White running backs



I find all the kerfuffle over the lack of white running backs to be non-sense.

Lets be realistic people. When Old Bear Bryant realised that Bama wasn't going to win anymore national titles unless he had black kids on his team, he learned the words to "we shall overcome" real quick.

The idea that coaches are conspiring to overlook white players in favour of black players is as foolish as the proposition that in today's age (for the most part) employers overlook qualified black job applicants in favour of white job applicants. I remember Scot Lockwood was the starting tailback at USC in the late 1980's. remember Jason Seahorn at cornerback, and Gary Wellman and Eric Affolter at WR? All supposedly "black positions" played very well by white guys so if the talent is there, then you will play. There is an economic incentive here that many of you are not considering. You play the best players that will help you win, black or white, Even a racist like Bryant could see that and was smart enough (eventually) to put his personal feelings second to the success of the team. Sports has always been the one area where overwhelmingly, the best player plays. This is why racists looked the other way when Jackie Robinson learned how to pick up a bat and swing it.

If you wish to believe steroetypes then do not bother to reply to this message. I would like serious debate from mature people, not those with a grudge against people of color.

I do hope that Sam McGuffie puts up large numbers in college because I would like to see more white running backs doing well, maybe win a Heisman at USC. I would also like to see more black coaches in college too.
First off, your post would have been better suited to the College Football or NFL forum than the high school forum. I guess you wanted to voice your opinion to as small a group as possible so that you might go un-noticed. Too bad.

More black coaches in college? According to your logic, the best people should fill the position. If you really mean that, then you'd also concede that the best college coaches are white and that the blacks who have coached big 1A programs haven't been able to do very well.

If Lockwood was such a good back for USC, why didn't he run in the NFL? The few whites who do start as an RB in college are almost always kept out of the NFL by the Caste System that you say doesn't exist.

What do you think the term racist actually means?

Alabama had been discriminated against in 1966 by not having been awarded their third straight national title because they had an all white team. Instead, the press gave it to Notre Dame. Those events were the beginning of the Caste System in college.

Have you never seen the slotting that happens in high school? If not, then you must be blind to the reality of the situation, or either you don't follow the sport very closely. A black kid is usually given the running back position, often without any real competition.

No, if coaches were fair minded, college and NFL teams would be much more white than they are now. For years there were white stars at every position, now there are no CBs, RBs, and just a few WRs and Safeties. You can't tell me the white talent pool suddenly dried up. Discrimination is what changed it. Colleges don't recruit whites, not because they can't win with them, but because they buy into the big lie of black athletic superiority that has been trumpeted by the anti-white media for years. These same coaches also bow down to the alter of political correctness, and they can't be seen with almost all white teams because then they would look prejudice. The media never credits white players for the same reason, plus their anti-white agenda. I know many white RBs who went unrecruited by colleges just because of the color of their skin. This is not fair mindedness or objectivity on the part of recruiters and coaches. The move to purge the skill positions in football of whites is part of a larger anti-white agenda that will if it succeeds, mean the end of American society as we know it.

Why did you only name 4 white men who "recently" played at black positions? Because if you try to name many more than that it becomes difficult, especially at the pro level. Why is that? Because most whites, since the early 80s, at the skill positions are never given the chance to prove themselves as those 4 were. You need to open your eyes to the truth of anti-white discrimination, fairminded. Otherwise, you are just following the rest of the sheeple in lock step, believing the media's lies.
I must agree with the Colonel if you want to see the caste system at work go to you tube and watch the Brian Leonard 40 yard dash run and listen to the very stupid and degading comments made about him being a full back as proof that the caste system does exist. Were these comments made about the slower, and fatter Tony Hunt no why because of skin color. I will say this to the topic starter in his defense their are more whites playing the running back postion now than in recent history why I really don't have an answer, but I beleive tougher academic standards have done away with some of the blacks playing the postion. Now that proably means more whites will get and oppurtunity to play then that's ok by me, but do not tell me their is no caste system, and that whites aren't switched to other postions when they get to college ala Tim Shaw he lost his job to Tony Hunt need I say more. Your argument holds no water my freind. you and all of your cohorts just keep beleiving that their is no caste system, and in a few more years when their are no whites in the NFL period then tell me what in the hell happened. One last point the NBA saved itself by allowing foreign born players the NFL can't do the same so it really could be in danger of being white extinct.&nbs p;
Nebraska won National Championships with White running backs under Tom Osborne-now they have black running backs and are not even top ten.
Don King knows he can't win Heavyweight Boxing Championships with blacks so he wants all the Eastern European fighters he can get!! Whites are the best-check the Olympics!!!!
I wonder how many people like fairminded <-------
come here and decide to argue with everyone before reading any of the posts on this site. It would be nice if they'd take the time to read through the forums before making the same old arguments ad nauseum.

I get the impression that these kind of trolls think they are bringing some kind of new insight or breath of fresh air to the same tired arguments that have been posted here time and time and time again by their troll predecessors.

White Shogun said:
I wonder how many people like fairminded <-------
come here and decide to argue with everyone before reading any of the posts on this site. It would be nice if they'd take the time to read through the forums before making the same old arguments ad nauseum.

I get the impression that these kind of trolls think they are bringing some kind of new insight or breath of fresh air to the same tired arguments that have been posted here time and time and time again by their troll predecessors.

My sentiments exactly. Well put.
It's not a massive coordinated conspiracy by coaches and media that perpetuates discrimination against white athletes. You are misrepresenting the central point of this site. It is a misconception and a stereotype of white inferiority that people like you buy into. I'm sure when Tom Zbikowski runs a punt back for an 85 yard TD and the announcer explains "he's not really fast, he just hustles/has sneaky speed/is so determined/has a motor that never stops", you just nod your head in agreement like a good little sheep. It only takes about 5 minutes of perusing NFL Draft websites with an objective mind to realize that whites are held to a different standard.
It's clear you've taken no thorough look into this website. I'm confident that many of the posters on here are far more intelligent than you and perfectly capable of destroying you in a debate. However, you are bringing the same, weak misrepresentation of our opinion that many have already tried before you. Arguing over and over with lazy people gets old.
I just refuse to believe that only 12% of the US population is capable of playing the 'skill' positions. There are simply too many excellent white athletes in high school to all the sudden hit college and not have but a few able to run the ball, and none in the NFL, to say nothing of QB.

Its ok for to say that there are no white CBs or tailbacks due to lack of skill, but lack of black players at say, center, or QB, can't be attributed to the same.

The very best white CB or tailback isn't good enough to challenge the very worst black ones either, for a back up spot. I refuse to believe it.

Then you have the guys who bring up measurables; a white player rarely plays up to his, somehow, but black players exceed theirs on the field frequently.

But, see, the thing is, its bullsh*t. PLayers like Mike Furrey, who goes from safety to wideout and catches 98 passes. Or Kevin Kaesviharn, who, like Furrey, went undrafted, kicked around Arena and XFL, then somehow manages to play for an NFL team, and not only play adequately, but play well? And at the forbidden DB positions. He played his way off the Bungles and into a decent contract. A lot of non-black players are passed over merely for their skin color.

As for Jackie Robinson, good for him. But why does the media make such a big deal over the lack of American blacks playing baseball? Why is it so important to have a highly visible black presence in baseball? Not too many cry over lack of American whites in the NBA.

The other thing too; if blacks are somehow super-athletes, and other races aren't, does this mean that not everyone is equal in every way? Because one race can't excel at something without it meaning that other races can too, and that's a dangerous idea in this day and age. Or worse yet, be deficient in something.
Fairminded - We must feel this way because we are old?

I'm a 30 year old man. I know plenty of other young guys that feel the same as the folks on this board. That "whining old people" argument is not going to work.

Mike Vick - worst passing offense in the NFL last year. There goes your "best player" argument. Every year, despite him sucking, the media touts him as "the most dangerous weapon", etc and he starts again the next year. It's almost comical.

Kobe Bryant - yes , a good example of black team work. He is arguing with the team to be traded as we speak, lol. What a team player, like most blacks.

And speaking of Jackie Robinson - why are there so many articles talking about the lack of black players in MLB? I have for the life of me never seen an article about the lack of white players in basketball ... how odd. Could this be - bias?
First off, your post would have been better suited to the College Football or NFL forum than the high school forum. I guess you wanted to voice your opinion to as small a group as possible so that you might go un-noticed. Too bad.

More black coaches in college? According to your logic, the best people should fill the position. If you really mean that, then you'd also concede that the best college coaches are white and that the blacks who have coached big 1A programs haven't been able to do very well.

If Lockwood was such a good back for USC, why didn't he run in the NFL? The few whites who do start as an RB in college are almost always kept out of the NFL by the Caste System that you say doesn't exist.

What do you think the term racist actually means?

Alabama had been discriminated against in 1966 by not having been awarded their third straight national title because they had an all white team. Instead, the press gave it to Notre Dame. Those events were the beginning of the Caste System in college.

Have you never seen the slotting that happens in high school? If not, then you must be blind to the reality of the situation, or either you don't follow the sport very closely. A black kid is usually given the running back position, often without any real competition.

No, if coaches were fair minded, college and NFL teams would be much more white than they are now. For years there were white stars at every position, now there are no CBs, RBs, and just a few WRs and Safeties. You can't tell me the white talent pool suddenly dried up. Discrimination is what changed it. Colleges don't recruit whites, not because they can't win with them, but because they buy into the big lie of black athletic superiority that has been trumpeted by the anti-white media for years. These same coaches also bow down to the alter of political correctness, and they can't be seen with almost all white teams because then they would look prejudice. The media never credits white players for the same reason, plus their anti-white agenda. I know many white RBs who went unrecruited by colleges just because of the color of their skin. This is not fair mindedness or objectivity on the part of recruiters and coaches. The move to purge the skill positions in football of whites is part of a larger anti-white agenda that will if it succeeds, mean the end of American society as we know it.

Why did you only name 4 white men who "recently" played at black positions? Because if you try to name many more than that it becomes difficult, especially at the pro level. Why is that? Because most whites, since the early 80s, at the skill positions are never given the chance to prove themselves as those 4 were. You need to open your eyes to the truth of anti-white discrimination, fairminded. Otherwise, you are just following the rest of the sheeple in lock step, believing the media's lies.

I just refuse to believe that only 12% of the US population is capable of playing the 'skill' positions. There are simply too many excellent white athletes in high school to all the sudden hit college and not have but a few able to run the ball, and none in the NFL, to say nothing of QB.

Its ok for to say that there are no white CBs or tailbacks due to lack of skill, but lack of black players at say, center, or QB, can't be attributed to the same.

The very best white CB or tailback isn't good enough to challenge the very worst black ones either, for a back up spot. I refuse to believe it.

Then you have the guys who bring up measurables; a white player rarely plays up to his, somehow, but black players exceed theirs on the field frequently.

But, see, the thing is, its bullsh*t. PLayers like Mike Furrey, who goes from safety to wideout and catches 98 passes. Or Kevin Kaesviharn, who, like Furrey, went undrafted, kicked around Arena and XFL, then somehow manages to play for an NFL team, and not only play adequately, but play well? And at the forbidden DB positions. He played his way off the Bungles and into a decent contract. A lot of non-black players are passed over merely for their skin color.

As for Jackie Robinson, good for him. But why does the media make such a big deal over the lack of American blacks playing baseball? Why is it so important to have a highly visible black presence in baseball? Not too many cry over lack of American whites in the NBA.

The other thing too; if blacks are somehow super-athletes, and other races aren't, does this mean that not everyone is equal in every way? Because one race can't excel at something without it meaning that other races can too, and that's a dangerous idea in this day and age. Or worse yet, be deficient in something.

I wanted to bump these two posts which explain things pretty well.
Here's a fan's video on the ten best White running backs of all time. You may or may not agree with his choices but he brings up some good names.

Scott Lockwood did play in the NFL. In the last game of the Patriots 92' season he rushed for over a hundred yards on straight up the gut carries as they did not utilize his speed to the outside at all. Parcells cut him next summer claiming Lockwood kept slipping and had very poor footwork.
I thought the comment about Alabama being denied the Championship in 1966 because they were pro white was interesting. They went undefeated that year with an 11-0 record.

Notre Dame, which was given the Championship, had a 9-0-1 record. 11-0 is better than 9-0-1.
I thought the comment about Alabama being denied the Championship in 1966 because they were pro white was interesting. They went undefeated that year with an 11-0 record.

Notre Dame, which was given the Championship, had a 9-0-1 record. 11-0 is better than 9-0-1.

It was a campaign of communist, jews atypical leftist whacks like Jim Murray of the LATimes that denied Alabama even a share of the championship back in the day thing were weighed and if the AP gave one deserving team a NC the UPI did the other team if there was one for the most part. Alabama just judging by talent SOS and play alone deserved at least some recognition they were denied even that. Just because they had an all white team.compare that to the worship of Texas Western by the same media and the black supremacist pushing they do. The Snake finally got some of his due but him, Perkins and others deserved a ring. A great book is https://www.amazon.com/Missing-Ring-Alabama-Crimson-Footballs-ebook/dp/B00846X0N6 The vicious combo of Notre Dame bias and leftism kept Alabama from a much deserved "place at the table".
Scott Lockwood did play in the NFL. In the last game of the Patriots 92' season he rushed for over a hundred yards on straight up the gut carries as they did not utilize his speed to the outside at all. Parcells cut him next summer claiming Lockwood kept slipping and had very poor footwork.

Lockwood had excellent footwork and had tremendous speed Parcells loved 2-3 ypc jerks who fumbled....a dangerous outside threat was never his thing....just kidding its because he was white and Parcells is a caste stooge.
Here's an example of the caste system in action. Here's the profile page of running back Ryan Nall on the site NFL Draft Scout. Nall was a good college running back with decent measurables. Yet NFL Draft Scout lists his best position as fullback instead of running back.

Nall is white. For ideological reasons the racist caste media promotes the idea that white men can't play certain postitions, such as running back. So they act to shunt good white running backs to other positions. This NFL Draft Scout profile page is an example. This isn't done to black running backs.

The left promotes the concept of black athletic superiority because they have a black supremacist agenda. They want to prove that black males are better than white men so they have to manipulate reality.

Ryan Nall | Oregon State, FB : 2018 NFL Draft Scout Player Profile
American Freedom News