The Confederate Flag

Agree. Sad to see her kids are going to get the worst of her ignorance and stupidity. Those kids will NEVER be women or men.

Never be real men, woman nor true Americans,
Never be real men, woman nor true Americans,

Correct Dixie, because it takes a man to make a man; and it takes a woman to make a woman. I'm sure you know that anyway.
Why Yankees Must Defend Confederate Heritage

Henry Olson, American Renaissance, May 23, 2017

A common purpose unites all whites.

The attacks on Confederate monuments in New Orleans and Charlottesville are only the newest front in America’s longest war. For over 200 years, civil war has raged between “progressive” white elites and the “reactionary” conservatives they love to hate; what we call the “Civil War” was only its most violent outbreak. Whether we are able to transcend this divide or whether it continues to define American politics may be a final test of whether white America will survive.

Here is a neoreactionary quip: No matter at what point in American history you look, Harvard always gets its way. This was true during the 1850s and 1860s of a crusading abolitionism that, as Southern historian Clyde Wilson put it, “postulates goals so self-evidently righteous that disagreement is sin.” Thaddeus Stevens, Congressman of Pennsylvania, said that if necessary, the South should be “laid waste and made a desert” and repopulated with new people. The poet James Russell Lowe demanded that Southerners be “made to understand something of the country which was too good for them.” When John Brown was hanged for trying to start a slave uprising to kill whites, Ralph Waldo Emerson said the execution made “the gallows glorious like the cross.”

Later liberal crusades—whether for desegregation, environmentalism, gay rights, or transgender bathrooms—have always been characterized by the same millenarian zeal, accompanied by contempt for anyone who resists compliance, which is usually enforced by federal power.

In the 19th century, this elite, liberal contempt was mainly regional, directed from such places as Cambridge, Massachusetts, and New York City against the South. The intervening years have universalized it. Though multicultural dogmas may have originated in Yankee institutions, they are promoted by liberals everywhere. When alt-right activists recently went to Charlottesville to support saving its Confederate monuments, locals—who had been celebrating a “multicultural” food festival—quickly came over to berate the group that wanted to defend the South. Leftist ideology now pervades all corners of the country.

Any white person who supports the South will be lectured about slavery even if he has no Southern ties at all. Your ancestors could have been Union soldiers who liberated slaves, but you will still be blamed for “the legacy of slavery.”

Leftists attack the South because it is the most extreme embodiment of what they hate most: “racism.” Since it is home to the country’s largest black population, it must confront the real issues that arise from two very different peoples living side-by-side, whereas these issues remain abstractions in anti-racist whiteopias such as Maine or Vermont. The South is also religious and conservative, valuing such things as two-parent families with normal sex roles.

However, attacks against the South and its monuments have little to do with history or regional rivalries. Most of the people who demand that Confederate monuments be dismantled know next to nothing about actual Civil War history. Instead, they tend to think only in terms of the grossest cliches, in which the Confederacy is some kind of forerunner to Nazi Germany. The perennial battle between “progressive” and “regressive” whites has therefore become a broader war against “racist” white culture itself. The South bears the brunt of the attacks because it is white culture’s most deplorable embodiment.

Grim as the situation is, it presents opportunities for overcoming old rivalries. America’s north-south divide is not unique, but it is typical of a perennial European tendency toward self-destruction. The British against the Scots and Irish, the French against the British, the Germans against the French, the Venetians against the Genoese, the Protestants against the Catholics, and the “free world” against the Soviets. These rivalries—which date back to the Peloponnesian Wars—have been disastrous.

Often, these wars were waged with little understanding of the wider geopolitical picture. During their 16th century revolt against Spain, the slogan of the Dutch Protestants was “Rather Turkish than Papist.” If we take this slogan at face value, the Dutch would have preferred rule by Asiatic despots to that of other European Christians. This reminds me of Southerners who say they would prefer Honduran immigrants moved to Dixie rather than Yankees, because the Hondurans at least go to church.

These historic differences are increasingly irrelevant. Today, the Netherlands runs just as much a risk of demographic replacement as Spain.

There are signs that Americans are overcoming their rivalries. In the Super Tuesday primaries in 2016, Donald Trump won a higher percentage of votes in Massachusetts than in either Alabama or Georgia. Likewise, alt-right events defending Confederate monuments have little connection to traditional Confederate or Southern heritage groups. The Sons of Confederate Veterans have even denounced them.


Confederate General Robert E. Lee after surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. (Credit Image: © Julian Vannerson/Planet Pix via ZUMA Wire)

The white world must turn the page on its long and bloody history of brothers’ wars. A Vermonter may think he has little in common with an Alabaman, nor a Scot with a Lithuanian, but we must look past linguistic and cultural divides and recognize that the West will rise or fall together.

As the American revolutionaries argued: “Join or Die.” As for me, I was raised in the Deep North and taught to despise the Southern reprobates. But today, my standard is the Confederate battle flag.
A Henry county Georgia civil war mueseum is forced to close because commie county commission ordered CSA battle flags removed. Nash Farms land is owned by the scumbag county...whose inept, half wit commission strong-armed the museum to remove the confederate flags. It's a pure D shame because my daughter ran a cross country race down there, & my sons and I visited the mueseum (& picked up a few souvenirs). Unfortunately, Henry county has a high population of dindus. :hmmm:
After the Confederates, Who’s Next?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

On Sept. 1, 1864, Union forces under Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, victorious at Jonesborough, burned Atlanta and began the March to the Sea where Sherman’s troops looted and pillaged farms and towns all along the 300-mile road to Savannah.

Captured in the Confederate defeat at Jonesborough was William Martin Buchanan of Okolona, Mississippi, who was transferred by rail to the Union POW stockade at Camp Douglas, Illinois.

By the standards of modernity, my great-grandfather, fighting to prevent the torching of Georgia’s capital, was engaged in a criminal and immoral cause. And “Uncle Billy” Sherman was a liberator.

Under President Grant, Sherman took command of the Union army and ordered Gen. Philip Sheridan, who had burned the Shenandoah Valley to starve Virginia into submission, to corral the Plains Indians on reservations.

It is in dispute as to whether Sheridan said, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.” There is no dispute as to the contempt Sheridan had for the Indians, killing their buffalo to deprive them of food.

Today, great statues stand in the nation’s capital, along with a Sherman and a Sheridan circle, to honor these most ruthless of generals in that bloodiest of wars that cost 620,000 American lives.

Yet, across the South and even in border states like Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri, one may find statues of Confederate soldiers in town squares to honor the valor and sacrifices of the Southern men and boys who fought and fell in the Lost Cause.

When the Spanish-American War broke out, President McKinley, who as a teenage soldier had fought against “Stonewall” Jackson in the Shenandoah and been at Antietam, bloodiest single-day battle of the Civil War, removed his hat and stood for the singing of “Dixie,” as Southern volunteers and former Confederate soldiers paraded through Atlanta to fight for their united country. My grandfather was in that army.

For a century, Americans lived comfortably with the honoring, North and South, of the men who fought on both sides.

But today’s America is not the magnanimous country we grew up in.

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Since the ’60s, there has arisen an ideology that holds that the Confederacy was the moral equivalent of Nazi Germany and those who fought under its battle flag should be regarded as traitors or worse.

Thus, in New Orleans, statues of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States of America, and General Robert E. Lee were just pulled down. And a drive is underway to take down the statue of Andrew Jackson, hero of the Battle of New Orleans and president of the United States, which stands in Jackson Square.

Why? Old Hickory was a slave owner and Indian fighter who used his presidential power to transfer the Indians of Georgia out to the Oklahoma Territory in a tragedy known as the Trail of Tears.

But if Jackson, and James K. Polk, who added the Southwest and California to the United States after the Mexican-American War, were slave owners, so, too, were four of our first five presidents.

The list includes the father of our country, George Washington, the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, and the author of our Constitution, James Madison.

Not only are the likenesses of Washington and Jefferson carved on Mount Rushmore, the two Virginians are honored with two of the most magnificent monuments and memorials in Washington, D.C.

Behind this remorseless drive to blast the greatest names from America’s past off public buildings, and to tear down their statues and monuments, is an egalitarian extremism rooted in envy and hate.

Among its core convictions is that spreading Christianity was a cover story for rapacious Europeans who, after discovering America, came in masses to dispossess and exterminate native peoples. “The white race,” wrote Susan Sontag, “is the cancer of human history.”

Today, the men we were taught to revere as the great captains, explorers, missionaries and nation-builders are seen by many as part of a racist, imperialist, genocidal enterprise, wicked men who betrayed and eradicated the peace-loving natives who had welcomed them.

What they blindly refuse to see is that while its sins are scarlet, as are those of all civilizations, it is the achievements of the West that are unrivaled. The West ended slavery. Christianity and the West gave birth to the idea of inalienable human rights.

As scholar Charles Murray has written, 97 percent of the world’s most significant figures and 97 percent of the world’s greatest achievements in the arts, architecture, literature, astrology, biology, earth sciences, physics, medicine, mathematics and technology came from the West.

What is disheartening is not that there are haters of our civilization out there, but that there seem to be fewer defenders.

Of these icon-smashers it may be said: Like ISIS and Boko Haram, they can tear down statues, but these people could never build a country.

What happens, one wonders, when these Philistines discover that the seated figure in the statue, right in front of D.C.’s Union Station, is the High Admiral of the Ocean Sea, Christopher Columbus?

Happy Memorial Day!
Alabama passes law making it illegal to remove Confederate monuments

Outstanding! :applaudit: I'm thrilled to see there's still some real men & true Americans in the Alabama state congress.
Woman wants one of my favorite cars removed. Were I there I'd have told her to go fack off down to the swamp to go fetch her dinner.

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Woman wants one of my favorite cars removed. Were I there I'd have told her to go fack off down to the swamp to go fetch her dinner.

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P1$$ on that simple-minded, reactionary, sheeple skank & all like her. She needs to 'remove' herself...from amongst the living!
I went on an overnight backpacking trip to a rural part of Virginia this weekend. On one stretch of about two miles of road there were five Confederate flags flying outside of houses, including two on one pickup truck. It was a beautiful sight.
I went on an overnight backpacking trip to a rural part of Virginia this weekend. On one stretch of about two miles of road there were five Confederate flags flying outside of houses, including two on one pickup truck. It was a beautiful sight.

We have a lotta battle flags flying here in north Georgia (where real men reside). It’s primarily Atlanta metro where one can find a bevy of leftist sissies, punks & 2 bit thugs. ;)
American Freedom News