Is the NBA kow-towing to the Chicoms?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005

DWF Upside

Aug 31, 2014
Wheres that guy on here who always hypes up the power of “black locker rooms”? Its almost like a certain parasitic group is able to control these Low IQ affletes into being good obedient little puppets?

This is stranger than fiction. Perhaps the social justice campaign in the NBA will be slightly reduced this year?

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
Strange how they know and care a little bit about the Uyghurs being detained in concentration camps, being forcibly sterilized and having their organs harvested (putatively), only a little bit, not as much as they care enough to do emotional photo ops about Mexican border hoppers being detained in less than 5 star hotel conditions, though. They're Muslims, so it makes sense. Of the Christians massacred and brutalized by Muslims in Syria, Sudan, Nigeria etc I doubt they are aware or care about such trifles.


Dec 19, 2010



Oct 19, 2009
Jimmy Chitwood, for several years here at Caste Football I have only referred to the NBA commissioner as "Comrade Silver". I really don't believe him siding with the Communist Chinese is "all about the money", as the Jewish media wants us to believe. I'm sure that's part of it. But more specially, I think deep down inside, Comrade Silver agrees with their ideology and just really supports their leaders 100 percent. I think if he had chance, he'd bring a similar repressive, Communist government to America.

And, as DWF Upside and Old Scratch noted, in a bizarre twist, he's got large of low IQ players (mostly black) and a small cadre white coaches so wrapped around his finger, that they will parrot anything he (Comrade Silver) says -- note the Transgender bathroom issue. Since when do "big, macho black men" care about Homosexuals or Transgenders? Well, I guess if Lonsmen Comrade Silver tells them to accept Homosexuals and Transgenders, like the good little Golem bitches they are (i.e. Schlepp Curry and Hair-plugs Jimmy from the Lakers) they bend over to effusively praise Homosexuals and Transgenders.

Here's a recent article that notes how lucrative the China deal is for the NBA. Reportedly, teams have earned $133 million each from China. Notes the NBA (in total) has earned $4 billion from China, although I'm not sure how long of a time period they earned that money?

Actually, who the hell would've thought the mostly intolerant Chinese would've ever gotten so bat-sh!t crazy over watching a bunch of tall blacks running around in shorts? I remember when Who Wants to be a Millionaire and Survivor got huge TV ratings in U.S. Seemed like they'd be insanely popular forever in this country. Reality was, it was just a fad and both shows soon became fairly irrelevant. Hopefully the same thing will happen with the NBA in China -- eventually the Chinese, in large numbers, will tune out this utter garbage thrust upon them by Yao Ming and Comrade Silver. If the Chinese really had any pride, they'd focus primarily on supporting their own basketball league, mostly populated by Chinese athletes. I don't think the NBA even has a single Chinese player, so why do these morons even care to the point China has become a total "cash cow" for the NBA?


Mar 16, 2013
Wheres that guy on here who always hypes up the power of “black locker rooms”?

I want to address this statement. The black led locker room is alive and well.

The three principle components that make up the black led locker room are still firmly in place.

First and most important is the heavy black racial makeup of a team. Did this Chinese ordeal change that? Hell no.

Second factor is blacks to varying degrees have control over who gets to star. In basketball layman terms that means blacks get to be the ball hogs and whites don't.

The third factor is blacks are taught at an early age to use anti white sentiment as a motivating tool. In other words one of the main reasons blacks love sports is that it gives them a chance to humiliate whites.

So nothing has changed as far as the black led locker rooms.

Blacks care about the above three points far beyond anything else. Probably even their hefty pay checks? Truth is they could care less about all these human rights matters and such which are secondary and trivial to them.

This is not a new subject. Different setting but for years there was widespread consternation regarding Chinese and overseas sweat shops churning out expensive rip off sneakers ( Nike is a big player in all of this) that clearly were violating USA work codes. Human rights were involved but the NBA and it's players could give a toss. Why should we be surprised about their response to the situation brewing now?

Blacks care about their place in sports more than all of this other stuff combined.

Now it is fair and correct to argue blacks are not alone in this black locker room set up which is ably supported and abetted by management, much of the media and other forces. People can discuss to what extent they play and I will be happy to leave that argument for others here if they wish to discuss it.

The only way to tell if the black led locker idea has been defeated is to balance out rosters with nearly a 50% white make up. Then let's see if the black athletes accept such a deal quietly. See if they act like good little puppies? A group who some segments of their population burn down cities when they get a little angry.

The black anger is always directed at white folk. I suspect if there were quick racial roster overhauls it would be like sticking your hand in a hornet's nest. Or going into a bad black inner city and interrupting the drug runners. Which would likely get a person killed within two weeks.
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Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
The only way to tell if the black led locker idea has been defeated is to balance out rosters with nearly a 50% white make up. Then let's see if the black athletes accept such a deal quietly. See if they act like good little puppies? A group who some segments of their population burn down cities when they get a little angry.

this happened a few years ago, and separated by a few seasons, with two teams: the Cleveland Cavaliers, and more recently the Indiana Pacers.

in both cases, the teams approached a 50%-White roster, started having success with potential playoff-bound teams, and in both cases (quietly with the Cavs and widespread with the Pacers) the question was called out in the media of whether the teams were rayciss. in both cases, the teams RAPIDLY jettisoned their White players, and not coincidentally in my view reverted to a blacker-than-league-average roster. also, and probably not coincidentally either, they both quickly fell back to the cellar dwellers that they usually are.

DWF Upside

Aug 31, 2014
this happened a few years ago, and separated by a few seasons, with two teams: the Cleveland Cavaliers, and more recently the Indiana Pacers.

in both cases, the teams approached a 50%-White roster, started having success with potential playoff-bound teams, and in both cases (quietly with the Cavs and widespread with the Pacers) the question was called out in the media of whether the teams were rayciss. in both cases, the teams RAPIDLY jettisoned their White players, and not coincidentally in my view reverted to a blacker-than-league-average roster. also, and probably not coincidentally either, they both quickly fell back to the cellar dwellers that they usually are.

Chitwood, I’ll gladly die on this hill. Where as this happens the Pacers and Cavs still have 6 whites on their team. The Cavs clearly lost Lebron James and then sucked. The Pacers are still extremely competitive and nearly went to the NBA Finals. They lost key player Bogdonovic but also drafted a white in the first round.

The Cavs lost no white player of importance and still have Kevin Love. They also drafted an American white in the first round this year.

Oddly enough I agree with your point but its the ((( media))) and (((ownership))) that do this not some outcry of the American Public.

A much better example would be back 16 years ago when the Mavs started Dirk and Nash with Lafrentz, Bradley, Najera and several other drafted Euro’s and other white bench players. This was completely blown up later to only have Dirk. At the same time Billy Donovan and Florida accumulated a nearly all white dream team and the ((( media))) had daily talking points of bogus recruiting violations. They then went almost all black.

Duke to a much lessor extent did this same thing. Creighton, Gonzaga, Butler, West Virginia, BYU, South Dakota State at one point were nearly all white and good. But this could not be allowed by ((( the powers that be))).

I don't disagree a black locker room is a problem. Especially at the high school and small college level. It doesnt have to reach more than about 25% to become a major divide. However, my big point was that the (((NBA))) can magically control this behavior as clearly seen by this China issue. These big strong black gods are great little puppets when it comes to China but some how cant be controlled about disrespecting the American people and fans.

Shadowlight and many others just flim flam on this issue and never acknowledges the ((( media))) or ((( ownership))) or anything with three parentheses. They are like the Alex Jones of castefootball.


Oct 19, 2009
Jimmy Chitwood, good points regarding the Cavs and Pacers. I wrote extensively regarding the Pacers situation 7 years ago**. Basically a far-left wing Indiana based Jewish writer/radio host Bob Kravitz made the racial makeup of the Pacers a "big issue" because he was upset when ex-Pacers GM Larry Bird dared to draft Tyler Hansbrough in 2009. Don't forget, several years prior, Bird admitted the Pacers (and the NBA in general) might draw bigger crowds and get better TV ratings if teams "had more whites". I'm sure the moment he said that, he went from "Larry Legend" to "bad Shabbos Goy; shame on you!!!!". Eventually a Lonsmen named Kravitz stuck up for the Tribe and made him pay for being a bad Shabbos Goy! After that, Larry buckled and totally stopped drafting and signing whites for years. Eventually, Larry did the right thing and retired, realizing he was a total nobody (with very little authority to select the players he wanted) that had to answer to militant anti-whites like Kravitz (and others of his "ilk").


I think Shadowlight brought up this point recently and DWF Upside just posted some excellent stuff, including the college teams: As white friendly teams rise up in the standings, they tend to start dumping whites at a fairly quick pace. Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, L.A. Clippers and Golden State are fairly recent examples. G.S. started their climb in the standings with David Lee making the All-Star team and Andrew Bogut being a huge piece in the middle. They also had several decent white backups. However, soon after progressive Shabbos Goy Steve Kerr took over, Lee was mysteriously banished to the end of the bench and Bogut was just another body. Oklahoma City had several whites as they finally started to contend, soon most were gone. Philadelphia started their rise with 4 to 6 key whites just a few years ago (2017). Now the team is back to being pretty much all black, as they contend for a title.

On the flip side, it appears Comrade Silver and his fellow Kosher henchmen that run the league behind the curtain (Phil Knight of Nike, Bob Iger from Disney) are allowing several bottom rung teams (particularly in "Red States") to whiten up a bit. Phoenix, Indiana, Dallas, Memphis, Cleveland and Miami all seem to have gotten a bit "whiter" recently. Oklahoma City was allowed to trade for a white (Italian) star, now that they've lost all their top "super-heroes". But, again, none of these teams is expected to contend for a title (maybe Indiana as a long-shot?) and the PTB that run the league don't like horrible local ratings. And absolutely hate the optics of empty seats.

So, perhaps, this is a foundation of the Caste system in today's NBA: Top teams expected to shed whites and have pretty much all black rosters as they vie for Conference titles; bottom dwelling clubs allowed to grab 4 to 6 decent whites, so the mindless DWF's might actually buy way too expensive tickets to watch this utter trash of a league live?
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Mar 16, 2013
Very perceptive post. I thought this black stacking hit a road block when the Celtics got Gordon Hayward but lo and behold he was taken out on a thug dirty hit man shot by LeBron James the very first game of the 2017-2018 season. The media turned the other way even though it was a brutal and violent hit against Gordon and James should have been punished.

Out of the major sports the NBA appears to be the most carefully arranged where as Truthteller points out the real contenders are made up of black superstar buddy pair ups.

Slime ball Silver made a slight fuss over Anthony Davis leaving the Pelicans but the bottom line is he hasn't stopped one of these deals which means in the end he endorses them. I do agree though that unlike say the idiots than run baseball ( God help us) there is some concern in the NBA about the league getting too black. Forget the NFL. They are down the line business as usual caste.

I have a deep dislike for Steve Kerr. He was one of the most pronounced caste announcers when he was in the booth and his teams , while successful, have followed suit.

That all said I think there will be a better white presence this season but one must be very careful about these type of predictions.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Queen LaBrown James is catching a lot a flak for siding with the communist Chinese government. This roided up, moron is a zio-puppet who happily does the bidding of Count Orlok (Silver) and the rest of the NBA brass. He deserves criticism and alienation from his DWF worshippers.