Crime Thread

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Brandon Bernard finally executed for murder of a young Christian couple, after 20 years on death row

"This senseless act of unnecessary evil was premeditated and had many opportunities to be stopped at any time during a 9-hour period. This was torture, as they pleaded for their lives from the trunk of their own car," she said in a statement.

"Please remember that the lives of family and friends were shattered and we all have grieved for 21 years waiting for justice to be served."

Todd Bagley and Stacie Bagley were Christian youth ministers from Iowa.

Before moving to Iowa, Todd had been stationed at Fort Hood, where the couple attended Grace Christian Church and worked with the youth group.


Finally, justice was served. Next stop hell.
A bit of a "you heard it here first" post: Around 2022-23 we should start getting frequent reports of juvenile criminals with the first name "Barack" being arrested.
Sam Little is now with Satan in Hell.

From wikipedia:

Samuel Little (June 7, 1940 – December 30, 2020) was an American serial killer and serial rapist who was convicted in 2012 of the murders of three women in California between 1987 and 1989, and in 2018 of the murder of one woman in Texas in 1994. He claimed to have killed as many as 93 women, and investigators have linked him to over 60 murders.

Samuel Little confessed to becoming obsessed with choking women when he saw the cover of a True Detective magazine of a man choking a woman with a stocking. Along with Coral Eugene Watts, they were the two most prolific serial killers in America. They were both black and travel across the country killing women. Watts was the serial killer who finally convinced the FBI that serial killers kill people of other races. The FBI for years didn't believe they were black serial killers. It was always a white male between the ages of 25 to 35 a loner who could not hold a job. I don't put any faith in the FBI what so ever. Every FBI agent I ever met was a smug arrogant butthole.
Michael Richardson, former Bears CB for the 1985 Champion Bears arrested for murder in Phoneix.

This is sad. The victim, Olivia Mackay, was another white girl who was brainwashed into thinking that all black males are wonderful people. The brainwashers have taken away the defenses of these girls and made them think black males are better than white men. So they go out with black males instead of white men. She actually picked her murderers up in her car. She paid for it with her life.

This is sad. The victim, Olivia Mackay, was another white girl who was brainwashed into thinking that all black males are wonderful people. The brainwashers have taken away the defenses of these girls and made them think black males are better than white men. So they go out with black males instead of white men. She actually picked her murderers up in her car. She paid for it with her life.

Definitely sad and should have been avoided. If she had some common sense, might be alive. Her whole life she was lied to though and told to treat everyone the same..

The good boy that took her life away, his father is also in prison for murder.
It's not surprising. 30% of all black males will be convicted of a felony in their lifetimes.
This is a very interesting subject. The point isn't "racism" as is mostly believed. The idea is blacks are misplaced in this advanced technologically society. They in no way can keep up with the day to day capabilities it takes to operate their lives successfully - obviously, that is why they have to be artificially put in the job market and kept there by government edict/black quarterbacks. Also, of course, they're not so completely ignorant that they don't measure up to standards and at some point go completely bonkers and commit all these acts/crimes (but for the most part, they're not really crimes as we understand the word). Don't think I'm going crazy. I finally realized why they're so loused up. It took me many years to come to this phase of understanding.
This is a very interesting subject. The point isn't "racism" as is mostly believed. The idea is blacks are misplaced in this advanced technologically society. They in no way can keep up with the day to day capabilities it takes to operate their lives successfully - obviously, that is why they have to be artificially put in the job market and kept there by government edict/black quarterbacks. Also, of course, they're not so completely ignorant that they don't measure up to standards and at some point go completely bonkers and commit all these acts/crimes (but for the most part, they're not really crimes as we understand the word). Don't think I'm going crazy. I finally realized why they're so loused up. It took me many years to come to this phase of understanding.
TomIron361, I know it's not racism as well. Blacks are born with a genetic disposition for violence and a herd mentality. They have no qualms about cutting your throat if they perceive that you have wrong them in some way. They stick together against the white man while Whitey apologizes to them for them cutting our throat. We cross to the other side of the street just seeing a black heading toward us. They smell the fear on whites and that is why they rob, beat rape, and murder whites because all they will have to do is a few years in prison. I will tell anybody reading this, prison doesn't bother these people they looked at a prison like a hotel. They got a room, three squares a day, a workout area, and a tv room. I said before and I will say it again every white man should spend at least a week in a prison that is majority black and tell me it doesn't change them. They will be over that quilt feeling of blacks were so mistreated and were slaves and we owe them. We owe them NOTHING.
Black Woman Charged With Beating Her 3-Year-Old Adopted White Daughter to Death Weeks After Posting About Her Kids' 'White Privilege'

This is one of the most sickening things I’ve seen in the last couple of years. The adoption agency should be blamed for allowing a helpless child to be placed into the hands of an Anti-White monster.

Also, a strong argument should be made against all interracial adoption. Most humans naturally do not have the same level of love or care for any child not their own flesh and blood. When you add in different tribes, those feelings (subconsciously) become more detached. Don’t let a shitlib tell you otherwise.
After 3,624 posts and 16 years, everyone gets the gist of this thread so I'm locking it. There are various forums where those interested in this topic can post to their heart's content.
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