Forgotten White Athletes?

Eugen Ray had supernatural strength and power. Seeing a few races between him and Menna was quite a contrast. Menna would look effortless almost floating while Ray seemed to be working ten times harder for the same result.
Despite John Teeters retiring a year or two ago I will always wonder how good he could have been? I wish he would have kept running even if he had to move
to a european country to have a better chance of making the Olympics. His talent as immense! Here he is running a 9.98 slightly windy time in 2015.
that was a great run. A lot of guys there left in his wake as he finished less than a metre down on Bromell and ahead of Baker. And yet almost as soon as people stood up to notice - he was gone!
Yet even as we write he's only 28
John Teeters has personal bests of 10.00 wind legal, 9.91 windy, and 6.52 in the 60 meters. Yet he gave it all up! So depressing. Even if he didn't run
track can you imagine him at running back in the NFL? He would dominate with ease. His size, strength and power are amazing. I have no doubt he could
have been an elite talent in the sprints. I'm still angry at how his career went! With Lemaitre we are left for wishing for more but at least he won medals at the European
Championships, Olympics and the World Championships. John Teeters could have been just as good over 100 meters. I will always wonder what could have been?
Maybe he gets the itch to run again and changes his mind. We can only hope for the best. What an amazing talent he was and still is!
Have to say ..I agree with everything you’ve said white,iightning......if John were a Brit or a German he would still be competing and going 9.9s ....the system in the stars is skewed towards black athletes running track as a pro . It’s a mindset a truly american mindset in the states that black = speed ...anybody knows speed has no colour .....and Dwfs predominantly American sports commentators are still super ignorant when it comes to track and global track .....and what’s apity is that John was definitely an example to any budding white American sprinter that it can be done .....but sponsorship and support for white sprinters is hard to come by ....I mean look at devin Quinn ..he has no major sponsor ..gets races through a sports agency that’s run by an Irishman ...once again I would say to the likes of teeters ..declare for Great Britain( more than welcome ) Quinn declare for Ireland ( more than welcome ) .. ...get a chance to compete internationally ....Olympics etc .....
I mean Jacobs is from Texas ..yes marcell Jakob’s ......and I doubt ( peds or not ) if he had to come through the American system he would be a global champ ....
Note as well ...marek nitt the Estonian sprinter was whipped as an athlete at Arkansas ...60/ 100/ 200/400 ..and all the relays .....I dont think he really knew what distance was his best ...because the American college/ pro system has the ability to destroy some athletes .....and there was a very classy white sprinter over 200 a couple of yrs ago who went to FSU won a national title in the 100 meter relay bringing home the baton ....he spent 2 yrs without a sponsor as a pro and left the sport ....nuts ....the states has an issue with white sprinters .....they get no support ...of course with a white population the size of the states it has plenty of sprinter talent ....
Note as well ...marek nitt the Estonian sprinter was whipped as an athlete at Arkansas ...60/ 100/ 200/400 ..and all the relays .....I dont think he really knew what distance was his best ...because the American college/ pro system has the ability to destroy some athletes .....and there was a very classy white sprinter over 200 a couple of yrs ago who went to FSU won a national title in the 100 meter relay bringing home the baton ....he spent 2 yrs without a sponsor as a pro and left the sport ....nuts ....the states has an issue with white sprinters .....they get no support ...of course with a white population the size of the states it has plenty of sprinter talent ....

Yes I agree with you my brother. Your talking about Brandon Byram. Another kid that should have went overseas. The only american white sprinter that I can remember
that was going to move was John Woods but it never really happened to my knowledge. If guys like Quinn or Teeters ran for these European Countries they would get sponsors
like crazy. They would have so many fans following them. The most important factor is they could continue to run without the pressure of having to go sub 10 almost every race just
to keep your day job. There is far too much p.e.d.s in the USA. Has been that way since the 1970's. Like with Jamaica and other countries, WADA looks the other way most
of the time. I do like when they catch the cheaters from anywhere but the majority of them are from a handful of countries for decades now.
Thank for posting those blast from the past videos of two sprinters I used to watch on tv when I was very young. Loved them both. I remember the Sports Illustrated Magazine
when I still read it. They had the Issus called, "What Happened To the White Athlete"? Complete rubbish and even being young back then I knew they was racial slotting and stereotyping to hold white athletes down! Anyways in that issue they talked about Kevin Little and he talked about how hard he trained. One of the few things I enjoyed reading
in the article. Just like the book by Jon Entine. Lies, Lies and more lies. This is the Caste Sports World we live in also known as clown world.
Great videos freedom1. Love seeing great White athletes excel and shatter the narratives we hear all the time. The all-around greatest track and field stars were by and large, White. They excel in so many events yet people don't know the wide array of categories there are in the sport.
Thank for posting those blast from the past videos of two sprinters I used to watch on tv when I was very young. Loved them both. I remember the Sports Illustrated Magazine
when I still read it. They had the Issus called, "What Happened To the White Athlete"? Complete rubbish and even being young back then I knew they was racial slotting and stereotyping to hold white athletes down! Anyways in that issue they talked about Kevin Little and he talked about how hard he trained. One of the few things I enjoyed reading
in the article. Just like the book by Jon Entine. Lies, Lies and more lies. This is the Caste Sports World we live in also known as clown world.
Hey there WL, I cannot find that book in my searches. What is it? Thanks.
Sorry I just got home from the dog park. Yes I own the book too. What a waste of money. It's this type of pseudo science that tells anyone not of west african ancestry to
even try for the sprints or the major sports. Well it was garbage then and it's still garbage now. I emailed him years ago and he never responded of course. Get rich of trying
to tell every other race outside of africans to just give up sports because we can't compete according to his lies. Yes lies, lies, lies.

So I guess guys like S. Bingtian, C. Lemaitre, R. Guliyev and others somehow cheated to win as they are not black. How can they win medals against the super men? What a joke!
His book is called "taboo" (not Lies,Lies and more Lies) - "why black athletes dominate sports and why we're afraid to talk about it". I've had it for decades

Sorry I just got home from the dog park. Yes I own the book too. What a waste of money. It's this type of pseudo science that tells anyone not of west african ancestry to
even try for the sprints or the major sports. Well it was garbage then and it's still garbage now. I emailed him years ago and he never responded of course. Get rich of trying
to tell every other race outside of africans to just give up sports because we can't compete according to his lies. Yes lies, lies, lies.

So I guess guys like S. Bingtian, C. Lemaitre, R. Guliyev and others somehow cheated to win as they are not black. How can they win medals against the super men? What a joke!
Ahhh, ok. Yep, that makes more sense now. The narrative fully in place and he just capitalizes on the lie. Thanks guys for clearing that up. Cheers!
One of my all time favorite sprinters is Shirvo! Matt Shirvington for those who didn't know his nickname. Look at how explosive Shirvington is in this race where he ran 10.12! :)

I saw that race of Shirvo's live all those years ago - how we'd wished for a nice maximum legal tailwind to see him get his first sub 10 - but it wasn't to be
Shirvo's 2006 Com Games mess up. Joshua Ross was our fastest man by now but received an injury a bit earlier on. An underdone Shirvington filled in for the home run but his lack of confidence showed when he threw a (at least) silver medal away by trying to get a bigger start on Powell.
Daniel Batman (RIP 2012) was lead off and our 9.93 man Pat Johnson ran the back straight.

This was Matt Shirvington's last hurrah internationally as he went to England with his wife for her business venture and he stayed relatively fit and fast there but his focus was gone. Only 10.3's or so.
Start viewing at 3 minutes into the vid.

And look at the women's team - the last runner took off 5m too fast. Both our men's and women runs were atrocious in front of their home crowd (like Japan's men's 4x100 in Tokyo last year).

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I saw that race of Shirvo's live all those years ago - how we'd wished for a nice maximum legal tailwind to see him get his first sub 10 - but it wasn't to be

This is my favorite Shirvo Race as I'm sure it's most track fans too! To run a 10.03 at 19 year old with no wind against a stacked field was and still is EPIC to this Day! Thanks Shirvo! :)
if you stop the race on the line Matt's distance behind 3rd place Obadele Thompson shows just how close he was to breaking 10 seconds with no wind at all. But it was never to be.
if you stop the race on the line Matt's distance behind 3rd place Obadele Thompson shows just how close he was to breaking 10 seconds with no wind at all. But it was never to be.

Yes sir. I agree and it's so hard to look at. Two things hurt Shirvo in my opinion. One the Rock Star Status Fame thrown at him as a 19 year old teenager. Money, fame, women,
etc. can make anyone have a hard time focusing on their prime objective. Second was overtraining in my honest opinion which led to frequent injuries and timeouts. Even still
he helped to revitalize the hopes of white sprinters. Borzov in the 70s, Wells in the 80's and Shirvo in the 90's. Then in the this century we have seen Lemaitre and Guliyev so far
and it's just keeps getting better in my opinion.

Matt Shirvington had so much talent and if things went just a little different he should have been the first white sprinter to go sub 10 instead of Lemaitre. So many of our guys
get stuck on 10.00 or 10.01! I've said this countless times but it's true. It's more of a psychological barrier than a physical one to be honest. Whites in general are very analytical
and always overthinking everything. I'm the same way. It's great for the business world and even better for inventing things to benefit society. We are not as good as just being loose
and relaxed like others. Sprinting speed comes from relaxing and letting the speed carry you through the last parts of the race. Very few can master this. Relaxation is the key to holding your top speed and the difference between winning and losing for the most part! Again thank you to Matt Shirvington for the memories. Ahh to be young and free again! :)
Yeah, I could not believe he did not break 10. He ran that race into a negative wind at 19!! Something went very wrong. I suspect overtraining. He is like a cautionary tale. You have a small window of time, you have to cash in. A non steroidal sprinter's career is like the race itself, very brief.
When I was growing up until I was in my 40s softball was a major sport in my neck of the woods. Almost all mills, churches, and bars sponsored a team. I was very lucky to see this man one time in the late 70s. One of the greatest athletes I ever saw play and he had to be in his 50s then. His name was Eddie Feigner. His team's name was The King and his Court. They only used 4 players and he pitch most of the game from 2nd base "Blindfolded." He stuck out 21 batters and I think 1 batter foul tipped 1 ball. How he has been neglected all these years is hard to understand.

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