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  1. BeyondFedUp

    Why are blacks over represented in music?

    Blacks are overrepresented in what is considered music (and in the past they were involved in real music) for the same reason anyone is, and that is because jews control the music industry and promote whoever they want at any given time. And sadly, even Whites buy and listen to the most...
  2. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Speaking of Bill Gates and his fellow slithering cronies, was this all planned out ahead of time? It sure looks like it. You guys be the judge:
  3. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    I just discovered Dr Siva recently and from what I have heard from him so far has been impressive. This was another great interview with him and very telling.
  4. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Lol! Thanks FootballDad!! Oh wait, I forgot to thank Satan's tireless crews at all the aforementioned msm networks! All hail!! Lol!!
  5. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    The media narrative vs. real life footage. You decide who's lying:
  6. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Don, That article is spot on and what makes it especially compelling is that he is a veteran of the healthcare industry. He has been on the inside and his analysis is objective. He is not an opinion troll among myriads on the internet. Like him, I'm convinced this is all for increasing and...
  7. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    The article is accurate except for the very last paragraph that said something about "the media is standing idly by". Wrong. Fact is, the media isn't "standing idly by". They are absolutely involved and complicit in engaging in this totalitarian takeover. Eff them to their godless core.
  8. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    TomIron, Are you making any more of them? I'd like one and I'll pay for shipping. Not kidding. It's sort of my motto, especially now. EDIT: I read your post wrong. I misread that YOU made them. Sorry, bro. Carry on. Thanks. BeyondFedUp
  9. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Well, good then. That is some positive news. I hope and pray it continues.
  10. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    You're not wrong. It's ignored, intentionally of course. This is what "they" want to ignore and shelve away.
  11. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    WW, see my above post.
  12. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    This is my question exactly. I watch zero tv news and yet I listen to top and bottom of the hour "news" headlines that come on the radio in the night sometimes. Not a damn peep about this drug. No hope, no talk of it, no optimism, not even discussed at all, and never mentioned. This is all...
  13. BeyondFedUp

    The Trump Era Begins

    "...the president has shelved safeguards intended to protect trafficking victims and persecuted groups, implementing an expulsion order that sends migrants of all ages back to Mexico in an average of 96 minutes". In our broken clock world even this is good to read....
  14. BeyondFedUp

    Good Music Videos

    As you can tell by now my musical tastes can be all over the map. I heard this the other night by accident. Can't get it out of my mind. I been feelin' kinda gritty in all this social distancing crap. Here you go...crank it:
  15. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread
  16. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    I watched the entire video. It seems plausible and he sounds like he's been researching this a long time.
  17. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Discussion of a USA Today article that promotes Communism, er, um, "Collectivism" (as it's called in the write-up) and why the ussa will not have victory over the virus, since we won't do what takes. All hail satan, their Lord and Master at USA Today:
  18. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Good thoughts for consideration:
  19. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Is there any verification and more details for this??
  20. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Not surprising at all. It now becomes a question of when are they even telling the truth, and then "Why?".
  21. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Richard Maddow is wrong again. What else is new? That guy is always showing himself to be an idiot. But it is fun to watch him and his Leftist loonies fail... I just wish more folks knew the games they play. Richard always has a very miserable and dejected look on his face:
  22. BeyondFedUp

    Cooper Would Have Got in Less Trouble for Committing Murder

    Amen!! And amen again!! Our godless, satanic scumbucket media uses the most vile language and filth in all their movies and tv stories and pushes antichrist and antiwhite agenda 24/7. Screw them and their doublestandards. Never apologize for stating truth. They'll never respect us anyway...
  23. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Also from the Gateway Pundit, here is how (((they))) really feel and think about those of us who are not one of them (just check out the last name of the terminated NY hospital executive)...
  24. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    I wonder how many of those pets have owners that watch Talmudvision? Probably 100%.
  25. BeyondFedUp

    Coronavirus thread

    Agreed on all points and highly disappointed about this. Here we are in a time like no other when the alt-media has a chance to bring FACTS and balance to the situation and we seem to get very little of either. The hair-on-fire end of the world chaos is a huge downer for me. I've even tuned...