Recent content by Realgeorge

  1. R

    Went to a Hockey Game recently

    "Hockey's the best of the four major team sports to see in person because of the excitement of the sport, but calling it some kind of White solidarity ritual is stretching it. Hockey fans are just as deracinated as football and baseball fans.." Almost true but not quite. A sliver of hockey fans...
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    2013 College Football Season Week 12

    C. J. Brown, White Quarterback at mostly black UMD Terrapins Brown was the fastest runner on the field A week after their most impressive showing to date in a resounding 42-24 win at Miami, the Hokies (7-4, 4-3) regressed in all phases of the game Saturday against an injury-riddled team they...
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    American Freedom Party Report is on the air

    Hi Folks, I've got the American Freedom Party Hour on the air right now. Tonight has Jamie Kelso and Paul Fromm, the stalwart Canadian Nationalist Patriot. Tune in right now: The discussion is excellent, and many advertisements for...
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    Boston Marathon Bombing

    False Flag or What? False Flag! Obama's ratings headed downward, angry Americans with drooping economy. Not enough anti-Iran events lately. Presto! Another suspicious, stinky event in a highly liberal state. First the very convenient shootings in Connecticut, now this highly sanitized "bombing"...
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    Racially Adjective

    The English language consistency is under attack nowhere more than in the American and European political arena, where the forces of the New World Order own the media, all institutions, most lethal force, and The Agenda. “Political Correctness” has infected and damaged the language of Americans...
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    NHL 2013! Game On!

    Short Season but Welcome Back NHL! Some splendid team efforts so far, about game nine: SJ Sharks were 7-0 and kicking everybody's butt Blackhawks were 6-0-2 and have few weaknesses TB Lightning 6-1 and dominating their division Crosby and Malkin are both HEALTHY! And the Pens look reasonbly...
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    The Winnipeg Whiteys

    The Winnipeg Jive Turkey Hey "Average American" many thanks for the great link to Winnipeg Sun! Here's picture of the Classless Punk: Uploaded with What red-blooded REAL hockey player wouldn't want to drive this piece of excrement right throught the boards and into the tenth...
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    NHL People of Color

    Tack On Two Extra Suspension Games Caps Defenseman John Erskine elbowed Flyers Forward Wayne Simmonds in Friday night's evening game in the District of Corruption. Erskine "caught him with an elbow" to prevent a breakaway or "odd-man rush." Not terribly evil, this hit, would have provoked a...
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    NHL 2013! Game On!

    Training camps were breaking out all over the league today, all to packed houses of screaming, dedicated fans. Have never seen so many White smiles than all the people who make an NHL hockey season. NHL Tonight is back on the air on NHLNetwork, and Hockey Night In Canada goes on the air next...
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    The NHL Assassin

    JaxVid you are all-over-it, as usual! Absolutely the "Lockout" and all its details were planned long in advance. Like previous commentator said, planned by team "owners" who are in the same class as the major Zionazis who dominate all other institutions in American life. The NHL lockout was as...
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    The NHL Assassin

    Play Ball ! The always oily Zionist-in-charge, Gary Bettmonster, comes out smelling like a rose. Looks like Back-to-work in about a week with a 48-game short season. As a dedicated NHL addict, I'll be watching. But the fifteen-week wait was most miserable. The "settled" issues were...
  12. R

    Andruw Jones Arrested for Allegedly Beating His Coalburner Up on Christmas

    Yes, Jones's wife is White, blonde and very photogenic. And stupid! Jones's hideous fat face resembles Barry Bonds after steriods ... A police report obtained by The Associated Press said the...
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    NFL Week 17

    Very enjoyable headline, many head NFL coaches getting the boot today. But poor Lovie Smith, that hall of fame Halas-like figure. Ditka is all bummed out. Maybe Buddy Ryan will come back and lead Da Bears back to respectability
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    NBA 12/13 Season: Teams To Support

    Howdy Jaxvid! Great to hear your smiling voice again. Happy New Year to you and yours. I'll turn over the thread to the CF NBA crowd once again. It's a tribute to the amazingly intrepid CF moderators and regulars that ANY discussion about the NBA takes place here at all. Your description of the...
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    NBA 12/13 Season: Teams To Support

    Poor interest in NBA before Christmas? Say it isn't so! I know our resident CF Detroit RedWings fan will disagree with me, but NHL fans are ALL OVER their sport in the October - November - December portion of the schedule. I used to attend the Capitals' Thanksgiving Friday game for years --...