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  1. N

    Good Music Videos

    That's a great rendition of our real national anthem, DixieDestroyer! The flute adds so much, doesn't it.
  2. N

    To Eurasian Fan

    I think it started with a tiff over whether Himmler could be part oriental, which he clearly was, and with the help of an apparently known agitator it blew up into a shouting match over whether people who don't match the cliché notion of what their ethnicity looks like are exhibiting some...
  3. N

    A look at the Jewish billionaires controlling American politics

    That is just wonderful --doesn't happen every day! You know Codreanu was a great-great because he's hardly mentioned today.:undecided: There's a Romanian baby-boomer among the various people working on a house across the street from me. On finding this out I told him I was an anti-communist...
  4. N

    A look at the Jewish billionaires controlling American politics

    The Realist Report. Fine site. Exceptional in that it honors Codreanu up top!
  5. N

    Commercials we HATE!!!!

    Call up and let them have it!
  6. N

    Bruce Jenner

    Guess I should have known that! Thanks for acknowledging my existence.
  7. N

    Commercials we HATE!!!!

    Is anybody here writing ESPN, the TV networks or advertisers to complain? I'm just askin'.
  8. N

    Commercials We LIKE

    It's incredible, isn't it? They're openly telling whites "be fruitful and multiply.... on our products!" Haven't seen that one in my area, wish they'd run it.
  9. N

    Baltimore Race Riots

    Latest is that no one did anything to this latest black criminal "hero". It seems it had a back operation the week before. If it wasn't for the USSA media no one would ever have heard of all these negro criminal "heroes", like this latest Freddy POS, just like no one ever hears about the...
  10. N

    Bruce Jenner

    Are you thinking pot, Phall? Some weird allegations here In Jenner's case, this compounds with his fading masculinity/t-levels (perhaps from careless doping) ..but of course Slick Willy et al aren't showing at all :grin:
  11. N

    Baltimore Race Riots

    Carcharias' graphic on page 1 reminds me of a political cartoon from about 1980. Blacks are smashing windows and stealing TVs etc. The first one says "so why are we destroying these small businesses taking their stuff?" "Because of jobs, man" was the ironic reply. "We need jobs!" That was...
  12. N

    Hollywood Pushes Liberal Agenda

    That is indeed sickening. I guess they'll be everywhere we go before too long, and us without a clue whether to call them Sir or Miss when waiting on us etc. Re your #102 above, that must all have been staged. If the change agent celebrity freaks weren't around for heyday of the Young Rascals...
  13. N

    Bruce Jenner

    Why can't I shake the feeling that half the point, if there is any, is to parade the sex freak agenda in the media and "mainstream" self-destruction? Who's paying him is another seemingly groundless question that won't shut up in the back of my mind. This is a family that seems to live to make...
  14. N

    Negro Culture Weekend

    Good points. I've always wondered what Agnew would have come to if allowed a normal political career..... or if he was maybe just another Republican shyster. A very, VERY bad sign that they don't just call in the national guard anymore. Why don't they -- because it's out there guarding the...
  15. N

    Bruce Jenner

    BPAs etc in the water It's a known fact. Fish that swim in these waters are turning into gender-bending or five-eyed, two-headed freaks. What chemicals aren't doing to our species the Jew world order will with it's constant pushing and forcing of everything not normal and established. I saw...
  16. N

    Baltimore Race Riots

    'Twould be great if it worked that way, but the ****** always work in packs. Far better would be every white man on the scene getting up and moving toward the scene brandishing a pistol. Believe the video is calling him a fool for trying to reason with people who want to tear him limb from limb...
  17. N

    Baltimore Race Riots

    I don't wish mugging on anybody, oh no! But I can't help thinking what scrumptious irony it would be if that RT reporter happened to be THIS ONE: Pastor Manning: 'Obama's pure, unadulterated Evil' "You are a pastor at a Kharlem church khoo".... LOL...
  18. N

    Psychology of White Self-Hatred

    The basic question is quite simple in essence. Cultural Marxism has proceeded in direct proportion to the number and power of Jews. It doesn't seem to have been considered a plague much before the 20th century. The first great influx of two-legged rats was in the 1890s, and what do you know, by...
  19. N

    Paying for sex and prostitution, what's your take?

    Oh great, this time no line spacings and it runs words together. I tried! :thumb:
  20. N

    Paying for sex and prostitution, what's your take?

    And thanks for the reply, BS2. Gladyou're committed to the site and its noble chief! Looking around for statistics toclobber you with, I'm surprised to find that prostitutes aren'tparticularly considered VD vectors insofar as stats on them exist.But I can tell you one thing, I'd never visit one...
  21. N

    Paying for sex and prostitution, what's your take?

    Oops Sorry, didn't mean to double space. Clicking to edit, the text disappears?
  22. N

    Paying for sex and prostitution, what's your take?

    Hello, all. First post by newbie. Full disclosure: I can be a little controversial. FEVSSM stands for "eff escapist vicarious spectator sport mania" :wave: I believe the thread answers its own question. #1, BS2, your lifestyle is a great way to spread venereal disease. (I call things by their...
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    Rachel Maddow Hit Piece on Caste Football

    Count your blessings, gang -- Don has already replied about 7 times in this thread. That's more than he posts in the Nationalist Times forum in a year, maybe two!