Tiger Woods


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Not number one

ESPN's website currently has a huge picture of Tiger with the feature headline "Rough Going." The "big story" of the PGA is not the many great names on the leaderboard of what looks to be a great final major on a very interesting, links-style new course, but whether or not Tiger Woods will make the cut. This is such basic racial propaganda -- when Woods does well he is the main story; when he doesn't do well he is the main story. And for years to come he will remain the main story, whether he returns to dominance (highly unlikely), stays about where he is now, or continues to slip down the list of the sport's stars into mediocrity or worse.

I always like watching the facial expressions of the media people when the constant topic of Tiger is brought up. They are so careful to feign interest and say all the right things. They know that one inadvertent rolling of the eyes or other negative expression showing a "lack of sensitivity" toward the repetitive mentioning of Tiger's permanent, universally acknowledged greatness and charisma could cost them their job.
Posts: 56
(8/13/04 7:11 pm)
Reply poor Tiger

I love hearing the talking heads complain about the "unfairness" of the criticism towards Tiger. "Other players aren't criticized as much when they slump." So what? He made 70 million dollars in endorsements last year. Since he's still in his physical prime, shouldn't he still be the Wilt Chamberlain of golf if his value is considered that high? No other athlete on the planet is valued as highly as Tiger. Moreover, it's not just Tiger that's criticized... just ask Duval or Mickelson.
Registered User
Posts: 43
(8/13/04 8:09 pm)
Reply | Edit Re: poor Tiger

The number one thing that bugs me about Tiger is that he always has a pained look on his face after a shot, like he's got cramps or something. No matter how good his shot, or now, how bad it is, he always acts as if it wasn't good enough.

Personally I have always hated playing golf with guys that think they sould make a perfect shot every time and are constantly bummed out when they don't. I'm sure this and many other reasons make Tiger the most unpopular player to play with on the tour.
Posts: 108
(8/13/04 11:30 pm)
Reply Re: poor Tiger

I golfed today and had no idea how the second round of the PGA went. Turned on the Golf Channel, and after spending about five minutes with the day's highlights, the next 10-12 minutes was spent showing how Tiger Woods birdied three of the final six holes just to make the cut. It is clear now that the media is now falling back on The Streak -- Woods' 129 straight cuts made -- to justify perpetual Tiger Worship.

It's a great record, no doubt about it, but whereas Woods never used to be in danger of missing the cut, the past two years and especially this year he has been close to having the streak end in many of the tournaments he's entered. Rich Lerner of The Golf Channel was giving the new party line, that the mark of a true champion is not how many majors he wins, but how he finds a way to make the cut every time no matter what.

It looks pretty good that Woods is going to lose his number one slot to either Els or Singh on Sunday. If Mickelson doesn't win it (and it doesn't look good for him at this point) I'll be rooting for Ernie. He would be a most worthy and deserving and popular champion.
Posts: 112
(8/16/04 1:00 am)
Reply Re: poor Tiger

Singh wasn't my choice to win. Big surprise there. But I do like how the media doesn't consider him a "minority" even though he is blacker in skin tone than Tiger. For some reason Vijay is an honorary "white man" on the tour, probably because his darkness isn't obviously of Negro origin.
colonel callan
Registered User
Posts: 102
(8/16/04 9:28 am)
Reply It won't stop

Of course, CBS during it's closing video/wrap-up showed more footage of Tiger than anyone else - showed him first, also.
Registered User
Posts: 10
(8/16/04 11:06 pm)
Reply Re: It won't stop

The impression I have about Singh is he would have nothing to do with being a 'great Black hope'. Articles from the 80s and 90s mentioned some Black golf fans took a shine to Singh though Singh was ambivalent at best. Fijian and Subcontinent politics probably trains people to be a bit more cautious about playing the race card.

Also the half-wits posing as sports journalists probably never figured out what Singh was exactly. Not up from the ghetto, not a victim. Polite, serious, considerate. Fiji? Where's his grass skirt? Asian? Gawd, but I love dim sum. Indian? Where's his dot?
Posts: 144
(9/6/04 5:46 pm)
Reply Tiger #2

Well it finally happened. After 5+ years, Tiger Woods has been surpassed by Vijay Singh in the world rankings.

Obviously it would have been great if Els or Mickelson had been the one to pass Woods as number one, but man how sweet it'll be to not constantly hear "Tiger Woods, the number one player in the world, blah, blah, blah" over and over again!
colonel callan
Registered User
Posts: 124
(9/9/04 4:27 pm)
Reply Some way to say he's tops

As mentioned earlier though, we'll now have to hear about how many times Tiger has made the cut. After all, that's what really counts, eh?
Posts: 149
(9/9/04 6:53 pm)
Reply Re: Some way to say he's tops

Not only that, I may have been premature on the number one thing. Stuart "Booyah" Scott of ESPN still ranks Woods #1 because "he never misses a cut, plus he's been No. 1 longer than anyone else ever has. A year of playing golf that isn't subpar but merely normal doesn't take that away. When my Nos. 2 and 3, Vijay and Phil, do what Tiger has done the past six years, then I'll move them to my personal No. 1." [source: latest issue of the insufferable "ESPN The Magazine"]

In other words, Tiger will retain his number one ranking among at least some segments of the media for another five years or so because of what he accomplished from 1997-'02. I guess if the New England Patriots miss the playoffs for the next three seasons, Scott will still consider them the best team in the NFL "until someone else duplicates what they've done over a three-year period."

white lightning
Registered User
Posts: 174
(9/10/04 12:05 am)
Reply re:tiger

Can we call him tiiiger or baby tiger. Hes the biggest
cry baby and he loses his temper on tv alot. It is
disrespectful to the fans but he doesn't care. I'm glad
hes not number 1 and hope he continues to struggle.
I'm sick of Tiger this and that. Its like in Basketball, they
act like Lebron is the 2nd coming or something! He is
an ok player who they worship in the media! I'm really
enjoying seeing the *******y, errogant, William Sisters
get taken down match after match. Even with a couple
of bad call, Capriatti kicked Serenas ass again. Her ego
won't admit it. So what will the media do when they are
gone. Its not going to be easy to find replacements.
One more thing, Lebron was a joke at Athens and it was
a pleasure seeing him sit on the bench and cry because
he couldn't play!LOL!!!
Posts: 151
(9/10/04 12:15 am)
Reply Re: re:tiger

You hit the nail on the head there, WL -- there are no replacements anywhere on the horizon for either Tiger or the Williams girls. In fact, there are ZERO black golfers other than Tiger, and ZERO black tennis players other than Serena and Venus, much less top-notch ones. Weren't Tiger and the Williams sisters going to unleash that heretofore latent "black supremacy" in golf and tennis? Ha, ha, ha, what a joke!
Posts: 186
(9/21/04 3:39 pm)
Reply Re:tiger

Tiger flopped again at the Ryder Cup matches, along with most of the rest of the U.S. team. Woods is now 8-11-2 all-time in Ryder Cup play, much of that occurring during that time frame when the media routinely assured us that he was virtually unbeatable and his mere presence intimidated opponents into submission.

It's obvious that the world ranking system is skewed to favor the PGA tour over the European tour, just as the international players have to travel to the U.S. to play in three of the four majors along with other important tournaments that are based here, while the Americans never leave the country except to play in the British Open. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't soon a request by the European and other international players to switch at least one of the three U.S.-based majors outside of America. That would only be fair. The PGA would be the likely candidate. But given the out-of-control arrogance and hubris that characterizes so much of America these days, it's unlikely to be allowed to happen.

BTW, Tiger Woods announced last Thursday that he would play in the 84 Lumber Classic this week, a second year tournament being played south of Pittsburgh. John Daly is 84 Lumber's main corporate spokesman and host for the tournament. He has a close relationship with Joe Hardy, the owner/founder of 84 Lumber, and the resort where the tournament is played is basically his second home now. Woods agreed to play in the tournament after Daly agreed to play at Tiger's request in the Deutsche Bank Championship in Boston three weeks ago, which is unofficially hosted by Woods. Quid pro quo, you help me I'll help you, all that mutually beneficial stuff.

Well, yesterday afternoon, three days before the first round, Woods suddenly pulled out, giving no official reason, though "mental exhaustion" from the Ryder Cup is the one circulating in the media. The article announcing Woods' withdrawal in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette today is located right above an ad for the tournament -- featuring a picture of Woods, Vijay Singh and John Daly.
Registered User
Posts: 67
(9/21/04 9:24 pm)
Reply | Edit Re: Re:tiger

You got it wrong donwas, Tiger was fine it was all Mickelson's fault. Tiger is great, Phil sucks, if you don't believe it read this story from the AP.

Remember don, if a black man fails it's only because a white guy messed him up!

Lefty back under microscope
by DOUG FERGUSON, Associated Press

And he was using Woods' golf ball when Mickelson came up short on the 11th green and spun back down the hill into the fairway, a pivotal point in their alternate-shot match Friday afternoon.....

And Here is why Woods won't be playing in the 84 Lumber Classic. The guys got a video to do for cryin out loud, you can't expect him to show up for a tournament that he promised to do if he has a VIDEO, you can't just do VIDEO's anytime you want, ya know!

Woods drops out of 84 Lumber Classic
by Associated Press

FARMINGTON, Pa. (AP) -- Tiger Woods won't be playing in this week's 84 Lumber Classic after all.

After much fanfare last week over Woods' decision to play at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in western Pennsylvania, his agent said Tuesday morning he was worn out from the Ryder Cup.

``He wouldn't be ready to play this week,'' Mark Steinberg of IMG said from New York, where Woods was doing a media tour to promote his new video game from EA Sports.

Woods and the rest of the Americans suffered their worst loss ever in the Ryder Cup, as Europe won all three formats for an 18 1/2-9 1/2 margin to capture the cup for the seventh time in the last 10 years.

Tournament and resort founder Joe Hardy held a news conference last week to announce Woods was playing, and it was a huge boost for the 2-year-old tournament to have such a strong field. Advertisements last week touted the 84 Lumber Classic as a matchup between Woods and Vijay Singh, who earlier this month replaced Woods at No. 1 in the world ranking.

Woods is scheduled to play next week in Ireland at the American Express Championship.

More than 80,000 tickets have already been sold for the 84 Lumber Classic, and officials were counting on Woods' participation to draw its largest crowd ever.

Re: Re:tiger

"Lefty back under microscope" -- I love it! Not "Woods continues fall to mediocrity." Phil's had his five-month media reprieve after winning the Masters and almost winning the other majors. Damn that Mickelson, holding back the (three-eighths) black man!
Edited by: donwas at: 9/21/04 11:59 pm
Posts: 240
(10/4/04 2:22 am)
Reply Re: Woods

In case you missed it, Tiger fell to #3 in the world rankings today behind Vijay Singh and Ernie Els. Remember Els? He has been forgotten in the media attention given Singh of late. He won the tournament in Ireland today, which was also contested by a fair amount of top PGA tour players, including Woods, who finished ninth, one of the few times U.S. players leave the U.S. to play in a tournament other than The Open.

It was really a coin toss as to whether Singh or Els was going to supplant Woods at number one at some point in 2004. Els had a heartbreaking quartet of majors this year and disappeared for six weeks or so while Singh had his amazing streak of domination. But Ernie is right there, close to the number one ranking, depending on which tournaments he chooses to participate in.
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
Tiger and his new bride were stopped and turned away trying to enter Puerto Rico without Big Brother's permission. Even His Lordship has to follow the draconian post-9/11 rules. Wonder how he feels about that little inconvenience?


i heard Tiger is not even half black, instead, only 25%? his dad is half and his mom is zero. actually, i think his dad is 25%, lol.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It looked like Tiger might actually win a tournament this year, but Retief Goosen closed with a 64 and Woods finished second at the Tour Championship.

Woods was tied for the lead going into the final round. For years, that meant a tournament was over -- but not anymore. Woods will undoubtedly win more tournaments, and a major here and there, but it's real difficult to envision him ever becoming the dominant player on the PGA tour again.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Uh-oh! Tiger wins a couple of nondescript tournaments at the end of the season, and the media unanimously pronounces him ready to dominate. Here's just one example out of many I've seen today:


I'm looking forward to the 2005 golf season. I'll bet Phil, Ernie and Vijay all have better seasons than Woods, and probably others as well. '05 will mark three years since Woods has won a major and was the dominant player on tour that the system pines for every day for him to again be.


Oct 19, 2004
United States
Oh that Caste golf......
And more on Vijay...Colin Montgomerie was among those surprised by Vijay Singh being honored as player of the year on the European PGA tour."Sorry, Said Colin,"But I think the European tour player of the year should be European"! Perhaps Colin will be banished, as was Laura Baugh was for wondering why there were "so many asians" on the womans tour!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
During the Australian Open tennis tournament, a quote from one of the Russian girls showing some testiness and jealousy toward Maria Sharapova was shown twice via a graphic and then discussed by the announcers. They ended up agreeing that her attitude was justified by the fact that there are quite a few good female Russian tennis players, and it is unfair to expect them all to always talk about Maria.

However, in golf, every professional golfer has been sentenced to talking about Tiger Woods first, foremost and always and forever, more than about their own game or anything else. And woe be the one who doesn't do it with the greatest of cheer and grace, as Fuzzy Zoeller found out back in 1997.


Ernie Els thinks golf technology and a more competitive PGA Tour means Tiger Woods won't be as dominant as he once was.

"Everybody has become better players, technology has brought everybody closer together," Els said Tuesday at the Heineken Classic, where he begins play Thursday trying for his fourth win in a row at Royal Melbourne.

"I think he's had a very good start obviously, but I can't see him being that dominant again," Els said. "The guys out there are a lot more confident, they've stepped up to their games. No one is hitting it 30 or 40 yards past everybody else."

Woods won the Dunlop Phoenix tournament in Japan in November, then shot four rounds in the 60s to win his Target World Challenge against a 16-man field to finish the year.

Ten days ago, Woods rallied from a two-shot deficit over the final six holes to win the Buick Invitational for his first PGA Tour victory in 11 months.

Vijay Singh took over the top ranking from Woods in September. Woods had been No. 1 for five years, but has gone 10 majors without winning, matching his longest winless streak in Grand Slam events.

"Technology has changed the game," Els said. "Twelve to 15 years ago, before titanium drivers and new golf balls, it was a different game.

"At the moment, he is playing better, and more confident. But other guys will be right there. I don't think he'll be that dominant again, although I might be wrong."

Els kept pace with Singh and Woods by finishing in a tie for third, second, and a tie for sixth in his first three tournaments of 2005, including a runner-up finish to Singh at the Sony.

The entire article is here:


Tiger hasn't been the dominant player for going on three years now, but number three in the world Els has to constantly talk about Tiger, Tiger, Tiger. Even articles putatively about Els have to be laden with the obligatory Tiger comparisons and hosannahs. This is what Ernie and everyone else has to do at every tournament whether Tiger is entered or not (except when Michelle Wie is on hand).

The Golf Channel (which should be renamed The Tiger Channel) is celebrating its tenth anniversary this week by having a veritable telethon of Tiger Woods specials. All golfers know they have to talk endlessly about Tiger without showing any resentment or they will be ruined. They make a great living, but it would be surprising indeed if they can't stand the absurdly overdone Tigermania requirement of their profession.


Oct 21, 2004
How does Tiger Woods become the #1 player in the world after winning
one tournament? I have no idea how these rankings are really
determined, but it seemed pretty amazing that he held the #1 ranking
for a few years, even though he was "struggling" and didn't win any
majors. Now, he wins one non-major, and is at the top of the rankings
again. Do these rankings have any criteria, or is this just typical
racial politics?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The rankings are based on a complicated formula, much like the BCS rankings in college football, and like with the BCS nobody seems to understand it very well.Also, players from two different tours are combined into oneoverall ranking for golf.Tournament results going back three years are used in the calculations, which means Woods' two major wins in '02 are still part of his overall rank. He has won a considerable number of tournaments in that time span, including two already this year. Even in '04 when he only won one event he was still up there in total money won.

What's changed is that three years ago Woods had a huge lead over everyone else.NowSingh, Els and Woods are very close and Mickelson keeps moving up after a bad year in '03. Even someone like Retief Goosen could be number one by the end of'05 if he has a big year. Whereas beforeWoods was entrenched at number one, Singh couldsurpassWoods again as soon as the next tournament, and Ernie may be number one by the time the Masters is completed. In fact I'll predict that Els does just that.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Mickelson and Els are very skilled golfers capable of earning the # 1 position. However, in my opinion they are both too easy going and good natured. Eldrick on the other hand is far more ruthless than the media portrays him to be. The Big Easy doesn't strike me as having the killer instinct that Woods has in spades.

Woods will utter obscenities and get very cranky when things don't go his way, going as far as to goad officials into stretching the rules to gain a favorable lie. Mickelson is very gifted but seems to lack mental toughness. I like his gentlemanly qualities but he needs to be more driven. Nice guys may not finish last but too often they finish second.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There's no question Woods is ruthless. I'll give him credit, he's the best grinder I've ever seen. He can still win even when he doesn't have his best game going, the '02 Masters being the best example. He is extremely tough mentally. So is Serena Williams. After Lindsey Davenport collapsed against her in the Australian Open finals, I ranted in the tennis section about soft white American athletes.

During the broadcast yesterday, Johnny Miller referred to Mickelson as today's Palmer and Woods as today's version of the young Nicklaus. He noted how beloved Phil is and how much time he spends interacting with fans and signing autographs. But as for Tiger, Miller said "it's all about the golf."

The reality is that Woods is a cold personality, to fans and the media. His caddie and others in his inner circle all take a vow never to talk about Tiger to the media. Woods gives perfunctory interviews and makesquick appearances at a few important social events at certain tournaments but that's all the interacting he does in spite of the hundreds of millions of dollars he makes from the game. Other than Mark O'Meara it's unlikely Woods has any friends among the other golfers on the tour. But that's the way he wants it and of course the media does nothing but portray him as a secular god so he can get away with it with few repercussions.

I think Woods has slipped while guys like Els, Mickelson and Singh have gotten better and tougher. Whether they're too nice to replace Tiger is the big question this year on the tour, which is why it shapes up to be an exciting year in golf to watch. I think the golfers on the tour seethe inside from the now decade-long Tigermania of the media, and that alone hopefully will motivate Els, Mickelson and others to do what it takes to be the best. Phil refused to give any interviews after losing yesterday, which I take as a good sign that he wants to surpass Tiger very badly. He's been working very hard on various aspects of his game; it's really now or never if Mickelson is ever going to be the clear-cut best player in the world.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Tigers back!!! Tigers back!!! I can't stand it!

I like Phil but he is soft. He has choked before, that's why it took him so long to win a majors. He's the type that can run away with a tournament but has trouble winning when it is close. Face it, if you are a Phil fan you will have your heart broken. He lost that tournament because he did not make putts he should have. Tiger drained them when he needed to. When Tiger bogied 16 Phil needed to drop his six footer. He didn't and Tiger knew he had him.
Oct 16, 2004
A white athlete who projects the 'ruthlessness" say of Tiger or Serena
would be castigated, hounded, mercilessly by the media. Blacks are
lauded for being ruthless, surly, rude, self centered, you name it. This
encourages them to go even farther, emboldens them, builds their
confidence. But if a white shows those qualities in the same range as
blacks, he is a goner in terms of media coverage. The media wants whites
to fail.

Too bad that the only sport in which we see a lot of "Alpha" males of the
Caucasian persuasion is NHB fighting. Many of those guys seem to
intentionally go after blacks and browns. More power to 'em.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Tiger Woods has refered to himself as Caublinasian which is a mixture of caucasian, black, native american indian and asian. Based on whatI read wouldn't he be considered more asian than black? If so do the asians make a big deal over his ethnicicty?

"Caublinasian." That's his boyish shorthand for the fact that he is one eighth Caucasian, one quarter black, one eighth American Indian, and one half East Asian (a quarter Thai and a quarter Chinese).
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
His mother is Thai, which accounts for his half Asian. That means Papa is half black, a quarter American Indian and a quarter White, though he looks full-blooded Negro to me.

I know this has been discussed before on Caste Football but I'm not sure where. Looking at all the good female and male Asian golfers, and the total lack of black ones, it's obvious where Tiger's golfing genes come from. But the media in the U.S. considers him solely black. And if he's considered Asian elsewhere the media wouldn't let us know anyway. Americans live in a media-spun cocoon of ignorance when it comes to what's going on both here and abroad.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Right winger, you hit the nail on the head. As long as the person in question is a minority of some sort, but like Don says, if they have an ounce of black in them they are considered black by the media.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good article KD, I agree that Woods is on the downhill slide. I wonder why they have to get the PGA commissioners permission to finish the tournament on Wednesday?


Nov 25, 2004
Golf rankings are also subject to the same bias as the BCS. Strength of opponents factors in to the formula and the European tour players suffer. Despite often winning the Ryder Cup, the European players are generally ranked lower. That is more points are given to the Major tournaments held in the US of which many Europeans do not compete. 40 of the top 50 golfers play in the US tour. When they play each other thoughout the year, they are playing against supposedly stronger opponents- so it is a repeating cycle and tough to crack. Els and Goosen would be higher ranked if they played in more US tournaments. I believe they are playing more US tournaments as of recently. VJ used to play the international tour, but catapulted in the rankings when he switched to the US tour.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
29 of the top 50 golfers in the world rankings are from outside the U.S., including 6 of the top 9. About 8 of those 29, mainlythe Aussies and Singh,play mostly or solely on the U.S. tour, so the top players are fairly evenly divided between the PGA and the European Tour. Here are the current rankings:


I think one of the majors should be moved to Europe or Australia and renamed. The PGA would be the logical choice. Currently 3 of the 4 majors are played here, plus The Players Championship has assumed near-major status. Other than the British Open it's too much of a one-way street -- the international players are always supposed to come over here but the U.S. players don't playin their tournaments. The one year the Match Play championship was played outside the U.S., in Australia, very few of the American players showed up. The PGA tournaments have bigger paychecks, but now that the days of U.S. domination of golf are over for good, there should be morefairness in traveling and the prestigegiven totournaments.Edited by: Don Wassall


Nov 25, 2004
I stand corrected. I was reading from a 1999 article. Things have change dramatically. Was there a scoring change in the ranking system?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I don't know if the scoring system has changed. It's very esoteric, like the BCS formula. My guess would be that the rankings are now reflecting reality, namely that the Europeans are dominating the Ryder Cup, the U.S. only tied in the most recent President's Cup, and there are also many good Aussies and Asians playing these days.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I didn't even realize there is a European tour, I guess that shows how much I keep up with golf.


Feb 19, 2005
United States
Tiger Woods is an excellent golfer, but looks strange playing a white man's game. Atleast he is not as stuck up as other golfers can be.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'm busy as can be with several different things today, but found some time to watch some of the first round of The Masters on USA Network. Though even the media now admits that Mickelson is the most popular golfer and though he was in contention for the lead and Tiger wasn't, every single one of Tiger's shots was shown while only some of Phil's (and the other leaders') were shown. There were also multiple replays and recaps of Tiger's less than scintillating performance.

He may not have won a major in three years, but it's the year 2000 forever when it comes to the media and Tiger. Kind of like the movie "Groundhog Day"!