Preparing the Masses for the Future Mark of the Beast.

White Lightning

Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
Here is a short video about the Palm Scanners staring to appear in some stores around
America and the world. At first you won't need a chip but it's progaramming the masses
for when you will have to have a chip(mark) in order to buy or sell. I can't say it enough
guys. Please know that the hour is late and the Bible predicted all of this thousands of
years ago. For those with little or no faith maybe you should reconsider it.
The HEXAGRAM: six triangles, mounted on the six sides, pointing in six different directions (signifying control of the world)



Janet Moser

And he causeth all, both small and great,
Rich and poor, free and bond,
To receive a mark on their right hand,
Or on their forehead.
And that no man might buy or sell,
Save that he had the mark,
Or the name of the beast,
Or the number of his name.*

Revelation 13:16,17

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Why is God letting the devil do this?
Why is God letting the devil do this?

Just like in the days before the flood people in masses turned away from God. Look at how our country was founded. Everything was about God, Faith, Family, Traditions, Culture, Country, Values, etc. When
a country quits putting God first and takes God out of almost everything, then God stops blessing that country. It's probably is illegal now a days to even sing God Bless America without a bunch of sensitive snowflakes
gettting offended. God (Yahweh) is allowing things to happen but he can stop it if enough people turned back to him. People worshiped Donald Trump more than even God himself. They do the same with false
idols in sports, music, tv, politics, etc. Judgement is coming unless enough people turn back to our roots and values. I'm still hoping for the best but my advice to everyone here is to homestead if possible. You
may have to in order to survive for what is coming and that's in the good times before it gets even worse. May God help us and hopefully bless us and remember that we are still his children. It's a good wake up call.
Just like in the days before the flood people in masses turned away from God. Look at how our country was founded. Everything was about God, Faith, Family, Traditions, Culture, Country, Values, etc. When
a country quits putting God first and takes God out of almost everything, then God stops blessing that country. It's probably is illegal now a days to even sing God Bless America without a bunch of sensitive snowflakes
gettting offended. God (Yahweh) is allowing things to happen but he can stop it if enough people turned back to him. People worshiped Donald Trump more than even God himself. They do the same with false
idols in sports, music, tv, politics, etc. Judgement is coming unless enough people turn back to our roots and values. I'm still hoping for the best but my advice to everyone here is to homestead if possible. You
may have to in order to survive for what is coming and that's in the good times before it gets even worse. May God help us and hopefully bless us and remember that we are still his children. It's a good wake up call.
If you truly believe then you should know that judgement is coming REGARDLESS of what we, mere mortals, do. There will be no 'shining city on the hill" built by mankind...
Why is God letting the devil do this?
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." Isaiah 55:8.
The short answer is, we don't have all the answers. If we did, we would be God.
However, God loved us in that he gave us free will. The freedom to chose him or not to choose. We can place our faith in the one true God. The God of Jesus Christ. The risen one. The only one who took the sins of the world and was crucified, died and resurrected for payment of our sins. A debt we can never repay. The gift is free and what a gift it is. Like no other. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord." Roman 6:23
Mankind has turned their back on God.
Instead of asking why is God allowing the Devil to do this, we should ask why is he allowing men, women and children who oppose him to live? 2 Peter 3:9 answers this question.
God wishes every man to repent. The Lord is patient and gives everyone that opportunity.
God could easily destroy Satan, immediately, however this doesn't serve his purpose. One reason why he's allowing us to live is that not everyone has been saved. God's glory is made manifest when men flee the Devil and choose God's way. Sometimes when we we see the easy way out or something that seems pleasurable to us, SIN, but we choose his way, there's a much greater plan that we don't have knowledge of.
When God does destroy Satan it will be maximum demonstration to all people of God's unlimited power.
"And the devil, who deceived them was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Revelation 20:10.
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