Assembly Bill 2943


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
I posted about this in another thread the other day but I wanted to include the details here. This is very serious indeed. These Leftist activists will never be satisfied. This could and WILL have far, far reaching effects.
Please read this, study it out and let your thoughts be known. I dont think I'm overstating the seriousness of the issue. Thank you!

This has to be stopped. It's a constant war on Christianity. This country was founded by Christians. God bless
America and let's put a stop to this crap. There is no freedom without a bible.
It will undoubtedly pass in California. Then Governor Brown will sign it. I only see problems and other Leftist States following suit. Just like sodomite "marriage" that they shoved down our throats. THIS bill is truly the beginning of an onslaught of persecution of Christians and other likeminded people. This is very serious...
SCOTUS should immediately overturn any/all rulings that allow this Satanic legislation. If they fail to do so (assuming it reaches them), then those dissenting (mis)justices need to be immediately removed & de-barred.
I think that's just wishful thinking, DD. The California Governor, Leftist Jerry Brown is in the bag to sign this. This legislation bill is worded VERY BROAD. Everyone here needs to look at this. I'm saying without a doubt, this is the bill that will be the watershed moment to outlaw the Bible and the First Amendment about sexual/gender issues and free speech regarding these things. ....And as far as what you said about overturning this, the current lovely SCOTUS has three satanic Jews and four liberal Catholics on it who are probably not going to care about this at all. We we're talking about this at church last night also. And as someone pointed out, you all know, as goes California, so goes the nation.

This is the beginning of the end.
American Freedom News