
The Iron Heel is stamping out the lamps of freedom.
(((They))) are NOT going to win. I guarantee you that. And we all need to start believing and living as that. Enough is enough.
Complete blackout about it online as well. All of the search engines are censored. It's like in the old Soviet Union, or 1984, when someone or something gets eliminated they become an unperson and all mention and reference to them is also erased.

This is the only place I could find that even mentions it:

I hadn't actually been there in a long time but then i posted a link to the PI Boxing Forum in their Sports sub forum and I saw 170 hits pretty quickly, and that was like their most minor sub forum, and then it was all inaccessible, the whole giant forum gone.

"Stormfront? Comrade citizen, you must be mistaken. There never was any such thing as Stormfront. Do not ask about this again."
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David Duke's website also says nothing. Stormfront Radio suddenly changed it's name to Aloha Radio and mentioned "Don Black isn't available now" and that's all.

Black and Duke are controlled opposition con-
men anyway. If they get “purged” Soviet style after their “useful idiot” status falls then oh well.

Still even with a member list of mainly FBI and SPLC types there was some good information on that site. You had to wade through a lot of crap to get there though. Hopefully most of the key data has been archived.
DWF Upside (and Werewolf), please provide your evidence that David Duke and Don Black are "controlled opposition con men."
DWF Upside (and Werewolf), please provide your evidence that David Duke and Don Black are "controlled opposition con men."

There were some things on SF that caused me to be suspicious that it was a honey trap. At one time i was active on the 911 board there as the joint Israeli Mossad-US Deep State 911 false flag attacks were my specialty. Then they appointed the worst shill there - Lion of Judah or something like that - i forget - this was several years ago - of all people to be the 911 mod. WTF? And he banned me. Similar happened on the old Librty Forum tho i wasn't banned there. Same on the old Pravda forum. They seem to tip their hand when it comes to appointing mods.
I think Dr. Duke also says he believes the official version of what happened on 911...which i knew was a damned lie right from day one.
Disagreeing with some of their viewpoints, or on how a site is moderated, is hardly evidence that someone is a "controlled opposition con man." It's a difference of opinion, nothing more. I've known Black and Duke for more than 30 years, and while my approach on the issues of the day has always been considerably different than theirs, they are both sincere men who have suffered greatly because of their activities. Both have been in prison, both have been subjected to endless verbal attacks and physical threats. Black is in poor health and suffered the well-publicized defection of his son to the other side. If he was "controlled opposition," Stormfront would always be online rather than constantly the target of attempts to take it down. You don't seem to like one of the mods on Caste Football either; does that make me a "controlled opposition con man"?

Black was way ahead of everyone else when it came to utilizing the internet to connect hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world into a virtual pro-White community. Duke was elected to the Louisiana legislature and was nearly elected as the governor of Louisiana. He also ran for President in 1988, back when White people didn't sit on their asses all day bitching and moaning while contributing nothing worthwhile to prevent their fast-approaching replacement. I ran his presidential campaign and can assure you it was great to be part of an actual grassroots populist movement in the days before effective White activism became extinct.

Duke's videos have been seen by millions of people and his books have reached hundreds of thousands. Who has done more for the pro-White cause than David Duke and Don Black over the past generation? To casually call them "controlled opposition con men" is libelous and is symptomatic of how the internet does more harm than good as it's filled with people who write whatever invective they want anonymously with no fear of repercussions and who almost never join or contribute to the few pro-White organizations left, instead of engaging in genuine sacrifice by participating in real life boots on the ground activism of the type Duke and Black have done for some 50 years now as well as sacrificing financially to help those still willing to stick their necks out.
I listened to Dukes radio show a few years back. Also saw him on multiple shows including Infowars ( highly entertaining controlled opposition).

He’s arrogant, lazy, and dishonest. Pretty much a poor mans southern politician. I listened to him try to con old pensioners to put him in their will. Thats not even mentioning the weird relationship between those 2 involving the same girl.

I know he is fake because he would be in prison for tax evasion for all his shilling for money from conning the gullible. If they really wanted him gone, he would be gone. He wouldn't be on all tv shows spouting his same tired unconvincing facts. He just drops black pills to show how powerful the tribe is. So either he is a con-man or being used by TPTB as an uncharismatic ex KKK to point and laugh at. When you have the truth on your side, your debating Win Loss record shouldn't resemble a Mulkey brother.

Having that been said, he opens up some eyes to the worst kept secret on this planet. So there is that, and he might just be senile and a huckster. Not 100% controlled opposition.
Disagreeing with some of their viewpoints, or on how a site is moderated, is hardly evidence that someone is a "controlled opposition con man." It's a difference of opinion, nothing more. I've known Black and Duke for more than 30 years, and while my approach on the issues of the day has always been considerably different than theirs, they are both sincere men who have suffered greatly because of their activities. Both have been in prison, both have been subjected to endless verbal attacks and physical threats. Black is in poor health and suffered the well-publicized defection of his son to the other side. If he was "controlled opposition," Stormfront would always be online rather than constantly the target of attempts to take it down. You don't seem to like one of the mods on Caste Football either; does that make me a "controlled opposition con man"?

Black was way ahead of everyone else when it came to utilizing the internet to connect hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world into a virtual pro-White community. Duke was elected to the Louisiana legislature and was nearly elected as the governor of Louisiana. He also ran for President in 1988, back when White people didn't sit on their asses all day bitching and moaning while contributing nothing worthwhile to prevent their fast-approaching replacement. I ran his presidential campaign and can assure you it was great to be part of an actual grassroots populist movement in the days before effective White activism became extinct.

Duke's videos have been seen by millions of people and his books have reached hundreds of thousands. Who has done more for the pro-White cause than David Duke and Don Black over the past generation? To casually call them "controlled opposition con men" is libelous and is symptomatic of how the internet does more harm than good as it's filled with people who write whatever invective they want anonymously with no fear of repercussions and who almost never join or contribute to the few pro-White organizations left, instead of engaging in genuine sacrifice by participating in real life boots on the ground activism of the type Duke and Black have done for some 50 years now as well as sacrificing financially to help those still willing to stick their necks out.

Good points, well written, mea culpa. I shouldn't have said i agreed with everything the other guy said, but i did so now it's on me. I never knew much about Don Black. I'm sorry to hear that he is in bad health and about his traitor son. I think that David Duke is the best debator on the right, a devestatingly brilliant debator. I never met him either tho he was supposed to come up to our place once but didn't, I forgot why.

That thing on the SF 911 forum was so suspicious tho. I think everyone there got very suspicious when they appointed the worst shill as mod. It's true that i didn't used to be particularly fond of one of your mods (That was a while back - I hardly ever post here anymore)either, but i never said anything bad about you, and i assumed he had been appointed because he made a big contribution, which in fact he said himself. Maybe that's the way they appoint all mods, including Mr Lion of Judah.

I actually met you once a long time ago - you don't remember. It was the time my friend - I just heard from her yesterday - drove me and a Jewish professor from Columbia out to PA (Friendly guy. He hated negroes. He had been playing basketball with his son near Columbia when negroes came along and robbed him right in front of his son).

I called SF a honey trap, but that might well not be because Msrs. Black and Duke are traitors but much more likely because They have a way to get info on who posts there with their computer tricks. NSA, CIA, FBI, they have experts working there. I'm from NYC, I'm the suspicious type, plus the business I've been in...and my background. I'm more often right than wrong. Ask me about National Alliance - and again not because of Dr. P, but because of his indiscretion about who he had around him.

So I apologize. Mea culpa.

Ha ha look at the other guy. He's sticking to his guns. He's not a wuss like me!
I listened to Dukes radio show a few years back. Also saw him on multiple shows including Infowars ( highly entertaining controlled opposition).

He’s arrogant, lazy, and dishonest. Pretty much a poor mans southern politician. I listened to him try to con old pensioners to put him in their will. Thats not even mentioning the weird relationship between those 2 involving the same girl.

So since you found him to be arrogant, lazy and dishonest he therefore has to be "controlled opposition." There's no other possibility. He asked people for financial help, including people to include him in their will. No need for that of course since we all know how well financed the pro-White opposition is. Only "controlled opposition" would ask for donations since the right wing is lavished with funds to the point that George Soros is envious. And Don Black married Duke's ex-wife, therefore both must be "controlled opposition con men."

I know he is fake because he would be in prison for tax evasion for all his shilling for money from conning the gullible.

So anyone who asks for financial help for himself or his organization automatically is guilty of tax evasion and should be in prison? How exactly did he "con" anyone?

If they really wanted him gone, he would be gone.

That's true of anyone, isn't it, at least in your view of things?

He wouldn't be on all tv shows spouting his same tired unconvincing facts. He just drops black pills to show how powerful the tribe is. So either he is a con-man or being used by TPTB as an uncharismatic ex KKK to point and laugh at. When you have the truth on your side, your debating Win Loss record shouldn't resemble a Mulkey brother.

I've never seen anyone defeat him in debate on TV.

Having that been said, he opens up some eyes to the worst kept secret on this planet. So there is that, and he might just be senile and a huckster. Not 100% controlled opposition.

Your "arguments" and "evidence" are laughable. No serious person would give any weight to anything you wrote. As I recall you also wrote on Caste Football a little while back that most of the posters here are trolls and feds. Is there anyone you consider not to be "controlled opposition" of some kind? And I'd ask you what you yourself have contributed to the cause over the years as one of those rare persons who isn't "controlled opposition" but I already know the answer to that question.
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Good points, well written, mea culpa. I shouldn't have said i agreed with everything the other guy said, but i did so now it's on me. I never knew much about Don Black. I'm sorry to hear that he is in bad health and about his traitor son. I think that David Duke is the best debator on the right, a devestatingly brilliant debator. I never met him either tho he was supposed to come up to our place once but didn't, I forgot why.

That thing on the SF 911 forum was so suspicious tho. I think everyone there got very suspicious when they appointed the worst shill as mod. It's true that i didn't used to be particularly fond of one of your mods (That was a while back - I hardly ever post here anymore)either, but i never said anything bad about you, and i assumed he had been appointed because he made a big contribution, which in fact he said himself. Maybe that's the way they appoint all mods, including Mr Lion of Judah.

I actually met you once a long time ago - you don't remember. It was the time my friend - I just heard from her yesterday - drove me and a Jewish professor from Columbia out to PA (Friendly guy. He hated negroes. He had been playing basketball with his son near Columbia when negroes came along and robbed him right in front of his son).

I called SF a honey trap, but that might well not be because Msrs. Black and Duke are traitors but much more likely because They have a way to get info on who posts there with their computer tricks. NSA, CIA, FBI, they have experts working there. I'm from NYC, I'm the suspicious type, plus the business I've been in...and my background. I'm more often right than wrong. Ask me about National Alliance - and again not because of Dr. P, but because of his indiscretion about who he had around him.

So I apologize. Mea culpa.

Ha ha look at the other guy. He's sticking to his guns. He's not a wuss like me!

I never posted on Stormfront or had much interest in it. I do recall a lot of grumbling on other forums about a mod or two there, but all large forums seem to have some unpopular mods. I can assure you the two mods here didn't make any financial contributions, they've simply been stalwart posters from the beginning who I trust. Actually I think the posters here do a good job of policing other posters for the most part, which is why I've never added any additional mods.

I do vaguely remember you from the Populist Party days, though I wouldn't be able to place your face. You're an untrusting sort from NYC, which is understandable, but underneath it all you're a good guy. I'll buy you a beer or two if we ever meet again.

But the guy told me that was how he got the mod job here! Was he just goofing on me?

So what happened to SF? Do you know what's going on?
If he made a large contribution I never received it lol. He was goofing on you since you two have gone at it a few times.

As far as SF, it's under constant attack by hackers who try to take it down. That happened to several incarnations of this site until I switched to Xenforo almost four years ago. It's been working fine ever since, knock on wood. I'm a layman, Don Black knows a lot about servers and preventing and halting attacks, so he seems to always eventually get SF back online, but I'm sure it's a giant hassle that takes up a lot of his time.
"If he made a large contribution I never received it lol. "

The cheap bastard! I probably sent you a bigger contribution than he did, and I'll send u another one if u want it. Seriously, I respect u. You're not using some phony name like a lot of these guys (Werewolf is my real name*). And I don't want to be no mod either. I'd go crazy with the power and ban everybody, including you ha ha.

* :sisi1
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The only way to send a contribution currently is through snail mail -- American Freedom Union, P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091. For $19 anyone who wants one can receive a one year subscription to The Nationalist Times newspaper, which I have been editing since 1985. It's one of the very last patriotic print publications left, and given how the internet is censored more every day, there's an important need for print publications to not disappear completely, which may well happen the way trends are going.
* long diatribe follows*

You are correct in that Ive never contributed anything to a “ movement” so to speak. The only thing I do is point out, when people in real life say brainwashed SJW stuff.

Asking for donations is a lot different then Duke’s predatory type solicitations. Beings you asked another thing I find highly questionable is the network he belongs to. Are these all just like-minded individuals who happened to find each other on youtube and twitter? Anything is possible, but highly unlikely.

Take Laura Loomer, Baked Alaska, Andrew Anglin, Styxx, Shill of the week types. How do we know there names? We know there names because people give them credibility by responding to them. The whole game is too easy to infiltrate, you pay honest Joe Shmoo to promote you. Or even easier someone in your network you make money from does this for you.

RamzPaul lays this out beautifully in his history of fake movements. If you know a name they are most likely compromised. We were all excited about Trump because there was a .00001% he wasn’t controlled, thats how far gone we all are.

No one is above financial temptation in this movement, and if they are they will be silenced. They sure as hell wouldn't be running for president or in a position of power. There are alphabet agencies that infiltrate every single pure movement that comes up, and if they didn’t we wouldn’t be in this sad place and time in history. I dont see any realistic way for this world to change.

* Rant over* By the way Im a real dude that enjoys rooting for white players from high school to the pro’s.
* long diatribe follows*

You are correct in that Ive never contributed anything to a “ movement” so to speak. The only thing I do is point out, when people in real life say brainwashed SJW stuff.

Asking for donations is a lot different then Duke’s predatory type solicitations. Beings you asked another thing I find highly questionable is the network he belongs to. Are these all just like-minded individuals who happened to find each other on youtube and twitter? Anything is possible, but highly unlikely.

Take Laura Loomer, Baked Alaska, Andrew Anglin, Styxx, Shill of the week types. How do we know there names? We know there names because people give them credibility by responding to them. The whole game is too easy to infiltrate, you pay honest Joe Shmoo to promote you. Or even easier someone in your network you make money from does this for you.

RamzPaul lays this out beautifully in his history of fake movements. If you know a name they are most likely compromised. We were all excited about Trump because there was a .00001% he wasn’t controlled, thats how far gone we all are.

No one is above financial temptation in this movement, and if they are they will be silenced. They sure as hell wouldn't be running for president or in a position of power. There are alphabet agencies that infiltrate every single pure movement that comes up, and if they didn’t we wouldn’t be in this sad place and time in history. I dont see any realistic way for this world to change.

* Rant over* By the way Im a real dude that enjoys rooting for white players from high school to the pro’s.

I've been in this "movement" since 1982. I keep a low profile and don't claim or want to be well known, but there are very few people and groups I haven't met over the years or that I don't know a lot about. I'm friends with a fair amount of them. I will brag a bit by pointing out that in my early 30s I was running the fourth largest political party in the United States. That's what's always interested me, trying to build political alternatives for the "deplorables," you know, the now archaic concept of White people actually doing something to help themselves rather than always complaining or directing others on what must be done.

No one, repeat no one, profits financially from being in the "movement." Everyone is starved for money, which is why all these "groups" are essentially one-person operations, and even those are usually part-time because the person has to work a "real" job to pay his bills so that he can write his blog or put together his YouTube videos during what little free time he has. I won't even mention all the other negatives that go along with having your name out there in this virulently anti-White, leftist country, not to mention all the gossip and disinformation and misinformation that now takes place since the onset of the internet.

There's no shame in asking for financial help; the real shame is how damn few pro-White people respond. The main reason the fate of White people in America is all but sealed is because racially aware Whites in the U.S. won't do a f'in thing to help themselves or those that are trying to help them. And quite frankly, though you may be and probably are a good guy "IRL", you're a perfect example of the small army of aware Whites who sit back and do nothing while making sweeping judgments on the tactics and motivations of the few people trying to do something these days under extremely difficult circumstances, including -- especially including -- a brutal financial environment.

I've never compared Trump to the actual nationalist/populist movement in America. If you doubt that take a gander at many of my comments in the Trump thread. There's a world of difference between a billionaire reality show celebrity and the nearly impossible odds facing genuine grassroots activists.

Of course there's a large group of paid shills and trolls out there. But the "movement" itself isn't filled with them (other than on the internet) because there's no need; Whites are their own worst enemy. If you can get half a dozen off their butts and to a meeting, within minutes they'll be like talmudic scholars, quibbling and arguing over ideology and who's the most pure and "true blue" and whose ideas have to be implemented otherwise they quit.

With the lack of financial support and all the other ******** that goes on from "aware Whites," my own days in this "movement" are likely very nearly over. But one thing I can assure you of, and as a judgmental keyboard philosopher who like so many other Americans think they know it all I doubt you'll believe me, is that David Duke and Don Black are neither "controlled opposition" nor "con men."
Ha ha ! I see werewolf made parole or got released from the sanitarium early. I guess the meds are finally working for him.

I think Trumps election has exposed what clowns the deep state is peopled by. Those idiots are all ivory tower high educated soft pussies. What kind of "controlled opposition" could be put together by the same ones that hatched the Steele dossier fail? If they were actually "controlling" David Duke he would probably be running the FBI by now.

And what kind of douche bag insults guys who have actually put their ass on the line for the same things they profess to believe?
Ha ha ! I see werewolf made parole or got released from the sanitarium early. I guess the meds are finally working for him....

Oh jeez look what finally waddled in. Probably had trouble finding the door, or didn't know what the strange cryptographic symbols on it meant. Look, Flint, when you see squiggles that look like this: P U L L , don't push your shoulder against the door (the big thing that opens and closes) or lean into it. Grab the part that sticks out (it's called a handle or a knob - pronounced "nob", like the top of your head) and pull - that's the opposite of "push". Don't mention it. Glad to help.

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Stormfront was an excellent site that for many years provided a lot of good information for those interested in the white cause. It was also an excellent place for pro-whites to network. For example, I know of two marriages that took place between couples that met on SF. Both couples had children.

The proprietor, Don Black, deserves great credit for starting and maintaining the site for so many years. I hope SF comes back and thrives again.
American Freedom News