Nature was entrusted to mankind for the stewardship thereof. God gave man dominion over the earth & its creatures. He intended that we render proper oversight & maintenance of such, but not “deify” it (as the enviro-quacks endorse).
One of my (many) pet peeves is to hear a ‘male’ of “adult” age speak with a sissy voice. I’m very thankful that I’ve a deep, manly voice (& appearance) & that my sons also have deep voices (for their ages). I understand that some men may not have deep voices, BUT they (certainly) can still...
The facts that we here know...1) that boy shouldn’t have been “policing” anything beyond a shoe shine stand. 2) He should be publicly flogged & hung for murder of a White woman.
Amen! Skirts belong at home in the dang kitchen (...& laundry room) and not off playing “career woman” (& doing a disastrous job at it). These damned hens would be working as maids if not for cultmarx “affirmative action”.
I’ve said it before...if there’s anything that would “awaken” Amerikans to stand in’d be forced firearm confiscation. I know plenty of men (including myself) that would go out in a “blaze of glory” before kowtowing to that unlawful tyranny. Like most of y’all (also) know...some...
To hell with those subhuman scourge. The only civility, technology & order in SA was (solely) via the White man. The only (rotten) “fruit” from “das untermenschen” is crimilaity, brutality, disorder & mass chaos.