're all aware the coverage/propaganda would be this over the top...
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    The cost of nonwhites

    I just took a trip to Birmingham Ala. and back, taking different routes, there and back. Here's an in your face indication of the cost of non-Whites. Once I got out of N.J., heading south, there were no tolls - none. It costs a tremendous amount of money to house, feed and clothe all these...
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    2012 London Olympics

    This is exactly the type of thing the Golden Dawn should jump all over. There's a opportunity here to come to the aid of a daughter of Greece and come out smelling like a rose. Such as physically assaulting a male member of the Greek Olympic committee. Just enough to make the point. Like the...
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    2012 London Olympics

    Whiteathlete33, It's been an interesting road to where we've arrived at here. When I was a young man, insensitive talk towards everyone was acceptable. Homosexuals, fat people, Polish jokes, Chinese, blacks, Hillbillies, Damn Yankees, no one was exempt. Now, everyone is running and hiding...
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    2012 London Olympics

    Hello again Whiteathlete33, It's a long story. We wanted to do the right thing by blacks. What was carefully hidden from view was the idea that blacks didn't have the ability to enter the society. During the "Civil Rights Era," blacks were very careful not to mess with White people. We were...
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    2012 London Olympics

    Whiteathlete33, Sir, we usually agree. But I must disagree on "why" Zeus sees us as "soft." It's not because of our language. It's because I think he perceives us to not understand this has gone beyond talk, no matter soft or inflammatory. It's all about readying ourselves for the innevitable...
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    2012 New York Jets

    Rex Ryan is a dope. Calling himself the best defensive coach in the league. Some people never learn to keep their foot out of their mouths. Tom Iron...
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    Police State Redux

    jaxvid, You're exactly right. But here in the Peoples Republic of New Jersey, I go to the local Board of Education meetings each month and open up my copy of the Constitution and read from it to them and accuse them of being in violation of their oath to it. It's wonderful to watch as they go...
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    2012 London Olympics

    Zeus, Sir, Does Golden Dawn have a plan to deal with the members of the Greek Olympic Committee over this? If they/you do, then you are sending a real message that will be heard throughout Greece. The Olympic committee will know that Golden Dawn is not just a bunch of loudmouths that they can...
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    2012 Fall Network TV Season

    Thank God I don't watch TV anymore. Tom Iron...
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    Police State Redux

    Leonardfan, As far as AA goes, blacks are able to louse that up too. What people aren't told is many/most blacks (and all other minorities) who get jobs due to AA aren't able to hold the job. They make a mess out of things and are fired after a short time. That's why the test is there to begin...
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    Police State Redux

    Michael, You're probably correct, but at the same time, the cops around here are young guys riding around with nothing much to do and don't understand a man might just be walking to do an errand several miles away from where he lives. You can understand how this might baffle them in that they...
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    Police State Redux

    Leonardfan, Yep, I've found out more or less the same thing. But my "offense" is I'm a walker. They pull over and question me as to what I'm doing because they have no idea a person may walk a few miles to perform an errand. Of course, they go through the process of running my license and all...
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    Black teen shot by white neighborhood watchman

    Whiteathlete33, The prosecutor's blowing smoke. Zimmerman did very well in that interview. There is no way she can use that against him. It doesn't matter though. Once he's aquitted of the murder charge, he'll be indicted for the catchall, "Civil Rights" violation by the fedgov and get five...
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    Crime Thread

    While I believe the people are dead, I don't believe the story. I suspect something. Of course, i have no proof whatsoever, but I don't believe what we're being told. It's all too orchestrated. The hugging, wailing, flags at half staff, candlelight vigils, non-stop reporting, etc., etc., etc...
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    Crime Thread

    Menelik, Yep, same here. My two are grown adults with their own children. Even if I'd had thought to take my children to a movie that began at midnight, I don't know how I would've got that great idea by my wife, and I'm not afraid of her in the least. But when she's right, she's right, and...
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    Crime Thread

    Menelik, Sir, Respectfully, your answer doesn't hold water. Small children don't belong out at that hour. Tom Iron...