Charles Manson attends Red Sox game!!


Oct 15, 2004
I guess it's fair to say that "Charles Manson" killed the Yankees tonight!
Well, I'm now able to access the site.

Guys I work with were saying the same thing about Damon's
looks. He could also work off season at any Natural History
Museum. With that hair and beard, all he needs is a loin-cloth
and a spear, and voila! Neanderthal Man.
Actually I like Damon. I think he's a great player and I consider him white. I think the long hair look is OK on him because he wears it well. If a white person takes care of their hair it looks good, no matter how long.Contrast that to Manny Rameriez, geez the guy looks like a street bum. His dirty looking dreadlocks are disgusting, And Pedro's overgrown rats nest along with his skanky beard, I had to look away when they did close-ups on him.
Good points. Johnny may have achieved close to Vijay Singh's status as an "honorary white man." He wears his White/Asian heritage in an interesting combination that mostly makes him look like a white early '70s wildman throwback. Probably considers himself white to a great degree which should count for something too. Early on in his careerI wondered if he was white or black or something else, and back then they never showed closeups of him or gave him any significant pub, so I figured he was white or maybe slightly off-white.

Did you see "The Caveman" sign a fan was holding up in the box seat section and which was shown on national TV?Damon must be considered white for that kind of sign to be allowed in the park and shown on television.
Here's something weird. I'm reading a book about the rock scene in Laurel Canyon in the late 1960s. Charles Manson is mentioned. Rock musicians Neil Young, Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys and producer Terry Melcher (Paul Revere and the Raiders) are all said to have thought highly of him as a musician. So out of curiosity I listened to one of his songs, Look at Your Game Girl. They were right. Manson is a very good singer and a good songwriter. Listen for yourself.

I in no way condone what he did nor do I admire him in any way. But had Manson chosen another path he had a chance to be a success in the music business.

Here's something weird. I'm reading a book about the rock scene in Laurel Canyon in the late 1960s. Charles Manson is mentioned. Rock musicians Neil Young, Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys and producer Terry Melcher (Paul Revere and the Raiders) are all said to have thought highly of him as a musician. So out of curiosity I listened to one of his songs, Look at Your Game Girl. They were right. Manson is a very good singer and a good songwriter. Listen for yourself.

I in no way condone what he did nor do I admire him in any way. But had Manson chosen another path he had a chance to be a success in the music business.

I've been meaning to reply to this post. In the 1980's and even the 1990's I used to hang out a lot in used book stores and record shops shooting the shite.

I remember one day hearing a melodious folkish type song on the turntable (albums back then although I see they have made a kind of click like comeback) and I asked the manager what was playing. He said Charles Manson. At that time I didn't even know he was a musician. My jaw dropped. The song didn't fit the image. I was meaning to pursue the matter but I never did.

Dennis Wilson was a rabid partier and from what I have read record people like Melcher thought Manson was ok but not really worth a contract. This set Charlie off big time. The house where Tate and the gang were murdered in was where Dennis Wilson used to live. One theory claims Charlie wanted Wilson's head as revenge. But that is debatable.

If you are interested in Manson stuff I recommend you read the hot book "Chaos." Then you might want to watch what I thought was probably the best movie last year "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" starring Brad Pitt. That movie feels authentic except for the Playboy mansion scene where none of the chicks were nude. In this no tits allowed era we live in that is not surprising. The hell with historical accuracy when it comes to sex. The director played loose with a few other key things but I don't want to spoil things.

If you like juicy conspiracy theories with wide spreading repercussions "Chaos" is a book you won't be able to put down. And it puts a whole new light on now deceased Doris Day and her wandering son. The book will give you chills and not just because of Charlie.
Actually I like Damon. I think he's a great player and I consider him white. I think the long hair look is OK on him because he wears it well. If a white person takes care of their hair it looks good, no matter how long.Contrast that to Manny Rameriez, geez the guy looks like a street bum. His dirty looking dreadlocks are disgusting, And Pedro's overgrown rats nest along with his skanky beard, I had to look away when they did close-ups on him.

Since this long-dead thread was recently revived, I'm sure jaxvid/Flint will enjoy this:

Johnny Damon Claims He’s Targeted for Trump Support During DUI Arrest

Damon’s a bit of a lush. He’s been a yacht guest on a couple episodes of Below Deck on Bravo. He seems like a good guy. He will survive the DUI nonsense. I’ve always said it’s no shame to go to jail...but it’s no great honor either.
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